YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Originally Posted by George Zimmer
What a thing to wake up to this morning...thanks for this. I needed a laugh!!!
"It's my mouth, I can do what I want to..."

I bet Miley Cyrus would look HOT giving a blowjob...those eyes...those red lips...

Makes me wish I had a dick...smh
Nope she is to young I have no time to train her.
I went to Dallas this weekend. Got Glynette naked in a hot tub. The end
Oh, and also got her naked in the shower...okay...seriously...TH E END
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I went to Dallas this weekend. Got Glynette naked in a hot tub. The end Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Ummm..I don't think so. Sounds like the beginning to me
KittyLamour's Avatar
KittyLamour's Avatar
I just noticed this threAD... seriously... wtf? Why is this a sticky? I am far from being edified, educated, impressed or even slightly amused by it... just nauseated.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Of all people to complain about a threAD
New topic...I've been in a shitty mood lately, and a friend of mine decided to cheer me up with bad jokes...did it work?...not hardly, but I'll offer them up as a sacrifice to the flying spaghetti monster. Bring it ;-)
This duck walks into a pharmacy. Says give me some Chapstick. Guy says cash or charge. Duck says oh just put it on my bill...
This bear walks into a bar and says give me a crown and coke. The bartender says HOLY SHIT, a talking bear!