Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

boardman's Avatar
Can you handle us both RaWr Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Probably not without some catnip...
notanewbie's Avatar
That train left months ago..like, even before I got banned this last time

^^ What he said. Or at least come with some new shit or at the very least one clever zinger. Tell a yo mamma joke...anything..Dios mio... Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus

Your momma is so fat she makes an Eccie hooker look thin.

Slap yo momma.
2intexas's Avatar
Yo mama so nasty she has more rappers in her than an iPod.

Yo mama so ugly people from New Orleans are giving her money.

Yo mama so fat she went to KFC to get a bucket of chicken and they asked her what size and she said, "The one on the roof".
Your momma is so fat not even Dora can explore her..

Your momma is so fat she has more CHINS than Hong Kongs Phone Book.

Your momma is so stupid she thinks a quarterback is a refund...