YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

By saying that the questions have a difficulty level, you seem to be assuming that they have a concrete answer. I value our discourse more than wrong and right answers for these questions.

Wtf, while yes, you are absolutely right that we all will be more versed at one subject or another, after giving it more thought, I'll clarify my personal answer:

There are certain subjects that I have no use for or that bore me to shreds. There are subjects I wish I knew more about for one reason or another. I like the idea that I can look to a partner to educate me in his/her subject area of expertise and feel like I am being challenged intellectually and therefore grow as a person because of them. I'd also hope for the reciprocal of that scenario. It's the idea of balance that I enjoy, therefore complimenting each others' intellectual strengths and weaknesses would be ideal for me. And YES, I admit that some subjects can bore me to shreds, and it would make it difficult for me to enjoy a conversation. That is what friendships with other people are for. If something I take interest in bores my partner, I have other friends I can share that subject with. This brings to mind another topic for discussion. Can we really expect one person to satisfy every mental or intellectual need? I personally think not.
For my biggest fan- you know who you are:

1. Would you like your spouse to be both smarter and more attractive than you?
2. What was one of your most peaceful moments?

1. My mother said to me one time after my wife and I had been married for 20 years that we were "well yoked". Meaning that the things I was weak in my wife was strong and vice versa. Neither one of us were good looking in any respect. We blended in so many ways that we were happy in all things.
2. My most peaceful time was when I returned from RVN and had my family setting there with me.

Your questions are very thought provoking and I have to think on them to give an honest answer.
bojulay's Avatar
By saying that the questions have a difficulty level, you seem to be assuming that they have a concrete answer. I value our discourse more than wrong and right answers for these questions.

Wtf, while yes, you are absolutely right that we all will be more versed at one subject or another, after giving it more thought, I'll clarify my personal answer:

There are certain subjects that I have no use for or that bore me to shreds. There are subjects I wish I knew more about for one reason or another. I like the idea that I can look to a partner to educate me in his/her subject area of expertise and feel like I am being challenged intellectually and therefore grow as a person because of them. I'd also hope for the reciprocal of that scenario. It's the idea of balance that I enjoy, therefore complimenting each others' intellectual strengths and weaknesses would be ideal for me. And YES, I admit that some subjects can bore me to shreds, and it would make it difficult for me to enjoy a conversation. That is what friendships with other people are for. If something I take interest in bores my partner, I have other friends I can share that subject with. This brings to mind another topic for discussion. Can we really expect one person to satisfy every mental or intellectual need? I personally think not. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Like my collection of books on Beowulf that I love to talk about.

Just kidding.
Like my collection of books on Beowulf that I love to talk about.

Just kidding. Originally Posted by bojulay
I actually really enjoyed Beowulf
cooler62's Avatar
Been to any good concerts lately? Did you get to eat beforehand ? ;-)
Been to any good concerts lately? Did you get to eat beforehand ? ;-) Originally Posted by cooler62
Hahaha...no, I was waiting for you to take me to another one again...btw, I still have the tickets from rush...I just keep forgetting to mail them off!!!

I sooooo wanna goto Voodoo Fest in NOLA the first weekend of November!!!

spice-is-nice's Avatar
August 1, 2013

1. Would you like your spouse to be both smarter and more attractive than you?
2. What was one of your most peaceful moments? Originally Posted by YummyMarie

1. Short answer is that I think it probably works best if both are in the same general range of intelligence and attractiveness. Certainly that is the case in my 43 year marriage to my best friend. I could not abide being in a relationship with someone who was significantly less intelligent than me. Lively and intelligent conversation is an absolute must for me to have a great relationship with anyone. Given the attractiveness of intelligence and sense of humor, I think my partner could be anywhere from a 3 to a 10 on the physical attractiveness scale and things could still work.
2. A cool, crisp, brilliant day with flowers at their blooming peak in Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands. Wandering through the gardens taking photograph after photograph from super close up to wide angle. Or any night my wife cuddles, puts her head on my chest and wraps an arm around my waist.

The other question about whether any one person can ever fill all the mental, intellectual, emotional, and physical needs of another person? Of course not. And why would 2 people who love each other want to restrict each other from the enjoyment and excitement of getting to know an interesting new person and enjoying intimacy of various types with more than one person in their life.
And why would 2 people who love each other want to restrict each other from the enjoyment and excitement of getting to know an interesting new person and enjoying intimacy of various types with more than one person in their life. Originally Posted by spice-is-nice
I admire that your and your wife can agree to something so unconventional out of the love you have for one another.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
... why would 2 people who love each other want to restrict each other from the enjoyment and excitement of getting to know an interesting new person and enjoying intimacy of various types with more than one person in their life. Originally Posted by spice-is-nice
Sooooo.... What's your take on that YM as it relates to you?
Thanks for showing this to me CajunCypher...I LOVE IT!!!

I admire that your and your wife can agree to something so unconventional out of the love you have for one another. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Mr. Gray,

Once again...I value the discourse here, not the wrong/right black and white answers that so many like to squeeze out of each other hear.

I would like to say I am just as open and secure as Spice is nice is...but in reality, it's a tough place to imagine myself completely comfortable in. It's also (once again) a case by case choice between the pairing of two strong people. And I'll admit it...I'm a bit of an emotional weakling...
Hahaha...no, I was waiting for you to take me to another one again...btw, I still have the tickets from rush...I just keep forgetting to mail them off!!!

I sooooo wanna goto Voodoo Fest in NOLA the first weekend of November!!!

http://lineup.worshipthemusic.com/ Originally Posted by YummyMarie
That line up is only so/so for me. Gets weak pretty quickly...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have a question based on something you posted here....

Do you believe there are black and white right and wrongs?
I have a question based on something you posted here....

Do you believe there are black and white right and wrongs? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yes, I absolutely do believe in certain specific black/white right/wrongs. One specific belief is one I share with WU. He consistently states that a person is selfish and cowardly to try to justify cheating behavior by saying they are doing a favor for their in-the-dark spouse. Let's us call it what it is, take ownership of our actions, and give the spouse the choice to decide how to deal with the situation.

Don't mistake my agreement with WU to say I take harsh judgement against the cheater. I know there are a myriad of reasons for WHY a person follows that path. I understand these reasons and am in business because of it. However, once again, let's not sugar coat our choices. I am glad to be the relief or the fantasy for my friends. Because of my candid nature, I tend to attract the type of repeat friends that will readily admit that they want to have their cake and eat it too. I can live with that if they can.