The Mueller report

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I’d like to know how people can see something with their own eyes and then deny it exists?

Is this a cultural thing? A byproduct of a failed education system? A genetic mutation?

How can you see the sun rise and then swear to the world there is no sun, and then go on living like there was nothing unusual about it?

Or is it all about “blastin’ 0zombies?”

Doesn’t matter, fellas. You are the base. Gobbling up everything Trump serves you.

The whole world heard what Mueller said.

Trump’s a fucking crook.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I’d like to know how people can see something with their own eyes and then deny it exists?

see what? liberal bias against conservative America?

Is this a cultural thing? A byproduct of a failed education system? A genetic mutation?

it's an American thing. if you don't get it, you never will.

How can you see the sun rise and then swear to the world there is no sun, and then go on living like there was nothing unusual about it?

Or is it all about “blastin’ 0zombies?”

Doesn’t matter, fellas. You are the base. Gobbling up everything Trump serves you.

The whole world heard what Mueller said.

we heard a doddering old fuck establishment asshole shit himself on national tv. and couldn't prove a damn thing. what a ratings bonanza. for Trump.

Trump’s a fucking crook.

Period. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Mueller is a sad sack of shit who looked like it. did they change his diapers during the break or let him continue to stink up the place?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I’d like to know how people can see something with their own eyes and then deny it exists?

Is this a cultural thing? A byproduct of a failed education system? A genetic mutation?

How can you see the sun rise and then swear to the world there is no sun, and then go on living like there was nothing unusual about it?

Or is it all about “blastin’ 0zombies?”

Doesn’t matter, fellas. You are the base. Gobbling up everything Trump serves you.

The whole world heard what Mueller said.

Trump’s a fucking crook.

Period. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It's like a cult.
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The "Mueller Hearings" haven't started ..... yet.

The "Steele Dossier" aka trash rag wasn't within the "scope" of his investigation ..... but someone's 10 year old tax error WAS?

^^^^ Here's Mueller's concept of "within his scope"!!!!!

He looked and sounded like he was having mental issues?

It's like a cult.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Mueller on Trump's WikiLeaks tweets: 'Problematic is an understatement'
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Trump didn't pay the Russians to do a damn thing. hildebeest did! The American dollar is a helluva lot more fungible than a fucking "Tweet".

If anyone is spouting nonsense it’s you. The investigation started by piss boy has nothing to do with the Russian counterintelligence investigation. The FBI began that investigation long before piss boy became AG and all evidence collected by team Mueller regarding their investigation was transferred to the FBI. The IG and his shadow are investigating the FBI for evidence of the so called Deep State Conspiracy for Putin’s punk and his sympathizers. That’s the reality.
What is more nonsense is your description of Muellers testimony. He did not exonerate trump from conspiracy. He implied the destruction of evidence and lies told by trump associates kept the investigation from establishing proof beyond a reasonable doubt the trump campaign committed conspiracy.

Not to worry, I’m watching for the transcripts. I’ll send ya a few page numbers.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You obviously missed the part where Mueller was educated on his powers as a prosecutor. Mueller didn't have the power to exonerate a ham sandwich.

You're Putin's puppet who swallowed and disseminated the disinformation hildebeest bought and pored down your throat.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump didn't pay the Russians to do a damn thing. hildebeest did! The American dollar is a helluva lot more fungible than a fucking "Tweet".

You obviously missed the part where Mueller was educated on his powers as a prosecutor. Mueller didn't have the power to exonerate a ham sandwich.

You're Putin's puppet who swallowed and disseminated the disinformation hildebeest bought and pored down your throat.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I want to ask you one simple question...” Do you believe the Russians attacked the Democracy of The United States of America.” if you answered “ No” then you Sir are the sympathizer. It’s you drinking the toxic cocktail severed daily in the modern day conservative media.

Btw..I love the new tag “Moscow Mitch” given by a long time conservative Joe Scarborough
I want to ask you one simple question...” Do you believe the Russians attacked the Democracy of The United States of America.” Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yes, I believe that the Russians have been attacking the Democracy of The United States of America since at least the 1950's. Happens every election cycle and particularly during POTUS elections and we should be vigilant.

The last major reported attacks took place during the 2016 POTUS election cycle, so I think the POTUS in power then is ultimately responsible for anything that happened. Do you agree?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I want to ask you one simple question...” Do you believe the Russians attacked the Democracy of The United States of America.” if you answered “ No” then you Sir are the sympathizer. It’s you drinking the toxic cocktail severed daily in the modern day conservative media.

Btw..I love the new tag “Moscow Mitch” given by a long time conservative Joe Scarborough
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I damn well know that the hildebeest bought and peddled Russian disinformation targeting the 2016 election was sourced to at least two of Putin's close associates: Vladislav Surkov and Vyacheslav Trubnikov, and that hildebeest associate, Glenn Simpson, met with purported Russian agent Natalia Veselnitskaya at least twice as many times as Trump Jr. I also know the Russians contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation seeking favorable consideration from the sitting U.S. Secretary of State and that the Russians paid the husband of the sitting Secretary of State an half million dollars for a thirty minute speech.

