Random Thoughts

WMJ4657's Avatar
My best friend of 50 years passed away this week, laid him to rest today. RIP old buddy we will meet again one day.
My best friend of 50 years passed away this week, laid him to rest today. RIP old buddy we will meet again one day. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
So sorry man. Condolences on your loss.
ohh man. that's rough
My best friend of 50 years passed away this week, laid him to rest today. RIP old buddy we will meet again one day. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
That sucks, man. Hope you're holding up alright.
DallasRain's Avatar
so sorry for your loss

sending virtual hugs to you
Useful drivel. Is that a thing? This is a concept I had not yet contemplated.

shortblkguy's Avatar
My best friend of 50 years passed away this week, laid him to rest today. RIP old buddy we will meet again one day. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Sorry for your loss
Zenovia's Avatar
My best friend of 50 years passed away this week, laid him to rest today. RIP old buddy we will meet again one day. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Mr.WMJ be at peace..
Death is not an ending, but a symbol of movement along the path upon which we are traveling. Transformation is what I like to call it.
As it may be painful to lose contact with the physical aspect of one we love, the spirit can never be lost. We have been and always will be a part of each other
WMJ4657's Avatar
Thanks to everyone for the condolences & thoughts they are very much appreciated!!
Goddamn, I really want some Oreos right now.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Got two requests tonight on the same guy. It's not the first time it's happened with newbies. I could be upset but why? If they want to see me, they'll call me. I don't own them and I don't have the energy to nag men into seeing me. That shit's for lonely women
I think Hannibal can best express my mood right now:

Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Some wise words here:

Don't take hobbying so seriously. Its fucking. It's supposed to be fun.

Food for thought.
Been hearing light is the best disinfectant, a lot lately.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
This is oh too true. I've lived through it (and currently reliving it)