Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

That was long and it has been a hellofa holiday so I gotta go step by step.

1. You can not classify yourself as a observer when you have posted more
Times with opinions in this city in the past two months than half of the registered fucktards in Houston have in total. Most are lurkers or shy and do not post.

2 the worst argument a enemy can make is " I am giving this advice to help you". Keep your concern. Anyone who has ever met me has given
A great reference and and has visited me again.

3 I do not have a axe to grind. She apologized and I have never raised the
Subject again so you are a misinformed observer repeating the DM
WK line. heh

4 DM said she retired and I am sorry but more than half of the board knew that was bullshit. She has gone from as I think even you called her a "tough throat puncher" to a pathetic joke surrounding herself with WK's ( even some from out of town). I have been commenting on the fact she is back and she has
Repeatedly denied it.

So Foxy as the observer of Houston do you think she is back?
And if so when did she dip her pinky back in this pond?

Warmest regards

R Duke

P.S that tripe about WU and the tailed one on your signature says it all.
What a fucking joke Originally Posted by rduke4923
My darling RDuke,
First I would like to thank you for keeping a gentlemanly composure after I gave you open criticism. It takes a lot of character to do so.

I can appreciate the thought that was put into your response.
To address your points of discussion-
1. You can not classify yourself as a observer when you have posted more
Times with opinions in this city in the past two months than half of the registered fucktards in Houston have in total. Most are lurkers or shy and do not post.
I said "observer" to the Houston scene because I am literally not there. I may make commentary, but that does not wholly make me a participant- only a commenting observer. Noone else's posts counts determine nor change my locale- nor their own lack of participation on public boards.
I'm just the peanut gallery. Does that make me a participant? Not in my eyes. We are all entitled to our opinions.
I guess I'm only a participant when I get sent outing information. (heh.) Then I suppose I am in the action... But... still not there though.

2 the worst argument a enemy can make is " I am giving this advice to help you". Keep your concern. Anyone who has ever met me has given
A great reference and and has visited me again.
An enemy? Hmmm. Glad to know how you really feel.
So when people stage in intervention, by your logic, "I am giving this advice to help you" means "I'm the enemy." Gotcha.
I'm glad you have references, because using your handle after this short stint of "crazy", I wouldn't use your handle as a fall back.

3 I do not have a axe to grind. She apologized and I have never raised the
Subject again so you are a misinformed observer repeating the DM
WK line. heh
Guess I am going to have to dig through this thread and see if what you say holds true. What does that prove?
You may not have mentioned it, but I'm pretty sure most people who act like stalkers never really bring up the "how this shit started" a lot of times because
by the time they are into these behaviors, they've progressed further into the void than the original axe grind...
It doesn't matter why this started, it's already went too far.
If Dorthy had a dick, your asshole would be sore, because you have ridden her dick for how many days in a row now??? Dude this thread is about HER, yeah, the song is about her. She's not vain, it IS about her. FACT.

[Ellie May Voice:] You still here in HER thread or Naaaaw?

4 DM said she retired and I am sorry but more than half of the board knew that was bullshit. She has gone from as I think even you called her a "tough throat puncher" to a pathetic joke surrounding herself with WK's ( even some from out of town). I have been commenting on the fact she is back and she has
Repeatedly denied it.

So Foxy as the observer of Houston do you think she is back?
And if so when did she dip her pinky back in this pond?
So... wait... you want to recap what the ThroatPuncher has been up to?
She had made a commentary, I thinck about retiring, but not a "formal announcement"- she then shut her shit down, time passed, she came back, commenting at first; Then made a weekend ad? Right?
This is all on forum, all documented.
Now.... your point being... what exactly?
She is a big girl, who can run her business as she sees fit.

