The Mueller report

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you Dr. Koop!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thank you Dr. Koop!

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Thank you Dr. Demento!


I haven’t lost any sleep over it, I personally want the inquiry to take all the time it needs to get the lies and corruption exposed.

Btw...I can’t recall if you were claiming Mueller wasn’t even going to show up for the hearing.... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I didn't make any claim about Mueller. But he was only there physically. The Dems have nothing over Trump. If they did, Trump would have already been impeached.
Not to worry, an impeachment inquiry should be well under way before the New Year. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It's good to have dreams...because in reality...IT AIN'T HAPPENING!!
For some reason I’m doubting your capacity to explain any fucking thing, but those are the typical remarks of cult like behavior. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Or you lack of understanding?? The WoPo is a first class RAG!!
Anything like your delusional dreams...ON IMPEACHMENT!!
I hate to break it to you but this isn't the Wizard of OZ...STOP CLICKING YOUR HEALS!!
Btw...I can’t recall if you were claiming Mueller wasn’t even going to show up for the hearing.... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Form what the MAJORITY of the LSM saw...HE DIDN'T!!
If you call this SHOWING UP??
adav8s28's Avatar
It's good to have dreams...because in reality...IT AIN'T HAPPENING!! Originally Posted by bb1961
The slow and methodical approach of Pelosi has not been abandoned. From your link:

As she has for months, Pelosi argued to her colleagues that the "slow, methodical approach" employed by House Democrats is the right way to move forward, despite the fact that more than 90 of her members have now called for an impeachment inquiry to begin.

The Dems did not get a home run from Mueller. If and when McGahn
testifies the Dems need to get a home run from him. Of the ten examples of Obstruction that Mueller laid out, the one with McGahn is the best one.

Now in regards to Muellers mental capacity, I agree his recall was lacking but It’s a probability he suffered a TIA in the last two years. Because of his age the recovery time will be extended, many times recovery won’t happen. It will come out in due time. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
When you don't know the genesis of the investigation you're put in charge of(AKA fusion GPS)...that is some serious dementia!! Sad...sorry...SHIT.
Don't you mean he'll be commited in due time...
The slow and methodical approach of Pelosi has not been abandoned. From your link:

As she has for months, Pelosi argued to her colleagues that the "slow, methodical approach" employed by House Democrats is the right way to move forward, despite the fact that more than 90 of her members have now called for an impeachment inquiry to begin.

The Dems did not get a home run from Mueller. If and when McGahn
testifies the Dems need to get a home run from him. Of the ten examples of Obstruction that Mueller laid out, the one with McGahn is the best one. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You're under the delusion that an indict is coming...they have nothing on him or he would have be indicted a long time ago.

Make no mistake they hate him as much as you and the rest of the radical left.

Caveman tried to rush this to the floor a couple of weeks ago and it was shot down...he tried it before and again shot down!!

The core of the leadership knows this is a losing proposition and if it were ever brought to a vote it would hurt them politically.

Why do you think they want to investigate ANYTHING in regards to Trump...they're throwing incomplete Hail Mary pass after pass.
This shit is pretty pathetic...but I don't expect anything less from that shameless bunch!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
[QUOTE=bb1961;1061653503]You're under the delusion that an indict is coming...they have nothing on him or he would have be indicted a long time ago./QUOTE]

And you are under the delusion that Individual 1, aka Donald J Trump isn’t already under sealed indictment for campaign crimes .

Volume II Table of Contents page 3

The President's Conduct Involving Michael Cohen ....................... 134

I. Candidate Trump's Awareness ofand Involvement in the Trump TowerMoscow Project .............................. .............................. ........ 134

2. Cohen Determines to Adhere to a "Party Line" Distancing CandidateTrump From Russia .............................. ......................... 138

3. Cohen Submits False Statements to Congress Minimizing the Trump Tower Moscow Project in Accordance with the Party Line .............................. . 139

4. The President Sends Messages ofSupport to Cohen......................... ................. 144

5. The President's Conduct After Cohen Began Cooperating with the
Government.................... .............................. ............. 148
And you are under the delusion that Individual 1, aka Donald J Trump isn’t already under sealed indictment for campaign crimes .

