Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

I B Hankering's Avatar
Better to be on the side of right than the side of ignorant assholes who are following a lying mutha fucker to the point of no return. Go for it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're one of Schiffty's minions; so, you're on the side of the liar: which is the "wrong" side. Schitty lied to the world for three solid years, but you're still sucking down his every Schitty lie. You Schitty hypocrites better have your affairs in order, because dim-retards are about to pay the Barr tab.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Better to be on the side of right than the side of ignorant assholes who are following a lying mutha fucker to the point of no return. Go for it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

if you say so
lustylad's Avatar
Odumbo delayed such aid to Ukraine FOREVER. On the other hand, Odumbo wasted no time issuing MANPADS to ISIS. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Odumbo thought MANPADS were tampons for men.
LexusLover's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
As the Rep ShitFace/PussLousy Circus continues into 2020 the news will be consumed with Swamp Rats being led away in handcuffs under the bright lights in the early morning raids at their homes as the "wheels of justice" begin to grind away to provide them with the Due Process they have denied their political opponents.

Live by the Sword. Die by the Sword.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Sondland discussed sensitive matters with Trump on phone from Kyiv restaurant as waiters circled

Waiters were coming and going as U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland spoke on the phone with President Trump on July 26 from the outdoor section of a central Kyiv restaurant and discussed the Ukrainian president’s willingness to conduct politically charged investigations, an episode that also highlighted the lack of security around a presidential call, according to testimony to Congress and a person familiar with the episode.

So let me get this straight...

Sonland makes a cell phone call from a open area to the president of the United States to discuss an agreement with Zelensky, the man leading a country in a shooting war with Russia.

I wonder how many copies of that conversation will go public.
LexusLover's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah! Jack's Son is melting down. 2020 is roaring up!

No Trump crime yet!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... Sonland makes a cell phone call from a open area to the president of the United States to discuss an agreement with Zelensky, the man leading a country in a shooting war with Russia.
I wonder how many copies of that conversation will go public. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
.... how many completely different copies of ......
Sondland discussed sensitive matters with Trump on phone from Kyiv restaurant as waiters circled

Waiters were coming and going as U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland spoke on the phone with President Trump on July 26 from the outdoor section of a central Kyiv restaurant and discussed the Ukrainian president’s willingness to conduct politically charged investigations, an episode that also highlighted the lack of security around a presidential call, according to testimony to Congress and a person familiar with the episode.

So let me get this straight...

Sonland makes a cell phone call from a open area to the president of the United States to discuss an agreement with Zelensky, the man leading a country in a shooting war with Russia.

I wonder how many copies of that conversation will go public. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So it sounds like Sondland is a potential security risk. Maybe he should be fired like Yovanovitch. Or would that maybe hurt his feelings?

And unless Sondland was really security stupid and put the call on speaker, most of those copies of the conversation would be absolute speculation as to what the contents of the call were.

The Senate is going to laugh this "evidence" off in a heartbeat.
Jaxson66's Avatar
As the Rep ShitFace/PussLousy Circus continues into 2020 the news will be consumed with Swamp Rats being led away in handcuffs under the bright lights in the early morning raids at their homes as the "wheels of justice" begin to grind away to provide them with the Due Process they have denied their political opponents.

Live by the Sword. Die by the Sword. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well swamp rats are much cleaner than Trump Party Sewer Rats who are wiping their ass with the Constitution.

Eye for a eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life, that’s my motto.
life for a life, that’s my motto. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Then How about Schifless, Nadless, Pellousy, and Shmucker for

Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

We can call it even.
Well swamp rats are much cleaner than Trump Party Sewer Rats who are wiping their ass with the Constitution.

Eye for a eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life, that’s my motto. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're trying to pick gnat shit out of a haystack. Nothing wrong with Trump discussing the wrong doing of anybody even if it might be a potential political rival or not. Crime is crime and the president has a right to understand the seriousness of it and if an investigation should be ensued or not. Sonland's testimony won't be anymore revealing than the other three. The Republicans like Nunes and Jordan will pick it apart and shove it down Schiff's throat, lol.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So it sounds like Sondland is a potential security risk. Maybe he should be fired like Yovanovitch. Or would that maybe hurt his feelings?

And unless Sondland was really security stupid and put the call on speaker, most of those copies of the conversation would be absolute speculation as to what the contents of the call were.

The Senate is going to laugh this "evidence" off in a heartbeat. Originally Posted by eccielover
So, do you know how many Russian agents where listening, maybe you’re aware of all the agents of the Europe alliance who were present. Could Iran have agents monitoring the cell towers? Hell, you must think the world worships your leader like a cult member. Trust me, they don’t!

With judge Baghdad Barbie referring to the leader as “almost super human”
has a dangerous familiarity. That sniveling cunt needs to go on vacation.
So, do you know how many Russian agents where listening, maybe you’re aware of all the agents of the Europe alliance who were present. Could Iran have agents monitoring the cell towers? Hell, you must think the world worships your leader like a cult member. Trust me, they don’t! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So are you saying Sondland was on an "insecure" phone?

And you know that how? And if you say all phones are "insecure", what's your answer for having a "phone call".

Not sure where you are going with this.

Again, at this point, the "evidence" you mention is going to be laughed off in the Senate, just like I'm laughing it off now.
  • oeb11
  • 11-17-2019, 09:48 AM
j666 -"Trust me"

Got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell? Or just snake oil .

Jaxson66's Avatar
You're trying to pick gnat shit out of a haystack. Nothing wrong with Trump discussing the wrong doing of anybody even if it might be a potential political rival or not. Crime is crime and the president has a right to understand the seriousness of it and if an investigation should be ensued or not. Sonland's testimony won't be anymore revealing than the other three. The Republicans like Nunes and Jordan will pick it apart and shove it down Schiff's throat, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Jordan? Isn’t that the guy who ignored what went on in his gym shower? He’s all about enabling crimes and covering crimes up, not about the finding the truth.