Have I speculated on exactly what DM is doing these days?
Honestly, not so much. I have very little interest in how little/much business she is getting, but more that she is happy as a person (you know... "Ok") and safe as a provider. She has the right to run her life and business the way she wants.
She can quit, retire, reemerge a million times, and it's none of my business. I would only be concerned for her stability. Otherwise, I would simply be welcoming her back. Again if need be. It's called Professional Courtesy & Respect.
Her business is hers alone. If she says she is or isn't or does or doesn't; honestly, I couldn't care less. It's hers to run as she sees fit. That's the beauty of us all being "Independent." I wish her well. She's been nothing but professionally courteous behind the scenes, straightforward, and a comical addition to my sister-circle. I understand your perception of her isn't the same, and that truly is your loss.
You aren't booking with her. Both of you have clearly posted your disdain for each other. She isn't following you around. You are following her. Right? And clearly not in a positive manner. Detrimental to her business or an attempt to be so. Still in denial? Am I missing any facts here?
I'm only stating the obvious.
Keep beating that whorse though...

P.S that tripe about WU and the tailed one on your signature says it all.
What a fucking joke
You know... when I first got on, I was told many terrible noteworthy things to watch out for. dh & Wakeup being known characters behind the whore-scene... (Whores loves them some WakeUp.)
At first I thought they were sadistic misogynistic bastards. Honestly.
All of the spiderwebs weaved around here... yes, had me on high alert to be precautious and dilligent in researching anything available.
Through a lot of reading and circumspect analysis of more than a few characters, dramas, action, & reactions... I have come to the conclusion that this is the way things must be. Not because they are either messed up... but because they were handed a mess, and mess within messes. If they behave as tyrants, it is because they have been compelled to have an iron fist due to truly nuclear stuff happening.
Kind of how we all can scream about how much we don't like the police- yet when we get into a truly life threatening situation, a typical person is going to call the cops to have them come help save their asses. Very few people like authority... until they are compelled to need it. Otherwise it's straight chaos & anarchy. (No One wants chaos regarding their personal life conflicting with Hobbyworld, real world info's, & the crazy people within it.)
Most people do not see what they do as helpful, but it is, for a bigger cause. The forest. On occasion they do have to burn a few tainted trees.
And any of the tainted little seeds that sprout.
I get it.
I've read back far enough, to where they actually used to talk to people quite civilly and humbly; And I have seen what (MESSES) they were handed in return. It's no wonder they act the way they do!
Call it justified. I know a lot of whores won't like me saying so.... But as I came to the conclusion in my stripper days; Once I was offered the "House Mom" position... I declined; not enough pay, too much headache: Cause let me tell you, "Ain't no drama like ho drama."
And a lot of these ho's are CRAY-CRAY.
Same for dudes.

But you should read back. See that I am telling you the truth.
There's reasons for all of this.
I've done my research. Have you?
That's why I made it my siganture. That's why I painstakingly made sure to copy & edit it, with the source, even though that particular thread is closed.
(Couldn't just quote those lines, I had to patch it up and work for that quote!) It was and IS *VERY* intentional.
Just like I was actually trying to keep you from making an ass of yourself;
Kind of like an actual person does for a "friend"- not an enemy.

I break the popcorn out for my enemies or for when my "peeps" are acting like Fucktards/Hooktards (it happens. Heh.)

No strings, no webs, I was being sincere.
Sometimes when you post I see a very decent person, except in the case of you & DM. So I would speak up towards another decent person.
"Hey, stop making an ass out of yourself."

But have it your way...

I was trying to speak without being overly critical; not to make you defensive, but to truly consider your own behavior.
None of us hookers like to see that shit.

Now, I would write more but I've done too much already, and it is my birthday. So that's all the time you get from me for free today!

Happy Birthday Beautiful I Love You Pendeja #2 !!!

Love Dorfy The #1 Pendeja
  • cr76
  • 11-30-2015, 03:38 PM
That a response of college thesis??
That a response of college thesis?? Originally Posted by cr76
A damn good one truth sometimes takes a lot of explaining..
You know who's good at 'splainin'?
No I'm her sugar momma Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Yeah, she's doesn't let me pay for shit. The only way I can is if I order stuff online and don't tell her where it came from so she can't send it back when I give her little love tokens.
rduke4923's Avatar
Ok first off poor choice of words going with enemy ,
Opposition or opposing opinion would have been a better choice.
I can admit when I am wrong. I prejudged point taken. You win

Second on the issue of observer I still disagree. A observer does not
Take part in anyway as they may effect the discourse in some way even though
It may be just a slight bit. Once you posted in houston you joined this
Community. Hell many of these guys live out of suitcases and
Spend about as much time in the city as you do. Physical location
Means nothing on the web. Sorry but you lost that one.

