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Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 04-14-2015, 07:22 PM is back
Valued Poster is back
Valued Poster Originally Posted by Tiger
Better news is that the last PM post occurred on 1/26/2015.

If he merely pointed out... he should be back in a week or so....

Now THAT I'm looking forward to.....

But that's just me.
We want Dove back....
Immediately if not sooner. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I'm gonna tell Doove that you really do miss him.
elghund's Avatar
We want Dove back....
Immediately if not sooner. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Of course we want Doove back......I wanna find out if any mod took my suggestion and banned him just for fun!

What did he do?
Or are they just funning with him?.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar is back
Valued Poster Originally Posted by Tiger
that was short
mmmm now who under the bus
KaylaRyder's Avatar
that was short
mmmm now who under the bus Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Ik early release..... yay, lol

I hope no one, but guilty till proven innocent... be good everyone : )

But glad to be back and to have made the list lol
Ik early release..... yay, lol

I hope no one, but guilty till proven innocent... be good everyone : )

But glad to be back and to have made the list lol Originally Posted by .countrygirl
Only takes "one" to make this list...

Are you sure you were proven "innocent"?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm going with time served
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I'm going with time served Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Nope Originally Posted by .countrygirl
then you will make the same ops again, just sayin


I think I know why
but if I right, that was a bad move.. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Was wondering why no posts from jokacz then come across this!!!
He knows more about hobby action up North than me and is an invaluable source for info FFS!!!

DEF a bad move!!!
Wonder who had the brain fart on this???......
dearhunter's Avatar
Why is everyone getting banned? Is it just someone higher up having a problem with these members, or are they breaking rules? I'll admit, I was pretty pleased when Plasticman was banned, because his posts were just the ravings of a retarded drunken pirate. But there's been a lot of banning of valuable posters with differing opinions that will be missed by many of us. I liked when Doove would argue with people. Made for interesting reading... This site blows dick now. If I just type in some prohibited topic words, will that get me banned too?