I talked to several individuals while traveling in those countries I mentioned. Not one complained about the system. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Maybe because they were born in, grew up in that system. What we are talking about here, is completely changing our system which plenty of people, especially those that worked hard for their success, would most certainly complain about.
And the differences between Denmark and the US, is a list to long to even contemplate.
Why do people persist in thinking that a system that "works well" for say 6 million people, the majority of whom, look alike, speak alike, live alike, can work equally well in a country of 330 million, multi-cultural society who by the way, is the leader of the free world including those 6 million, who we protect with our very expensive, over whelming military force that deters aggression that would surely overwhelm little Denmark if we the US, didn't exist or had a less effective military.