For those who need proof of election fraud....

txdot-guy's Avatar
Voter roles should be purged at least bi-annually so people stop using their dead grandmothers to vote. I personally think you should have to re-register for every election. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

You say this because you believe that there is a large number of people voting as their dead grandmother. However there is no proof of any kind that large numbers of people are cheating in this manner.

A solution in need of a problem.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe these people just need to be denied food and water whilst they stand in line on the only day of early voting.

They're dead anyway, right?

bambino's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe these people just need to be denied food and water whilst they stand in line on the only day of early voting.

They're dead anyway, right?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you are aware that Delaware's voting laws are more restrictive than Georgia's, right?

this is what Delaware gets for electing a racist asshole to the Senate.

pfunkdenver's Avatar
you claim to be a lawyer and you ask that?

it's ... THE LAW.

BAHHAHHHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
  • Tiny
  • 06-27-2021, 08:22 PM
Jonathan D. Karl of ABC News is writing a book about the last days of the Trump Administration, Betrayal. Here's an excerpt,

And here's an excerpt from the excerpt,

Barr’s betrayal came on December 1, over lunch in the attorney general’s private dining room with Michael Balsamo, a Justice Department beat reporter at the Associated Press. Also in attendance were the DOJ chief of staff, Will Levi, and spokesperson Kerri Kupec. Balsamo was not told the reason for the invitation. When Barr dropped his bombshell between bites of salad, he mumbled, and Balsamo wasn’t sure that he had caught what the attorney general had said.

“Just to be crystal clear,” Balsamo asked, “are you saying—”

“Sir, I think you better repeat what you just said,” Kupec interjected.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr repeated. This time Balsamo heard him.

Balsamo’s story appeared on the AP newswire shortly after lunch ended: “Disputing Donald Trump’s persistent baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department had uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.”

The story blew a hole in the president’s claims. Nobody seriously questioned Barr’s conservative credentials or whether he had been among Trump’s most loyal cabinet secretaries. His conclusion sent a definitive message that the effort to overturn the election was without merit....

After the lunch with Balsamo, Barr and Levi went to the White House for a previously scheduled meeting with Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. After talking briefly with Meadows, they went upstairs to White House Counsel Pat Cipollone’s office. As they were conferring, one of the counsel’s aides knocked on the door and told Cipollone that the president wanted to see him and then, pointing to Barr, the aide said, “And he is looking for you.”

Barr, Levi, and Cipollone walked to the president’s personal dining room near the Oval Office. Trump was sitting at the table. Meadows was sitting next to him with his arms crossed; the White House adviser Eric Herschmann stood off to the side. The details of this meeting were described to me by several people present. One told me that Trump had “the eyes and mannerism of a madman.”

He went off on Barr.

“I think you’ve noticed I haven’t been talking to you much,” Trump said to him. “I’ve been leaving you alone.”

Barr later told others that the comment was reminiscent of a line in the movie Dr. Strangelove, in which the main character, Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper, says, “I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.” Trump, Barr thought, was saying that he had been denying him his essence.

Trump brought up Barr’s AP interview.

“Did you say that?”

“Yes,” Barr responded.

“How the fuck could you do this to me? Why did you say it?”

“Because it’s true.”

The president, livid, responded by referring to himself in the third person: “You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump.”

Barr thought that the president was trying to control himself, but he seemed angrier than he had ever seen him. His face was red. Barr’s AP interview was dominating every cable news channel except the one Trump was watching. The television in the room was tuned to the right-wing, pro-Trump network One America News, which was broadcasting a committee hearing of the Michigan legislature. The hearing featured disproven allegations of massive election fraud, including the testimony of a woman named Melissa Carone, who had worked at the counting location in Detroit and told the committee, “Everything that happened at the TCF Center was fraud. Every single thing.” The next day, Carone would testify again, next to Rudy Giuliani, during which time she slurred her words and appeared to be drunk. (Carone later denied that she had been drunk.)

“They saw the boxes going in!” Trump yelled, referring to the stories about boxes of illegal ballots being counted.

“You know, Mr. President, there are 662 precincts in Wayne County,” Barr said. Trump seemed taken aback that he knew the exact number. “It’s the only county with all the boxes going to a central place, and you actually did better there this time around than you did last time. You keep on saying that the Department of Justice is not looking at this stuff, and we are looking at it in a responsible way. But your people keep on shoveling this shit out.”

As Trump ranted about other examples of fraud, Meadows continued to sit silently with his arms crossed, his posture suggesting that he, too, was upset by what Barr had done.

“You know, you only have five weeks, Mr. President, after an election to make legal challenges,” Barr said. “This would have taken a crackerjack team with a really coherent and disciplined strategy. Instead, you have a clown show. No self-respecting lawyer is going anywhere near it. It’s just a joke. That’s why you are where you are.”

Interestingly, Trump didn’t argue when Barr told him that his “clown show” legal team had wasted time. In fact, he said, “You may be right about that.”

After going through his litany of claims—stolen ballots, fake ballots, dead people voting, rigged voting machines—Trump switched to other grievances, shouting at Barr for failing to prosecute Biden’s son Hunter. “If that had been one of my kids, they would have been all over him!” he said. By the end of the meeting, Trump was doing almost all of the talking. Why hadn’t Barr released John Durham’s report on the origins of the Russia investigation before the election? Why hadn’t he prosecuted former FBI Director James Comey? Trump was banging on the table. He said that Barr had been worthless.

