The Art Of An Introduction Letter

Tim the Enchanter's Avatar

about 3 paragraphs + screening info.

have yet to have a woman say "that's way too much info, pmd. buzz off!!" Originally Posted by pmdelites
Haven't had that either - but I have had a woman (whose website invited exchange of getting to know you e-mails) respond to 3 (short) paragraphs + screening info with "love to meet you, please provide screening info."

Needless to say - if you ask for it, please read it ... feel free to take a break to commune with the armchair when necessary.
Now I have a question for the gents. When you take the time to write, you - well, have the time at that moment or you would write us once you did. When we get the email, it might not be at a very good time. Sometimes we are slow and sometimes we are so busy we can't catch our breath. That said, would you rather a quick reply of a few short lines letting you know we got your email and will take more time to read it when we get a break? Or would you rather we don't respond until we have the time to sit down and do a proper response?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Now I have a question for the gents. When you take the time to write, you - well, have the time at that moment or you would write us once you did. When we get the email, it might not be at a very good time. Sometimes we are slow and sometimes we are so busy we can't catch our breath. That said, would you rather a quick reply of a few short lines letting you know we got your email and will take more time to read it when we get a break? Or would you rather we don't respond until we have the time to sit down and do a proper response? Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Now you know I'm not sending an "essay" to begin with, but something like "Thanks, got your note. I'm traveling but I'll respond with more in a few days." is fine with me.

The actual confirmation of (human, not form reply like the other poster suggested) reciept is big regardless if the answer id yes, no, maybe, or like I outlined above. At least I'm not sitting around wondering if my email ended up in your spam filter,
Now I have a question for the gents. When you take the time to write, you - well, have the time at that moment or you would write us once you did. When we get the email, it might not be at a very good time. Sometimes we are slow and sometimes we are so busy we can't catch our breath. That said, would you rather a quick reply of a few short lines letting you know we got your email and will take more time to read it when we get a break? Or would you rather we don't respond until we have the time to sit down and do a proper response? Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Much prefer a quick “Thanks, I got your note and will follow up shortly”. Only of course if you do.

It lets me know you got my e-mail, that it didn’t go astray, get eaten by some anti-spam filter etc.
When I do an initial contact, I ask and reconfirm with the lady would still be visiting my area (as advertised). Depending on the website requirements, I'll will put in the screening info requests: Name, biz, addy, phone number, cock size (no wait that isn't *usually* there), and date and location to book.

A few times I have sent that without a specific time because I want to get that preliminary info and screening done ahead of time, so it would not be a rush for the lady nor me. I have had some mixed reviews by doing that. I will still do it on the basis of being efficient, and if the lady cannot handle that then maybe a meeting wasn't meant to be.

I know I have expressed myself well enough or in email to where the lady did little or no screening and we just went forward. As many have mentioned the "vibe" can make or break a meeting.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
Now I have a question for the gents. When you take the time to write, you - well, have the time at that moment or you would write us once you did. When we get the email, it might not be at a very good time. Sometimes we are slow and sometimes we are so busy we can't catch our breath. That said, would you rather a quick reply of a few short lines letting you know we got your email and will take more time to read it when we get a break? Or would you rather we don't respond until we have the time to sit down and do a proper response? Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I'd rather wait for a complete response. A quick note saying 'I got your email' is nice but too many times, the follow-up gets forgotten. I can usually wait a few days for a nice email.

My big pet peeves with emails is not answering my questions. For example, I recently asked a lady about dining preferences. She answered 'I'm fine with either'. That's great. I'm not left wondering if she'll like my sometimes somewhat exotic dining choices because she didn't say anything. I understand ignoring questions about fees or crude questions.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-12-2010, 12:27 AM
Haven't had that either - but I have had a woman (whose website invited exchange of getting to know you e-mails) respond to 3 (short) paragraphs + screening info with "love to meet you, please provide screening info."

Needless to say - if you ask for it, please read it ... feel free to take a break to commune with the armchair when necessary. Originally Posted by Tim the Enchanter
Ms Summerhill, please come over here and properly respond to Tim, he is sooooo Enchanting!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-25-2010, 08:37 PM
Haven't had that either - but I have had a woman (whose website invited exchange of getting to know you e-mails) respond to 3 (short) paragraphs + screening info with "love to meet you, please provide screening info."

Needless to say - if you ask for it, please read it ... feel free to take a break to commune with the armchair when necessary. Originally Posted by Tim the Enchanter
dg, I do not think I am alone in pointing out contrasting statements
discreetgent's Avatar
Pretty desperate going back 2 weeks to use a post when you didn't understand what you were responding to elselwhere. lol
atlcomedy's Avatar
u2 need to get a room
discreetgent's Avatar
dear god no lol
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-25-2010, 09:13 PM
Not sureI'd pass his screening, atl.
discreetgent's Avatar
lmao; very funny; i like
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-25-2010, 09:24 PM
Nice way to end a lively discussion.

Good night all.
CajunGent's Avatar
A gentleman should properly introduce himself to a lady. That is what a initial letter of introduction is about. It should be your way of smiling, extending your hand in warm friendship to the lady, and asking if she would like to accompany you on a date. The fact that you are paying for the date, should not interfere with your obligation to be a gentleman. (something that should be exercised before, during and after the date as well).

A proper gentleman should also consider writing her after the date, to thank her for her time, and to let her know how beautiful she was.

Just a few thoughts from a Cajun Gent. It is the french in me that says... Be a gentleman.