Random Thoughts

Danielle Reid's Avatar
There’s a lack of black girls at Twin Peaks and they all looked like they were freezing tonight in their bikinis. But I got two of their signatures so I feel a bit star struck ����❤️
Danielle Reid's Avatar
There’s a lack of black girls at Twin Peaks and they all looked like they were freezing tonight in their bikinis. But I got two of their signatures so I feel a bit star struck 😍😍❤️
Danielle Reid's Avatar
The Twin Peaks girls looked like they were freezing to death in their bikinis, but I got two of their signatures so I feel a bit start struck ��❤️
Danielle Reid's Avatar
The Twin Peaks girls looked like they were freezing to death in their bikinis, but I got two of their signatures so I feel a bit start struck 😍❤️
Damn I'm itchy. I need a provider with long nails to fulfill my backscratching fetish lol. I haven't had a decent one in over a decade as far as I can remember. We can make up a hobby abbreviation for it so it won't seem so lame. BKSCR?
No ones getting fat but momma Cass?
Zenovia's Avatar
Laying in bed reading many different state forums and I must say, Arkansas has the best threads and the best responses to the threads (LMAO)
Action/Adventure, Suspense,Romance/Fantasy,Horror,and ofcourse DrAmA.
Gotta luv it
Laying in bed reading many different state forums and I must say, Arkansas has the best threads and the best responses to the threads (LMAO)
Action/Adventure, Suspense,Romance/Fantasy,Horror,and ofcourse DrAmA.
Gotta luv it Originally Posted by Nova Nwa
Lol, yes it does ha ha
Zenovia's Avatar
Lol, yes it does ha ha Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Lol Mr.SpankyJ I seldomly login but when I do it's never a dull moment.
I think soap opera and immediately start thinking of a name for it..lol
Zenovia's Avatar
Lol, yes it does ha ha Originally Posted by SpankyJ
I seldomly login, but when I do.. it's never a dull moment here.
Soap opera comes to mind and I immediately start thinking of a name for it. LOL
Much appreciation for the entertainers!
I seldomly login, but when I do.. it's never a dull moment here.
Soap opera comes to mind and I immediately start thinking of a name for it. LOL
Much appreciation for the entertainers! Originally Posted by Nova Nwa
You're welcome! Always happy to entertain you
I'm beginning to fear the SCUD missiles flying around here. The guidance system on those things is notoriously unreliable.
I'm beginning to fear the SCUD missiles flying around here. The guidance system on those things is notoriously unreliable. Originally Posted by arealone
Mine are upgraded to only hit large targets. Can't speak for the others though...
austin88998833's Avatar
I bought this at Walmart last night… Yuck!

I think I may have to swing by Starbucks for a viable replacement while I'm out running my errands today.

P.S. Good news BK, gourmet coffee won't affect my savings since most of my gentlemen callers indulge my showcase gift suggestions. Starbucks gift cards! Lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Now you tell me????? LOL.
Now you tell me????? LOL. Originally Posted by austin88998833
Something tells me we will have many more opportunities.