Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

rduke4923's Avatar
Yeah. Question, not mock. If a word is typed that means nothing in any commonly used language around here, it's appropriate to question it. Maybe it's a valid Sanskrit word. Or perhaps Urdu. We are a diverse city, you know. Originally Posted by 2intexas
I would agree with you however you are forgetting you included in the
sentance 'WTF".

WTF has two common uses and the way it is said expressses what you mean.

"WTF does that mean?" is generally taken in one of two ways.
One, the guy just took what you said as a insult but whants to clarify before his next step.

or the second and more common way of joking or mocking a person for
using the incorrect word or just saying somthing really jacked up.

All pretty comon even for Houston but I did like the Urdu reference that was good.
rduke4923's Avatar
* FACE PALM * Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Nice job with the animation. heh

I post a reply to 2IT that does not concern you and yet you follow me.
I am asking you to leave me alone. I do not want to see you and never will
so stop following me around.

Warmest Regards

R Duke
Nice job with the animation. heh

I post a reply to 2IT that does not concern you and yet you follow me.
I am asking you to leave me alone. I do not want to see you and never will
so stop following me around.

Warmest Regards

R Duke Originally Posted by rduke4923

Your on a thread about me so you are the one who needs to go mind your business on another thread besides this one.. Nobody said I wanted to see you now once again please leave me alone you weirdo

Go have a tea party with luvs2eatchocolate cake and forget about me...
rduke4923's Avatar
Your on a thread about me so you are the one who needs to go mind your business on another thread besides this one.. Nobody said I wanted to see you now once again please leave me alone you weirdo

Go have a tea party with luvs2eatchocolate cake and forget about me... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
No dear this thread is and has always been about when the first cock for money
Would enter your mouth. No one has any interest in you as a person on this thread! That is always wher you have been mistaken so stop following my posts
That do not concern you and leave me alone freak I will not see you!
No dear this thread is and has always been about when the first cock for money
Would enter your mouth. No one has any interest in you as a person on this thread! That is always wher you have been mistaken so stop following my posts
That do not concern you and leave me alone freak I will not see you! Originally Posted by rduke4923
Can you take some honest criticism from an observer?
I'm not defending DM on this post, hell, I'm not even going there.
This is about YOU, RDuke...

When providers read a guy's posting histories and jump to threads SUCH AS THIS ONE... Do you know how you end up looking? Pretty fucking unstable, my friend.
I understand, you've got an axe to grind. I understand you can't stand it that DM is STILL up here, and STILL WINNING, and you want nothing more than to throw a stick in her gears to the machine...
I get it.

But think of how YOU are representing yourself to the hookers.
Dude, you shoulda quit about 20-30 damn posts ago.

I would like to think, that most punishments should befit the crime;
Whatever NSNC shit she pulled (going by YOUR words) you then beat the horse.
You did it.
Now... you're only making yourself look like a butthurt trick who let the likes of DM get the best of you and get under your skin.
If you THINK she is sooooo pathetic as a provider... YET you are the one who is STILL beating HER horse to death (ok, past death. That carcass was rotten months ago. Yet.... You persist.) You keep jocking HER.
So what does that make you?

And you can't even see it.

Continue though.

The board always needs a new piņata...
And us hookers are always on the lookout for who to avoid.

That is not possible with Captain Save A Ho...

He fights Unjustice , in the hopes of a whiff of the panties.
No dear this thread is and has always been about when the first cock for money
Would enter your mouth. No one has any interest in you as a person on this thread! That is always wher you have been mistaken so stop following my posts
That do not concern you and leave me alone freak I will not see you! Originally Posted by rduke4923
Forget the fact that I have a hard-on for DM and try not to speak for everyone when you say "No one has any interest in you as a person on this thread!" Generalizations are seldom correct for 100% of any community.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint does not generalize.
rduke4923's Avatar
Forget the fact that I have a hard-on for DM and try not to speak for everyone when you say "No one has any interest in you as a person on this thread!" Generalizations are seldom correct for 100% of any community. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
My point is and has always been this thread is not about DM but rather
When a act would or would not take place. When I said no one in this thread
Cares about her as a person I was emphasizing to her she as a person
Was not the topic or why anyone followed this thread.
It was never about her but rather the over/under of the act as stated in the title.

There is a clear difference YM. I was not making a generalization but rather once again Repeating the point of the thread that she can not or will not
With respect because I get she is your freind.

R Duke
rduke4923's Avatar
Can you take some honest criticism from an observer?
I'm not defending DM on this post, hell, I'm not even going there.
This is about YOU, RDuke...

When providers read a guy's posting histories and jump to threads SUCH AS THIS ONE... Do you know how you end up looking? Pretty fucking unstable, my friend.
I understand, you've got an axe to grind. I understand you can't stand it that DM is STILL up here, and STILL WINNING, and you want nothing more than to throw a stick in her gears to the machine...
I get it.

But think of how YOU are representing yourself to the hookers.
Dude, you shoulda quit about 20-30 damn posts ago.

I would like to think, that most punishments should befit the crime;
Whatever NSNC shit she pulled (going by YOUR words) you then beat the horse.
You did it.
Now... you're only making yourself look like a butthurt trick who let the likes of DM get the best of you and get under your skin.
If you THINK she is sooooo pathetic as a provider... YET you are the one who is STILL beating HER horse to death (ok, past death. That carcass was rotten months ago. Yet.... You persist.) You keep jocking HER.
So what does that make you?

And you can't even see it.

Continue though.

The board always needs a new piņata...
And us hookers are always on the lookout for who to avoid. Originally Posted by FoxyNC
That was long and it has been a hellofa holiday so I gotta go step by step.

1. You can not classify yourself as a observer when you have posted more
Times with opinions in this city in the past two months than half of the registered fucktards in Houston have in total. Most are lurkers or shy and do not post.

2 the worst argument a enemy can make is " I am giving this advice to help you". Keep your concern. Anyone who has ever met me has given
A great reference and and has visited me again.

3 I do not have a axe to grind. She apologized and I have never raised the
Subject again so you are a misinformed observer repeating the DM
WK line. heh

4 DM said she retired and I am sorry but more than half of the board knew that was bullshit. She has gone from as I think even you called her a "tough throat puncher" to a pathetic joke surrounding herself with WK's ( even some from out of town). I have been commenting on the fact she is back and she has
Repeatedly denied it.

So Foxy as the observer of Houston do you think she is back?
And if so when did she dip her pinky back in this pond?

Warmest regards

R Duke

P.S that tripe about WU and the tailed one on your signature says it all.
What a fucking joke

You have fun in the padded room....
rduke4923's Avatar

That is not possible with Captain Save A Ho...

He fights Unjustice , in the hopes of a whiff of the panties.[/QUOTE

You hear rough sex and the first thin you post is baseball bat.
Oh hell yeah the ladies are going to be lining up to see you!

Keep trying to diminish your moment of honesty.
rduke4923's Avatar

You have fun in the padded room.... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Sure thing slugger
Hey man.... If all you need are soiled panties..... I can hook you up, and even with a baseball bat that was not covered... It has flakes on it like a crispy cream donut in the morning...

Just say the word, I can send them to you...