The Mueller report

LexusLover's Avatar
Do you believe the Russians attacked the Democracy of The United States of America.” Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Here ...

Gonna blame their existence on Trump, also?

Here's another idiotic question .... to add to yours .....

Do you believe the climate changes?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Here ...

Gonna blame their existence on Trump, also?

Here's another idiotic question .... to add to yours .....

Do you believe the climate changes? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, that first question is really fucking stupid, so why bother

But in regards to climate change...the climate has been changing since man walked upright, mankind has contributed to the changes for survival purposes and time can’t be reversed but mankind could help the Earth heal, but mankind is choosing not to...

Now I’m done with your idiotic questions...You want to get back on the topic which is the Mueller report
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You want to get back on the topic which is the Mueller report Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Back on topic...did you enjoy the hotdogs and nothing burgers at the testimony picnic??
I bet you were one of the ones that went for seconds!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

No wonder we have a constitutional crisis.

I got as far as the Fourth Amendment before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.

Michael Wolff, Fire and Fury

Again who is the one is in THE WHITE HOUSE...and the assclowns trying to unseat him are flowndering
Where is your buddy Jack...he's not weighting in??
He's busy laughing at you.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

You must be younger than thirty.

Why are you trying to convince anyone when you can't convince yourself.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Moscow Mitch the leader of the Trump party should be investigated for aiding and abetting the Russian attack the next day after the Biden inauguration.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections "as we sit here."

McConnell said he wouldn't allow a vote on the bills because they were "so partisan," but, as previously reported, earlier this year McConnell received a slew of donations from four of the top voting machine lobbyists in the country.
I read that in the nation inquirer also...I'm worried to Jax!!
lustylad's Avatar
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security.... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The second bill, presented by Senator Richard Blumenthal, would require political candidates and their staff and family members to notify the FBI about any offers of assistance from foreign governments.

Hey Jax - Would that mean it's still ok to SOLICIT assistance? Like paying Putin's agents to concoct a phony dossier?

Sounds like Mitch is blocking a bad piece of legislation... Blumenthal is a slimeball who undoubtedly stuck all kinds of poison in this bill, wanting Mitch to kill it so the phony slimeball could posture (just like he did when he pretended he served in Vietnam) while covering up hildebeest's 2016 collusion with/acceptance of electoral assistance from both Russians and Ukrainians.
The second bill, presented by Senator Richard Blumenthal, would require political candidates and their staff and family members to notify the FBI about any offers of assistance from foreign governments. Originally Posted by lustylad
how 'bout a bill requiring, not a campaign, but the FBI, to inform a campaign of foreign intrigue instead of presumptuous spying for the other side?

well maybe that already is against the law, but since the fbi is supposed to be our impartial investigative arm, its hard to overcome the foxes in the hen house
Everyone, especially the goofy Liberals put a lid on it. This Russian Soap Opera is dead. The Mueller report and Mueller's testimony proved it is no longer a viable topic. The Democrats need to set their sights on 2024 that's all they have left to look forward too.
bambino's Avatar
Everyone, especially the goofy Liberals put a lid on it. This Russian Soap Opera is dead. The Mueller report and Mueller's testimony proved it is no longer a viable topic. The Democrats need to set their sights on 2024 that's all they have left to look forward too. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Will AOC be old enough to run for POTUS then?
Will AOC be old enough to run for POTUS then? Originally Posted by bambino
Possibly, If not the Dems will alter documents, Birth Cert ect. Ya know they are good for that sort of thing.