Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump says he will ‘strongly consider’ testifying in writing in impeachment probe

President Trump said Monday that he will “strongly consider” testifying in writing as part of the impeachment inquiry at the outset of a week in which eight current and former officials are scheduled to publicly testify about his controversial actions regarding Ukraine.

That lying bastards to chicken shit to sit for a deposition. He’d rather have his piss boys write his response. Chicken shit lying bastard!
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump says he will ‘strongly consider’ testifying in writing in impeachment probe
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Here ... please continue ...

That lying bastards to chicken shit to sit for a deposition. He’d rather have his piss boys write his response. Chicken shit lying bastard! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
LOL...Let the lyin bastard Schiff produce the whistleblower for testimony first.

Fucking Hypocrites.
rexdutchman's Avatar
There still investigating for impeachment ?
LexusLover's Avatar
There still investigating for impeachment ? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
While Trump dry pounds their asses ...

...... loosening them up for the Senate!

Wait until RepShitFace pleads the 5th in front of the Senate!
Roger Stone guilty on all counts of lying to Congress, witness tampering

The day the Russian sympathizing pukes in the Senate acquit the lying bastard he will be facing Perjury. Jordan and his deep state horses shit, threats of violence, or sniveling like little pussies is going to stop it.

Lots of testimony this week, get you trump impeachment survival kit restocked Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Like all haters you don't see the real damage Impeachment will do to our country. But go ahead and keep wishing for something that won't produce good outcome.
Jaxson66's Avatar
. House is investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller, its general counsel told a federal appeals court

The House of Representatives is investigating whether President Trump lied to former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, the House general counsel told a federal appeals court Monday in Washington, D.C.
The statement came during arguments over Congress’s request to have secret grand jury evidence from the Mueller report released urgently for its impeachment inquiry.
The request followed closely on the heels of Friday’s conviction of longtime Trump friend Roger Stone. Testimony and evidence at his trial appeared to cast doubt on written replies from Trump to Mueller about the president’s knowledge about attempts by his 2016 campaign to learn more about the release of hacked Democratic emails by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

Those who will need their Vagisil restocked in their trump impeachment survival kit while waiting for the next round of hearings are shit out of luck. I’m sold out
Jaxson66's Avatar
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1061853552]Here ... please continue ...


House is investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller, its general counsel told a federal appeals court

Keep your life ring and add it to your trump impeachment survival kit. Loser
Jaxson66's Avatar
Like all haters you don't see the real damage Impeachment will do to our country. But go ahead and keep wishing for something that won't produce good outcome. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You god damn right I’m a hater. That fat lying bastards campaign worked with Russia propagandist to hijack the Oval Office. He lied, Barr covered up his lies with redactions to cover his obstruction of justice.

I intend to continue, don’t like it leave the thread. I do not intend to ignore the fascists racist pieces of shit trying to send my country into anarchy in hopes of a white supremacy dream. Fuck them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Here ... please continue ...


House is investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller, its general counsel told a federal appeals court Originally Posted by LexusLover

Earlier this year the House was "investigating" ... Russian collusion!

I can still hear Rep Shitface jabbering about the "secret evidence" they had PROVING Trump colluded with the Russians to change the outcome of the election in his favor!!! Since they have the "secret evidence," I guess they didn't need to "investigate" that spurious allegation.

I'm hoping you LOONS keep up the investigations and get nothing accomplished in Congress so the House's approval ratings can continue to fall.
You god damn right I’m a hater. That fat lying bastards campaign worked with Russia propagandist to hijack the Oval Office. He lied, Barr covered up his lies with redactions to cover his obstruction of justice.

I intend to continue, don’t like it leave the thread. I do not intend to ignore the fascists racist pieces of shit trying to send my country into anarchy in hopes of a white supremacy dream. Fuck them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I don't think you know what Anarchy is. Give me your definition of Anarchy and how it applies to Donald Trump?
Jaxson66's Avatar
I don't think you know what Anarchy is. Give me your definition of Anarchy and how it applies to Donald Trump? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I’m using the term anarchy in the context of the trump administrations inability to govern. His cabinet is falling apart, he has mostly acting cabinet heads and no one wants to join that shit show. trump is under a impeachment inquiry and soon perjury inquiry. His presidency has been nothing but chaos since he took office. And chaos leads to a mis trust and a population that does not recognize its elected government. If trump hijacks 2020 their will be anarchy where the majority of the population will not recognize his authority.

So I used the term anarchy for lack of a better description.

Excuse me all the way to Hell if it doesn’t meet your standards,
LexusLover's Avatar
I’m using the term anarchy in the context of the trump administrations inability to govern. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I won't ask for your credentials to support your opinion. You already embarrassed yourself beyond repair and asking a fireman/woman about civics and politics is worse than asking rock moss.

Enjoy your growing taxpayer funded 401K and quit whining. Last time!

I’m using the term anarchy in the context of the trump administrations inability to govern. His cabinet is falling apart, he has mostly acting cabinet heads and no one wants to join that shit show. trump is under a impeachment inquiry and soon perjury inquiry. His presidency has been nothing but chaos since he took office. And chaos leads to a mis trust and a population that does not recognize its elected government. If trump hijacks 2020 their will be anarchy where the majority of the population will not recognize his authority.

So I used the term anarchy for lack of a better description.

Excuse me all the way to Hell if it doesn’t meet your standards, Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Well you picked the wrong term to make your point. Anarchy is essentially the absence of a Governing body. Donald Trump is indeed Governing this country regardless if you like him or his policies. As usual you make a fucking ass out of yourself because you don't know what you're talking about.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I won't ask for your credentials to support your opinion. You already embarrassed yourself beyond repair and asking a fireman/woman about civics and politics is worse than asking rock moss.] Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like I give a shit what you think, I would think you could have figured that out by now. You attack me daily with you moronic posts and evidently you believe you’re somehow showing up a libtard. Well, losers are always going to be losers and usually they were raised to be losers. Was your daddy a loser?