Yeah, the fucking Russians are all the fucking time trying to interfere with American politics.

That's what the fuck they do!

That's also why I'm laughing my fucking ass off at the suddenly shocked and discombobulated Odumbo minions who swallowed Odumbo's BS in 2012 when he ACTUALLY had the ignorant audacity to say: "The 1980's called, they want their foreign policy back."
Jaxson66's Avatar
READ: Senate Intelligence Report On Russian Interference In The 2016 Election

I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election.
That allegation deserves the attention of every American.
Robert Mueller
Jaxson66's Avatar
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1061649174][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]I damn well know that the hildebeest bought and peddled Russian disinformation targeting the 2016 election was sourced to at least two of Putin's close associates: Vladislav Surkov and Vyacheslav Trubnikov, and that hildebeest associate, Glenn Simpson, met with purported Russian agent Natalia Veselnitskaya at least twice as many times as Trump Jr. I also know the Russians contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation seeking favorable consideration from the sitting U.S. Secretary of State and that the Russians paid the husband of the sitting Secretary of State an half million dollars for a thirty minute speech.

Yeah, the fucking Russians are all the fucking time trying to interfere with American politics.

But, but, but... Clinton, but, but, but...Obama...but, but, but no clear answer to the question
  • oeb11
  • 07-26-2019, 08:59 AM
J666 -Quote- I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments
The report is not an "Indictment" - that is a criminal action from a Grand Jury.

Please keep your stuff straight

Now - I agree that Russian interference in US electionn process is a significant concern. McConnel's stand is that the States regulate their own electoral process - that steps have already been taken to secure the elctoral process, and federal intervention in a State matter is unnecessary.

Not sure i agree - I would like to see a coordinated effort on a bi-partisan fashion to provide aid and expertise to all the States to secure the election Process. Republicans seem to be stone-walling - and it is a poor political move.

Republicans in Senate should move along the ideas of McConnell to help provide electoral security - but not take it over as a Federal Process. Voting management is a Right Reserved to the states, under our Constitution.

Very much like to Republican effort to repeal the ACA without a better alternative presented. Bad mistakes.
READ: Senate Intelligence Report On Russian Interference In The 2016 Election

I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election.
That allegation deserves the attention of every American.
Robert Mueller Originally Posted by Jaxson66
And again, who didn't take action on the this in 2016?

No one knows what actual actions are being taken today for election counter intelligence.

So your summary remains. Obama dropped the ball in 2016, we should all be vigilant moving forward, and you have not f'ing clue what's being done today to address this.

Is that a good assessment of where you stand?
I B Hankering's Avatar
But, but, but... Clinton, but, but, but...Obama...but, but, but no clear answer to the question

] Originally Posted by Jaxson66

The whole, damn investigation is predicated on Russian disinformation bought and peddled by hildebeest! Only genuinely unintelligent morons cannot see that and continue to deny that.

The fact that Team Mueller prosecuted Manafort for ten year old tax crimes but didn't investigate the $1 million hildebeest spent on Russian disinformation proves Mueller's "Russia" investigation was bullshit.

The truth is coming out. Even the New York Times has conceded that hildebeest's bought and paid for Steele dossier was Russian disinformation, and that reality will become even more evident in September.
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, the fucking Russians are all the fucking time trying to interfere with American politics.

That's what the fuck they do!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
...but, but, but no clear answer to the question Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Huh? No clear answer? Is your comprehension completely shot to hell???

IB couldn't have been clearer. He fucking agreed. Yeah, the Rooskis tried to interfere. You just don't like the way he put it in proper context!!

The truth is coming out. Even the New York Times has conceded that hildebeest's bought and paid for Steele dossier was Russian disinformation, and that reality will become even more evident in September. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Truth out, baby!

Even the New York Fucking Times can see which way the wind is blowing.

Pass the popcorn to Jaxboy. He's about to git edumacated!
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
Can't believe people are still blowing on ashes that have no more glowing embers.

Everyone who is left with an nanogram of intellectual honesty knows this is over...and has been over. The only ones clinging to the flimsiest thread that they think rises to something akin to lying under oath to Congress (the last time we impeached someone) is demonstrating true desperation...and nothing is more pathetic to watch than someone who is desperately trying to convince others that what they see and believe is the truth....when everyone else has long ago decided to resume life, and move on.

Posted this 2 weeks true today (if not more after the Mueller train wreck) than it was then:

The average low information voter doesn't give a shit anymore. Those that hung their hat on wishing/hoping/wanting something to happen to Trump who were fixated on the CNN and MSNBC cheerleading Trump's demise are washed up now....because those folks saw "there is no fire here" and stopped watching or caring. If you were watching CNN and MSNBC, you were already never going to vote Trump in the first place. The average American is done with this shit, and wishes the government would actually do something that affects them personally rather than watch rich, lazy Congressmen puff out their chests for their own aggrandizement. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
It really is time for Congress to get back to work for every American....not just the very small and radical element of a single demographic.

Pelosi understands that some members need to keep up the rhetoric for their home districts....that's fine....won't amount to anything, but helps them in their district....but they need to stop filling the toilet with tampons and backing up the entire system for everyone else.