For those who need proof of election fraud....

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Every state delegation that observed has said the AZ audit is the “GOLD STANDARD” for audits. Including blue states such as Washington. You can regurgitate all the MSM propaganda you want. It gives you comfort. BTW Speedy, they have the packet captures from the Dominion machines. Lots of nervous Democrats and some RINOS too. Originally Posted by bambino
Did the any of those in the state delegations examining the audit procedures in Arizona point to any significant findings by the auditors that would lead one to believe that significant fraud occurred in the voting in Arizona ? Didn't think so.

Gold standard?

"The so-called "audit" has been slammed by experts as a bungled, amateurish effort with results that cannot be trusted."

Last I saw the final report is due out this month. Already months behind schedule, the auditors continue to extend the audit.

The results should be the final nail in the coffin on Trump's conspiracy theories.

Arizona ballot audit shows signs of backfiring on GOP

Independent voters oppose the controversial recounting of ballots by a wide margin.
bambino's Avatar
Their not done yet Speedy. You can take your MSM “sources” and burn them.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Anybody still believe the MSM is telling you anything but the narrative
bambino's Avatar
168,000 ballots with no chain of custody in Cobb County!!!

Now, before Speedy dismisses the GTP, they quoted the Georgia Star and Dr Kandiss Taylor. So I guess they’re lying!!!!! But hey, crickets from his “sources”. DUH!!!!
Don’t worry, in August Mike Lindsll will provide proof sufficient to make the Supreme Court rule 9-0 that there was fraud. He has incontrovertible evidence that he must keep until his summit in August which he wants to sell out.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They don’t care about blatant election tampering. All the evidence in the world is meaningless if the crime doesn’t bother you. Same goes for the years of endless Russia bs. The dems/doj were caught red handed and faced no accountability. Look at Hunters crimes, they were more than ignored. The media actively censored legitimate stories because it went against their preferred candidate, fuck the people and the truth. Besides the payoffs, he committed a felony lying on a background check, which is 100% proven, yet there’s crickets because it makes biden look bad. Imagine if that was one of President Trump’s kids.

Democrats and the media have no honor, and no standards. They’ll say or do anything to forward their twisted, anti-American agenda.
Trumps kids did lie on their federal background checks and none were prosecuted.
bambino's Avatar
Trumps kids did lie on their federal background checks and none were prosecuted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2021, 09:14 AM
Trumps kids did lie on their federal background checks and none were prosecuted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Thank you - 1b1 -

Please provide a reference(s) to verify your allegation above.

and why - are the DPST's so terrified of voter verification. ???

Conservative - the Vote belongs to legal citizens ONLY.

DPST - the vote belongs to us and whoever votes for DPST hegemony Only.

Is that not the bottomline for the DPST fear over a true and accurate Vote???

Please feel free to consult SR for responses typical of Psaki and her allegation that Republicans/Conservatives are the source of all Defund the Police rhetoric/action in America.

and who - dictates Psaki's statements??????
The CCP???

As quoted above - Stalin - (paraphrased) - "It is not who votes, but who counts the Votes. "
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Citations? Originally Posted by bambino
He doesn’t have one, or even feel the need to justify it to himself or anyone else.
  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2021, 09:25 AM
Thank you - J
your point is valid - even as the LSM Wapo, nycrimes, and Xinn/msnbc Lie without the slightest hesitation and see no need to put forth factually based Truths and Facts .

DPST's are led as blind lemmings by their Liars in chief.

Please see the post by SR #1156.
rexdutchman's Avatar
TDS howed this become about T ,,, oh yea deflection
bambino's Avatar
The wheels are coming off in Ga. even Raffensburger is backpedaling.
bambino's Avatar
This consent agreement between GA Secretary of State Brad “Jordy” Raffensperger and the Democratic Party was NOT adopted by the GA legislature. Thus, the November 2020 Georgia election violated well-established federal law.

This was the basis of my first lawsuit filed in Georgia for which the State Bar of GA now seeks to discipline me for filing.

My legal theory was validated as correct by Justice Clarence Thomas in his well-reasoned dissent to the denial of certiorari review of the Pennsylvania election case.
LexusLover's Avatar
SCOTUS .... stuck a fork in it.....perhaps 2 forks.