where the hell is the recipe?
Teaser !!!
I have entitlement problems with secret recipes
Originally Posted by Busty
Do we need to start a Dude/Dudette ranch kitchen recipe thread?
Maybe write a book of, and see if it sells?
Would have to redact all the strip club references.
Example, the "cleared the sidewalk" or "tossed" corn bread recipe from maybe 15 yrs ago would need to be relabeled.
A couple touches of cocca turns the cornbread color darker to match sidewalk color.
The gals cooked that up

due to my distance throw record.
We had a pair of old but very nice Vulcan gas stoves back then that we used for everything.
Ok, Brownies;
Short recipe:
Chocolate brownies' out of a box

Chocolate frosting out of a ....

Make the brownies
Liberal sprinkling of pecan pieces
Cover with chocolate frosting
Long recipe:
1/2 cup cooking butter (ECGs version, I use olive oil)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 large eggs (yes large)
1 teaspoon vanilla (be carefull)
short 1/4 teaspoon baking powder (smidge more depending on size of eggs)
short 1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup plus a dash more, Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa
Mix everything except flour, then add flour slowly.
Kitchen taste taste to determine if another dash of coco desired
335 degrees 25 to 40 min, we're in the high plains so we run a smidge long. This is a heavy chocolate mix so keep an eye on it.
Pan sizes: depends if you wish thick or thinner brownies.
This may alter cooking time so...
I'm assuming everyone knows the toothpick test method.
Last, it is quite common for the edges of the brownies to get a bit of heat crusty. Just trim that later. When we're in KC or NY the time is shorter and oven temp a bit different (lower elevation is a difference then the high plains).
Get the pecans ready.
1/2 cup pecans chopped or crushed (or more), see below for alternatives
Pull brownie pan from oven and sprinkle pecan evenly
Ignore the troll that yells from other room (forum) about more nuts on his side (he already is)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 1/3 cups powdered sugar
Mix together, we shift these twice to get an even mix.
3 tablespoons butter (btw there is actually powdered butter in diff flavors, look in the snack aisle next to the popcorn shelves if not found in the spices section)
2 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix thoroughly in a saucepan, heat it up while stirring, to achieve a nice texture, but do not boil, pour evenly across the still hot brownies.
While everything cools pour yourself a drink.
Out of pan while still warmish, trim edges if you're picky about that.
Note that when we're both in the kitchen we end up arguing about a dash more or less of this or that. So there's some cook's prerogative in the above lists, I only mentioned one.
Substitute loose M&Ms, the upside down W&Ws, choc chips, crushed walnuts, or hazel nuts for the pecans.
Last, critical note, ignore any diet ideas.
Last 2, we'll be on east coast next weekend for the not a soccer ball game.
I appoint Busty to be the committee chair for a few days.