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Hi GP ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
fuckin postal.....
"You "wishing" for this all to be true ain't gonna change nuthin. Climate change gonna fuck us over, plain and simple. Garbage threAds like this are only contributing to the time-wasting."
How much carbon dioxide were humans producing that lead to the last ice age?
And how much CO2 were humans producing when that ice age ended?
Hint -- the amount is the same..... and "science" will tell you that the answer to both is ZERO.... or is THAT science inconvenient all of a sudden???
Uh-oh--another sky-is-falling member of the Weird Weather Cult...Still waiting for the polar bears to surf past Coney Island. It's a fake science and a grift. It's bullshit. But--the Ketchup Gigolo, Lurch Kerry is all-in on it, flying his private jet over the climate apocalypse...
Mods, please move the last two wacky posts to the Sandbox where climate denial wackiness belongs.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
If the climate is changing it's unlikely that Humans caused it, or can do anything to prevent it. Earth has been through extreme weather cycles long before we existed.
Blaming it on humans is silly. This is another manufactured crisis that dems created to gain more wealth and power while scaring people into submission.

Prediction for the next crisis?
Harry Reid and other dems suddenly very interested in the potential threats from UFO's. Then, out of nowhere classified pilot encounters that have been classified and FOIA-proof for years are being released.
Mods, please move the last two wacky posts to the Sandbox where climate denial wackiness belongs. Originally Posted by brasil
I guess when you have no argument you call "Mommy".
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I guess when you have no argument you call "Mommy". Originally Posted by Withnail
getting back to topic, that is ....
and was easy ta post in this thread
thank you for helping the lazy
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Doesn't smell great, bleeding, but hey she is a pretty chick! How hard up are you guys? Originally Posted by tbear4u77
ask if he earned his DATY redwings Sir
valkyra's Avatar
ask if he earned his DATY redwings Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
hard nope
i understand that some girls love period sex, but i haaaaaaated it.
it hurts, its uncomfortable, and get the fuck off of me, thanks

some of my male friends swear by it, though. says that it's warmer, or something...
and for people pheromone-swayed, it's apparently the HEIGHT of hotness

but personally, it made me into a monster lol
so happy i don't have to deal with that anymore

but hey... don't knock it until you've tried it i guess?
you know some dude out there is hitting up these girls who are (unnecessarily) getting slack for being on their periods during a session (it's a normal part of life, if you don't like what comes out of it, don't put your dick in it or at the very least don't be rude about it. It's painful and she's probably embarrassed enough. Y'all have no shame.) hoping to earn their red wings
I guess when you have no argument you call "Mommy". Originally Posted by Withnail
Sorry. This is 2021, not 1999. No rational person is going to waste their time on climate denial arguments. You are as isolated on this issue as a polar bear on a piece of ice. The only real debate is about the best way to deal with it.
I guess when you have no argument you call "Mommy". Originally Posted by Withnail
Sorry. This is 2021, not 1980. No rational person is going to waste their time on arguing about climate change. You are more isolated on this than a polar bear on a melting piece of ice.
Apologies for multiple posting. My grandmother always warned me about posting during happy hour.
valkyra's Avatar
Apologies for multiple posting. My grandmother always warned me about posting during happy hour. Originally Posted by brasil
as long as you had a good time and nobody got hurt
as long as you had a good time and nobody got hurt Originally Posted by valkyra
You are a saint.