For those who need proof of election fraud....

Voter roles should be purged at least bi-annually so people stop using their dead grandmothers to vote. I personally think you should have to re-register for every election.
bambino's Avatar
Voter roles should be purged at least bi-annually so people stop using their dead grandmothers to vote. I personally think you should have to re-register for every election. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
That’s nonsensical. If you voted in the last election why should you need to re-register for the next election.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why do I have to ~pay~ to reregister my cars every year? Do the government computers blow up annually, or do they just want to stick their fingers in my wallet again?
bambino's Avatar
Why do I have to ~pay~ to reregister my cars every year? Do the government computers blow up annually, or do they just want to stick their fingers in my wallet again? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Hey, you hit a nerve. Politicians would rather be able to cheat than steal your money. That tells you something! They have to win before they can steal your money.
bambino's Avatar
That’s nonsensical. If you voted in the last election why should you need to re-register for the next election. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Maybe you died?
Maybe you moved?
Maybe you got married and changed your last name?
Maybe you're a woman trapped in a man's body and finally decided to transition, and you changed your first name?
Maybe you're now a convicted felon, and your state's laws revoke your right to vote.

Registering to vote is free for end users, why not do it every election if it helps safeguard it? It's not a car registration or a drivers license that costs money.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That’s nonsensical. If you voted in the last election why should you need to re-register for the next election. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

you claim to be a lawyer and you ask that?

it's ... THE LAW.

Stacy Abrams Tech Firm was responsible for counting the vote in Fulton County. Oversight was by a Nigerian Citizen. Unbelievable. Originally Posted by bambino

World Tribune is rated as a questionable, far-right propaganda, low-factual reporting and credibility site. They are worse than Fox News. Why anyone with a brain would trust anything that World Tribune spews out is beyond me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
World Tribune is rated as a questionable, far-right propaganda, low-factual reporting and credibility site. They are worse than Fox News. Why anyone with a brain would trust anything that World Tribune spews out is beyond me. Originally Posted by Echoplex
Well you came to the right place! Stick around, you’ll see some serious crazy news sources.

Welcome to the forum.
goodman0422's Avatar
It's not a car registration or a drivers license that costs money. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Registering every election would actually save money. Think about all the millions of mail in ballots that won't need to be sent out simply because people died. That's at least a forest full of trees we'd be saving. Let's do it for mother nature.

Or is this one of those times where we don't care about the planet?
winn dixie's Avatar
Stacy Abrams Tech Firm was responsible for counting the vote in Fulton County. Oversight was by a Nigerian Citizen. Unbelievable. Originally Posted by bambino
World Tribune is rated as a questionable, far-right propaganda, low-factual reporting and credibility site. They are worse than Fox News. Why anyone with a brain would trust anything that World Tribune spews out is beyond me. Originally Posted by Echoplex
Its all true and factual. Who cares who wrote the piece!
Everywhere and everything abrams touches is scandalous !
Lucas McCain's Avatar
World Tribune is rated as a questionable, far-right propaganda, low-factual reporting and credibility site. They are worse than Fox News. Why anyone with a brain would trust anything that World Tribune spews out is beyond me. Originally Posted by Echoplex
Are you trying to tell me that any site or blog can make up election fraud on the internet? Do you really think people are that gullible? You're wrong, sir. It's on the internet so it has to be factual. Everything is fact checked on the internet. And yes, my real name is Lucas McCain and your real name is obviously Echoplex because it's on the internet so it has to be true. LOL
you claim to be a lawyer and you ask that?

it's ... THE LAW.

BAHHAHHHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No it isn’t.
bambino's Avatar
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Michigan State Senators Mike Shirkey and Ed McBroom are doing everything possible to stop Voter Audits in order to hide the truth about November 3rd. The Senate “investigation” of the election is a cover up, and a method of getting out of a Forensic Audit for the examination of the Presidential contest.

Corrupt (?) politicians falsely claim there was no Voter Fraud in Michigan (has anyone looked at what is considered the most corrupt election city in the U.S., DETROIT?), however, they admit to “problems with the numbers” that rigged 7,048 votes to illegally give a very conservative county to Joe Biden, which raised big signals, only to then find that it was actually President Trump that won the county by 3,788 votes, not Biden.

The report mentions that Detroit engaged in “illegal actions” by blocking our poll workers, and concludes mailing of unsolicited ballot applications “demonstrates a clear vulnerability for fraud”, and then goes on to say that no one should question this election?

Instead of doing a Forensic Audit, they want to investigate the Patriots who have fought for the truth and who are exposing a very possibly Rigged Election. The truth will come out and RINO’s will pay at the polls, especially with primary voters and expected challenges. Our Country was based on Free and Fair Elections, and that’s what we must have!

Call those two Senators now and get them to do the right thing, or vote them the hell out of office!

Contact: Sen. Mike Shirkey: (517) 373-5932

Contact: Sen. Ed McBroom: (517) 373-7840