Members You Miss...

No one to add lately I guess....
Mebbe PM in a couple of weeks???
LOL.....PM never left!
He must be a Buddhist or into Hinduism for all his reincarnations so far!....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
seemed to be in the know

ever wonder how many are same few, na waist of time
seemed to be in the know

ever wonder how many are same few, na waist of time Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
He'll be back.
He's never far away.
seemed to be in the know Originally Posted by offshoredrilling he's been recycled here many many times.....

Surprised he lasted as long as he did in his latest reincarnation...

He'll be back....opps mean he's prolly already back....
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Megan Fox Fan
where the fuck are you hiding now?

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Posts: 48
No surprise here who ever he/she was ....
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WTF let her stay
Hi Miss Hobbyist
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I think I know why
but if I right, that was a bad move
dang will miss posts till back errr if you can get back
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  • Doove
  • 04-12-2015, 07:29 AM
I think I know why
but if I right, that was a bad move
dang will miss posts till back errr if you can get back Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Bad move on whose part? Jokacz's or the moderator's?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Bad move on whose part? Jokacz's or the moderator's? Originally Posted by Doove

again IF I be right
think not long ago lots of it was going on in Houston pissing off higher in the food chain
but then, I could be way off the mark

edit add
its a nuclear guideline. And I have been nailed for it before trying not to but did
and right now it seems
you out(real world), you're out
but I could be wrong that the reason for jokacz or another member
but for sure now
you out, you're out
Who are we supposed to fuck with if they get rid of all the retards?????


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Who are we supposed to fuck with if they get rid of all the retards?????


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Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Not like we couldn't see this one!

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Who are we supposed to fuck with if they get rid of all the retards?????


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Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
ok WHO took away the gift that just keeps giving dam it Eh
ok WHO took away the gift that just keeps giving dam it Eh Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

We want Dove back....
Immediately if not sooner.