As Barr left, he was unsure whether he still had a job. Had Trump just fired him? And if not, shouldn’t he quit? Why remain attorney general after what the president had just said to him? His status had been left up in the air.
So Barr’s a Democrat. Or a member of the deep state. Or a fool that covering up election fraud. Or an anti Trumper.

I can’t seem to understand how what he’s saying could possibly be true.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well its NOT true ,,at best there's questions
Well its NOT true ,,at best there's questions Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Only for the stupid and idiotic. The rest of the people know election fraud is a myth used to rile up the dumb.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FBI did not really look into it and just called it a day.
You say this because you believe that there is a large number of people voting as their dead grandmother. However there is no proof of any kind that large numbers of people are cheating in this manner.

A solution in need of a problem. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I disagree wholeheartedly. First some evidence that's driving me this way:

Either way, this is Vulnerability Management 101. The key to securing a given system is to identify weaknesses and remediate them through fixing the weakness, having compensating controls, or replacing the weak part with a different system or process.

By and large, the two largest categories you can break vulnerabilities into, are exploiting a system to behave in a way it's not supposed to, like tampering with the voting machines, and the other is credential weakness on behalf of the users that gives people access who shouldn't have access.

Now to the first part, they argue that the machines are safe, properly set up, and properly patched. I won't get on the soap box about that, as that's one of the major contention points and all I have to work with is conjecture that it is or it isn't.

For the second part, user identification, I'd like to look at current trends in other fields:

-You want a given user to have "least access" where they can only do the job they need to do and nothing more.
-You want credentials to have a minimum amount of complexity
-You want a mandatory secondary factor of credential
-You want people involved in the credential management to make sure they're not being socially engineered, (in this case, the people who grant voting ID's and the people who check those ID's at the voting place.).
-You want to make sure that users are purged regularly so that their credentials cannot be falsely assumed.

The more modern approach to this is called Zero Trust Architecture.

Some of these methods translate, but not all. Firstly, you have to combat the state by state differences in voting, some require ID and others do not. The first step would be making identification mandatory. This doesn't need to be a separate type of documentation, but could be rolled into Driver's Licenses and State IDs, which commonly have other provisions to them. For a second factor, biometric data, such as a fingerprint could be used, but that would require the collection of fingerprints for everyone, which not all states do.

The easiest solution by far is to regularly purge rolls and require people to sign back up. If voter registration were tied to Driver's Licenses and State ID's, one could streamline the process, making sure data for both is current.

In short, purging isn't the solution, it's the first step in securing elections.
bambino's Avatar
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn’t.

He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN with Wolf Blitzer warning Democrats were changing election rules to flood the system with mail-in ballots that “as a matter of logic” are “very open to fraud.” They are, and Bill Barr did nothing about it.

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

• 101,789 “obsolete” voters on the rolls in Georgia, including 18,486 dead people
• Ballot batches off by up to 17.5 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona
• “Massive” chain of custody problems with drop boxes in Georgia, missing hundreds of thousands of records for months after the election
• Thousands of ballots “wheeled in through the back door” in Fulton County days after the election
• “Double feeding” ballots in Fulton County, Georgia
• Nearly 200,000 illegal “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin that violated Voter ID law
• “Cash for votes” scheme in Nevada
• Illegal alien votes
• Election law changes were not authorized by the State Legislatures, which is mandated by the U.S. Constitution

And much more!

If he felt this way, why did Barr say he was “greatly honored” and “proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people” in the final letter he wrote to me? He said, “Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country."

Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff. What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing.

Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word. Besides which, Barr, who was Attorney General (lawyer) shouldn't be speaking about the President. Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election. Just like he did with the Mueller report and the cover up of Crooked Hillary and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, they don’t want to investigate the real facts. Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election!
matchingmole's Avatar
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn’t.

He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN with Wolf Blitzer warning Democrats were changing election rules to flood the system with mail-in ballots that “as a matter of logic” are “very open to fraud.” They are, and Bill Barr did nothing about it.

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

• 101,789 “obsolete” voters on the rolls in Georgia, including 18,486 dead people
• Ballot batches off by up to 17.5 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona
• “Massive” chain of custody problems with drop boxes in Georgia, missing hundreds of thousands of records for months after the election
• Thousands of ballots “wheeled in through the back door” in Fulton County days after the election
• “Double feeding” ballots in Fulton County, Georgia
• Nearly 200,000 illegal “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin that violated Voter ID law
• “Cash for votes” scheme in Nevada
• Illegal alien votes
• Election law changes were not authorized by the State Legislatures, which is mandated by the U.S. Constitution

And much more!

If he felt this way, why did Barr say he was “greatly honored” and “proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people” in the final letter he wrote to me? He said, “Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country."

Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff. What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing.

Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word. Besides which, Barr, who was Attorney General (lawyer) shouldn't be speaking about the President. Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election. Just like he did with the Mueller report and the cover up of Crooked Hillary and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, they don’t want to investigate the real facts. Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election! Originally Posted by bambino
Trump is such a dumbass!!
As are the people that follow him
bambino's Avatar