Volume II Table of Contents page 3

The President's Conduct Involving Michael Cohen ....................... 134

I. Candidate Trump's Awareness ofand Involvement in the Trump TowerMoscow Project .............................. .............................. ........ 134

2. Cohen Determines to Adhere to a "Party Line" Distancing CandidateTrump From Russia .............................. ......................... 138

3. Cohen Submits False Statements to Congress Minimizing the Trump Tower Moscow Project in Accordance with the Party Line .............................. . 139

4. The President Sends Messages ofSupport to Cohen......................... ................. 144

5. The President's Conduct After Cohen Began Cooperating with the
Government.................... .............................. ............. 148
And that proves a "sealed indictment" how?

Seems like more wishful thinking. Just like the any day now impeachment proceedings. It's rapidly becoming apparent to everyone that Mueller had nothing of substance on Trump and the House is likely not going to do anything before the election other than continue to pander.

When even MSNBC and CNN are beginning to run stories that the Mueller report is a flop, you know it's only the farthest left fringe hanging on with dear hope for something "NEW" from it.
bambino's Avatar
You're under the delusion that an indict is coming...they have nothing on him or he would have be indicted a long time ago./QUOTE]

And you are under the delusion that Individual 1, aka Donald J Trump isn’t already under sealed indictment for campaign crimes .

Volume II Table of Contents page 3

The President's Conduct Involving Michael Cohen ....................... 134

I. Candidate Trump's Awareness ofand Involvement in the Trump TowerMoscow Project .............................. .............................. ........ 134

2. Cohen Determines to Adhere to a "Party Line" Distancing CandidateTrump From Russia .............................. ......................... 138

3. Cohen Submits False Statements to Congress Minimizing the Trump Tower Moscow Project in Accordance with the Party Line .............................. . 139

4. The President Sends Messages ofSupport to Cohen......................... ................. 144

5. The President's Conduct After Cohen Began Cooperating with the
Government.................... .............................. ............. 148 Originally Posted by bb1961
It is you that is delusional:
Jaxson66's Avatar
The House of Representatives filed a federal lawsuit Friday seeking grand-jury evidence that contributed to former special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, a key chairman announced.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said the evidence is necessary for Congress to investigate potential obstruction of justice and abuse of power by President Donald Trump.

Delusional is a state of fixed belief where no amount of evidence will change a persons mind, very obvious with cult like behavior. Mark Twain once wrote
No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.

So, I’m delusional that a 458 page report implies crimes were committed by a president...A trial where Cohen pleads guilty and goes to jail and Individual 1 doesn’t...Putin’s punk didn’t lie about Flynn, Comey, Sessions, McGahn, Lowendosky, McDonald, Pribus and so many more... I guess that stuff didn’t really happen.

But if I believe a Russian sympathizer who is lying every fucking day on every media outlet in the country pissing and moaning about the fake news with that mouth shaped like a first generation sex doll waiting for Putin’s cock...then I’m OK..
  • oeb11
  • 07-28-2019, 10:38 AM
A TIA can last a few minutes, hours or a day. It’s often mis diagnosed as Bealls palsy which resolves itself in twenty four hours. My point being I disagree with your assessment of dementia. He was struggling with recall but still exhibited the capacity to bring his memory into focus. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

J666 - It is Bell's Palsy - and you do not know of what you write. BP has nothing to do with a dementia disorder. No such disorder as You identified in Beall's palsy.

And I am qualified and licensed on the subject. You are not!!!

Stick to your idiotology from NY Times and WaPo
lustylad's Avatar
.... with that mouth shaped like a first generation sex doll waiting for my cock...then I’m OK.. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
If that's your kink, go ahead and indulge. We won't tell anyone!