Shayla's Prices Are About to Skyrocket

Been perusing the board, some crazy shit goin' on out there...damn, I'm tame as hell compared to...fems b&s, robbing, stealing, lying, cut-throating, falling in love...hell, I'll stick to the fun 'n games here, having a good 'ole time.

...not gonna compete though with SL, shits crazy!!!
Oh, and SL, with regards to your SD thoughts, don't forget to 'SMILE'...'s amazing, fun, fun, fun...oh, the impact of Shayla
dilbert, did you figure out post 1160 yet? That's my response to your last post...when you do, lmk
Oh Shayla,
I'm horny as fuck...
As I lay here in bed, I type, type, type...
I'm ready to fuck...

Oh Shayla,
How are you doing?
You are sexy as hell,
What am I saying?
I want to have Happy Shayla 'Thoughts'

As they dance in my head,
All I can wonder,
Is Oh My, what a delight,
'twill be when I have you in sight!

YESSSSSS! I think even Burk would approve of that shit. Nice. I know Shayla, I'm deranged. BUTT, you know this already, why would you expect anything else!!!

Hup 1, hup 2, hup 3, hup 4, hup 5, hup 6...
Still Looking's Avatar
It’s official.... cupid shot SL right in the ass. He's officially off the market ready to turn PRO and get his GFE card. Many have tried but only one has suckceeded. I won't be leaving these up long so enjoy! And it has NOTHING to do with money, cars, homes, gifts or monetary rewards. She likes me because I'm me! What a blessing! I'll be away for a while; I need to buy a shit load of HOT pink dress shirts. She likes pink, now my favorite color. Actually its ALWAYS been my favorite color. Well here it is post 10,000. Enjoy!

Petite: Start the spanking machine
Bojulay: I think you understand
Dilbert: Don't get over heated
Burk: Tunnel Buddies till the end
Mijo: You just keep dreaming, and one day.....

Waiting for SL to come home from a hard day of hobbying

This isn't even her best side! Butt, Butt, Butt... it could be! And as you can see she like candy!

Oh SL Thank You! This one put me over the top!

Not many ladies can make polkadots work, but it sure works for her. And me as well! Don't you just love those chubby little toes!

From the dark side!

SL’S Silly Girl Poem

It’s a Silly Girl I Love and truly adore
The reason is simple it’s because she is a …..

Hot pink is her color and she could care less about a buck
She is a girl of few words but she likes to ….

Always to the point and sometimes even blunt
SL loves this one because she is really a ….

DATY and kissing are favorites of this lass
And it’s what I’ll do while drilling my dick right up her….
YOU have officially done it! That is the way to go! We have an over/under in Houston. Over/Under 3 weeks. I'm taking the under...

Damn she looks HOTxoxoxoxo. I don't blame you one bit dude! Good for you...definitely deserve it! What does Ava have to say about this? Hopefully, you're not blindsiding Ava? ija
You guys are so weird. In a good way.
bojulay's Avatar
Good luck SL she is a young one, be careful (watch for the signs, if you know
what I mean) And you had better hide that paddle LOL.
bojulay's Avatar
You guys are so weird. Uh hum, Mijo Originally Posted by Shayla

Mijo Shayla is speaking to you now.
burkalini's Avatar
Now Shayla and Silly Girl might be a good DUO. They are both hot and both smart asses. My kind of ladies
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
sweating it, eh. all this must be hard work (stalking) for you eh.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert, did you figure out post 1160 yet? That's my response to your last post...when you do, lmk Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
no I have no idea what those *** mean in reference to my last post about you.

unless its a naughty word you chose to self-censor.