Your version is eerily like bullshit.
Here is a link to the video that proves your version is bullshit.
Paraphrasing + lack of links= bullshit.
Or am I wrong? Do you have any links that back your version?
Chirp, chirp
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Dear Munchmasterman
thanks for the exchange. i think that an open exchange with truth as the goal and candor and goodwill the medium is enlightening and mind expanding.
now as to my post that you copied and remarked upon:
elements of what makes a post true or perhaps a better phrase is "more true than not", in other words what makes a post not bullshit as you say mine is, are more than, in this case, exact words of a meeting being quoted.
first there is the context of your exchange with COG.:
His point was along the lines that health care etc was not bipartisan and i think he did say there weren't meetings. you were adamant there were.
now the truth is, there was technically a meeting but it was sham in nature. both sides knew it was, it was political. the repubs went knowing it was worthless but they had to go because all before they were lamenting that the process should be bi-partisan and they should have input, so obama gave them a meeting and to not go , well they would be crucified by the media and made to seem mere obstructionists.
have you ever gone to a meeting and you get there, and you realize there had been a behind the scenes meeting already and everything that the meeting was supposed to be about had already been decided beforehand by those who were in cahoots? well i have. this meeting was very similar to that but even more so, it was for rubes and partisans and water-carriers to be excited about.
so the truth of whether there had or had not been a meeting is, technically yes, substantively, no. I think COG wins that round even if just by spirit rather than the letter.
my post was an attempt to convey that in what was supposed to be a humorous yet sarcastic way and short enough to read easily to drive home the idea the meeting was pointless. it was never meant to be verbatim but to accurately convey the sham nature of the meeting.
As to having to post a link to not make a post bullshit:
well granted you don't realize my uncanny memory (lol) and dont trust my recall like i do, but to post some however many hours of a link to support the point of my post was worthless. to have you or any reader of my post, scan through pages of transcript or watch hours of video, well all they would come away with is, yes there was a meeting and wasnt it nice. the smarmy imperiousness of obama at the meeting would be lost. the object of his to merely fill up time until the meeting was over would be lost. the dismissiveness and short shriftness of obama would be lost. now i had watched the meeting as it transpired, well as much as i could take, and my recall is fairly accurate. the conversations i typed weren't meant to be exact nor complete, but those words, the meaning i typed, were said in substance.
as to your link proving what i said was bullshit, well thats your opinion and to be honest, i havent clicked on your link. i seldom click on any link nor read long paste and copies in here. its just too much, i keep up with things on a more than casual basis and i do have a good memory, thats not to say i cant make a mistake and i certainly can be wrong, just ask WTF. but instead of reading or watching links, id rather read something someone posts for an understanding of the heart of the person and their world view and to address that in what i would consider a logical manner.
Now you may be most interested in whether any of the exchanges, where granted i took literary license to make a point, i posted, as between John McCain and obama, or Lamar Alexander and obama, or Paul Ryan etc, were ever said or nearly said, or conveyed in essence a real exchange between the parties.
You force me to wander through pages of transcript and then copy those exchanges and paste them to prove it to you. to get to the meaning i posted, and i didnt type or try to type or try to even recall every word sentence or paragraph Lamar Alexander may have said for example (but i just gave a few words for an understanding of what they were saying), i'd still have to edit their words down to a select few in my paste and copy that matched what i typed. As to obama's responses to these men, they are almost verbatim and copying and pasting his responses are more easily accomplished without editing down to make them succinctly match my post.
So now i'm off to find a transcript to paste and copy the exchanges i referred to.