The Bills : )

lilylivered's Avatar
yes sometimes
But today Im still billieving : )
The Drummer's Avatar
The Bills look so inconsistent this season, I wouldn't be surprised if they beat the Chiefs on their home turf.

We shall see what we shall see.
lilylivered's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
by 3 win
The Drummer's Avatar
Was a lucky break, but a win is a win.

At the end; they don't ask how they ask how many.
lilylivered's Avatar
Bills could have several more wins with a bit of luck.
Maybe their luck is finally switching the other way
Hope so
They will need it to finish off the year : )
Bills could have several more wins with a bit of luck.
Maybe their luck is finally switching the other way
Hope so
They will need it to finish off the year : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
Too little too late. The Bills have the right recipe but they're using the wrong ratio.
Games are won using 70% skill and 30% luck.
I think a head coach would be fired on the spot if an owner ever heard him say "if we're lucky we'll win today".
Flair4Drama's Avatar

Looks like Mahommely didn't like this weeks late script change from the NFL.....
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
I hear that after the epic collapse yesterday, the team nickname is now the Lolphins.....
The Drummer's Avatar
Been thinking the last couple days about "lucky breaks" vis-a'-vis mistakes: What's the difference between an interception, a fumble, a dropped pass, etc vs lining up off-sides (penalties)? All are lapses in execution -- all are "mistakes".

I realize officiating's been contradictory on calls such as what was witnessed, but they saw it and they called it.

Lucky win? Or KC mistake?
elghund's Avatar
Been thinking the last couple days about "lucky breaks" vis-a'-vis mistakes: What's the difference between an interception, a fumble, a dropped pass, etc vs lining up off-sides (penalties)? All are lapses in execution -- all are "mistakes".

I realize officiating's been contradictory on calls such as what was witnessed, but they saw it and they called it.

Lucky win? Or KC mistake?
Originally Posted by The Drummer
KC’s mistake all season has been riding a group of 2nd string wide receivers, and an OC who should never have been put in place after Eric Bienemy……

obnoxiousram's Avatar
Dallas sucks!
CryptKicker's Avatar
Dallas sucks! Originally Posted by obnoxiousram
So does your MAMA but this is a thread about the Bills. Not Dallas.