YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

There's a ventriloquist performing in a park one evening.

His entire routine is based on how dumb blondes are.

A woman approaches him, clearly upset.

She lectures him on women's rights, their contributions to science, politics, etc.

The ventriloquist apologized for offending her.

The blonde woman looks at the ventriloquist, slightly confused....

"I was talking to the guy on your knee."
Originally Posted by Glynette

There's a ventriloquist performing in a park one evening.
His entire routine is based on how dumb blondes are.
A woman approaches him, clearly upset.
She lectures him on women's rights, their contributions to science, politics, etc.
The ventriloquist apologized for offending her.
The blonde woman looks at the ventriloquist, slightly confused....
"I was talking to the guy on your knee." Originally Posted by Glynette

Chica Chaser's Avatar
I just noticed this threAD... seriously... wtf? Why is this a sticky? I am far from being edified, educated, impressed or even slightly amused by it... just nauseated. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Thank you for your input, however I think you forgot what part of the site you are in here.
So about being in a crappy mood:

Is it wrong of me to feel that making out with a chick will make everything right with the world? Where is Liliana_Vess when I need her?
A horse walked into a bar; bartender looks up at him and says, "Why the long face?"

A guys walks into a bar and says, "Ouch."
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well look who showed up to the party

Three blondes are walking in the woods and come across some tracks. The 1st says these are deer tracks. 2nd says no these are mountain lion.
The 3rd says no they are bear tracks. Then they are hit by a train.
Texas A&M has dropped drivers education the mule died.
Hardy har har!
Stressed...like an old lady, "calgon, take me away!"
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
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  • LNK
  • 09-25-2013, 12:08 PM
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
None. Originally Posted by theCFE
Wow. That's going into the joke bag.

Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a martini.
The bartender asks, "Olive or Twist?"
Wow. That's going into the joke bag.

Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a martini.
The bartender asks, "Olive or Twist?" Originally Posted by LNK
LOVE IT!!! hahaha.

Thanks for playing LNK
I've been in a horrible mood lately. One of my ATF's answer to everything: "How bout we go to a strip club for lunch?!" That always makes me feel better!!!