Do I care that she is back, no I honestly do not.
The thread is about WHEN she would come back no more no less.
You glossed over a lot when you recapped this one.
she claimed she was retired and would never post again.
Soon after the thread started because we all knew this was BS and the clock
Started. Then suddenly she was back but her avatar said retired!
That was hilarious and she continued to deny it for weeks.
Whoops next a ad appeared but she said she wan not really back.
Foxy the girl has changed her story a hundred times.
She is free to leave and come back every other day if she wants
But do not piss on the boards shoes and tell them it is raining.
To this day she has not said "I am back".
In the end too much on my part? Yes
To much on Denying the truth on hers? Yes

Fourth the girl trolls plenty of people. She plays offence just as much as D.
Her crying foul is a bit of a joke.

I appreciated your post and would enjoy discussing the WU section
With you another day. For now I have to run.

R Duke
  • cr76
  • 11-30-2015, 03:55 PM
Yeah, she's doesn't let me pay for shit. The only way I can is if I order stuff online and don't tell her where it came from so she can't send it back when I give her little love tokens. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Yummy giving a girl love tokens. Now that's Oscar caliber material that doesn't play in the mainstream theaters .

I actually have an idea for this thread an I. The spirit of who it's about . Drag it to the beach , douse it in some lighter fluid and hold a fish fry!!!
boardman's Avatar
Yeah, she's doesn't let me pay for shit. The only way I can is if I order stuff online and don't tell her where it came from so she can't send it back when I give her little love tokens. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I've got a love token you both can share.
Won't be anyplace to take it back to though.
It'll just kind of dry up...

This thread though.
RDuke, What this lady says is sound advice. Take it and you would be wise. Leave it and you would be foolish. Also, never click on this thread, it's that easy. Originally Posted by bon69
It obviously isn't to some
pyramider's Avatar
Where is all the taint I was promised?
On post #975
I've got a love token you both can share.
Won't be anyplace to take it back to though.
It'll just kind of dry up...

This thread though. Originally Posted by boardman
Can you handle us both RaWr
2intexas's Avatar
I have said this before but studies have proven that repetition is the key to
Getting to slower learners. Originally Posted by rduke4923
Ah ha! This may explain why, after being advised time and time again, you still haven't grasped that the best regimen to cure being butthurt is to STFU and get over it. Unless you're under the age of 9.

Duke, I don't know whether DM stood you up or not - I wasn't there. But believe me, there's absolutely nothing more you can add to that situation. And yes, we all understand that you live for the day when DM gives you a literal admission that she's back. Jesus H. Tebow, get a life.

I'm not for you or against you. I'm just tired of reading the same shit page after page after page. Before you hit the "Submit Reply" button hit "Preview Post", read it and see if it adds any value to the conversation.

Remember - it's OK to have an unexpressed thought.
RDuke, What this lady says is sound advice. Leave it and you would be foolish. Originally Posted by bon69
That train left months ago..like, even before I got banned this last time

Ah ha! This may explain why, after being advised time and time again, you still haven't grasped that the best regimen to cure being butthurt is to STFU and get over it. Unless you're under the age of 9.

Duke, I don't know whether DM stood you up or not - I wasn't there. But believe me, there's absolutely nothing more you can add to that situation. And yes, we all understand that you live for the day when DM gives you a literal admission that she's back. Jesus H. Tebow, get a life.

I'm not for you or against you. I'm just tired of reading the same shit page after page after page. Before you hit the "Submit Reply" button hit "Preview Post", read it and see if it adds any value to the conversation.

Remember - it's OK to have an unexpressed thought. Originally Posted by 2intexas
^^ What he said. Or at least come with some new shit or at the very least one clever zinger. Tell a yo mamma joke...anything..Dios mio...