R.I.P. George H. W. Bush.

OldT, I know of literally 0 liberals and dems who want no limits on who can come in and who want completely open borders. That's another complete lie spread by cons to give a false equivalency "both sides" fallacy. Only one side is 100% wrong, and it's the side that wants the useless wall.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-17-2019, 02:59 PM

Actually, I know many activists ISIS who believe essentially that. That anyone who applies for asylum has a right to come in. That screening should be minimal if at all. That until they commit a crime HERE that should not disqualify them from entry, because they probably only did the crime because of the bad situation they were in.

Last time I was in a border state the people I was staying with took me to a meeting at their church where multiple people spoke out that it was un-Christian not to accept them on face value.

Certainly not the majority, but there are extremists in the Left as well.
Many in churches groups
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-17-2019, 04:04 PM
No idea where that "ISIS" came from. I hate autocorrect!
Should have been Libs
Little Monster's Avatar
No idea where that "ISIS" came from. I hate autocorrect!
Should have been Libs
Originally Posted by Old-T
Quit lying boy!!! Old-T just gave himself up, he associates with ISIS members!! I would say that the feds are gonna come and kick your door in, beat the shit out of you, and arrest you but they're probably not working right now thanks to TRUMP's govt shutdown
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-17-2019, 10:12 PM
Quit lying boy!!! Old-T just gave himself up, he associates with ISIS members!! I would say that the feds are gonna come and kick your door in, beat the shit out of you, and arrest you but they're probably not working right now thanks to TRUMP's govt shutdown Originally Posted by Little Monster
First they have to find me!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Wrong?" as in "immoral?"

We're talking about extending a wall, vast portions have been assembled already and funded by other Presidents and Congress. All Trump is proposing is completing and extending it.

As for compromise "not being the answer" then what is the answer?

Compromise is always the answer in negotiations. It's either that or take out your pistols and start firing. Originally Posted by pussycat
Trump was offered something like $1.6 billion a while ago and turned it down. The compromise is to end the shutdown, pass a funding bill that will not pay for the wall, and continue to work on whether or not the wall should be funded in its entirety.

The wall that Trump wanted in the beginning goes far beyond anything that currently exists. It is not just a matter of extending or completing what currently exists. There is no wall on the Mexico border that is 18-30 feet high with the base made of concrete and steel slats at the top with technology built in to detect tunneling and other illegal activity. But Trump has changed what he is asking for so many times I don't know what his current proposal is.

"Though Trump denies changing his position, he no longer seeks a monolithic, 30-foot-tall concrete wall stretching for more than 2,000 miles (3,218 kilometers). Plans now call for a more modest, 722-mile barrier that is a mix of wall and fencing, mostly updating what’s been in place for decades, while relying on drones and other methods to secure the rest."

If this is what Trump is really proposing today, he should come out and tell us that and also update the cost figures for such a barrier.
The fake news really outdid themselves. They just proved that what Trump was saying about the fake news was correct the whole time. When I read that article from Buzzfeed ( I read it on CNN as they had it splattered all over the place)
I said - that's bullshit. It's really getting out of hand.
I'm just gonna sit back and watch the dems implode on themselves. But first, Ima gonna make some popcorn..
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  • Old-T
  • 01-19-2019, 09:52 AM
Ellen, so awesome of you to point out when the LWWs lie.
Too bad you refuse to see, acknowledge, or care when the RWWs or Trump lie. The proper thing is to condemn lies on both sides, but you, like Wackos of both sides, only decry half the lies.

Why? It isn't because you are stupid. It isn't because you don't see them.
So why be so hypocritical?

Why no outrage when Trump blatantly lies about conversations with other presidents? Why no outrage when he lies about federal workers claiming to praise him for cutting off their pay checks (sounds just like a quote from Mao's Little Red Book)? Why no outrage when he blatantly claims that a prayer drug is proof of a terrorist?

Why be such a selective condemned of lies? Are lies that further hate and justify ruining American lives acceptable to you?

Truth should be praised, lies condemned. Not selectively.
Oh both sides lie. Totally agree. Does Trump lie? Yes.
The thing is - in politics - you gotta pick one that you can support and the one who will win. And I think the left lies more (and more viciously) then Trump.
Precious_b's Avatar
. And I think the left lies more (and more viciously) then Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I'd like to see a qualitative analysis on that.

The angle of one lie is a cost of $5 billion.
Correction, there is one lie that is bound to cost $5 billion while it currently is holding hundreds of thousands of people as indentured servants.

Tell me again the acid test you use to determine who lies treat people "viciously" but in real life.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
And I think the left lies more (and more viciously) then Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Now here is where I actually agree with Ellen. If you tally up all the lies combined of every left-leaning person in history and compare that number with all the lies from this one man, Donald J. Trump, the left squeaks by with a few more lies.
Precious_b's Avatar
Now, now, CnC, seeing that Ellen throws out something that can't be qualitatively measured, lets go by quantity.

Halfway through Fearless Leader first term reign, those that brought the hip waders are the only ones doing well.

...as opposed to the entire two terms of the guy that supposedly the Wall was suppose to be for.

One is inverse of the other.

I'll wait for Ellen to show the chart showing the vicious scale.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
[QUOTE=Cap'n Crunch;1061198757]Now here is where I actually agree with Ellen. If you tally up all the lies combined of every left-leaning person in history and compare that number with all the lies from this one man, Donald J. Trump, the left squeaks by with a few more lies.[/QUOTE

I am not going to go back to the dawn of history and count how many lies people on the left have told vs. how many lies people on the right have told. I only have to compare Obama vs. Trump. I challenge people to point out lies or even misleading statements Obama told while either running for office of while in office.



In 710 days, President Trump has made 7,645
false or misleading claims

The Fact Checker’s ongoing database of the false or misleading claims made by President Trump since assuming office.

Oh my! I'm watching ABC This week and Kristin Gillibrand is running for President! Yeah, I hope the Dems pick her. Another loon in the bunch.

One thing that they brought up were some kids in MAGA hats disrespecting an elder Native American. I don't understand.
I would smack any kid upside their head if I saw them disrespecting an elder. That is so unacceptable.

And as for lies - back in the stone age when I went to college and took my psychology classes I learned that everybody lies - it's a human trait.
Precious_b's Avatar

Still posting to just get a reaction, eh Ellen?
Americas' diet of water and rice crispys have fried our neural connections early in the current administration.
Keep the misdirection up so as not to address pointed queries.

Those natives put up with alot. Especially those claiming to be Americans who are in office. Have them walk in as opposed to going through Ellis Island.

And when did we go from degrees of lying to everyone lies?