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The language is Vietnamese I believe. Something about have a good day. Originally Posted by Ceremony

thanks ceremony, wonder if that was the case why was he banned, oh well, guess he should have just spoke/wrote English huh?
Plastic Man's Avatar
thanks ceremony, wonder if that was the case why was he banned, oh well, guess he should have just spoke/wrote English huh? Originally Posted by rodeomann22
fuck yeah burger ...this be merica!

fuck yeah burger ...this be merica!

Originally Posted by Plastic Man
yep your right!!!!!!!!!

BTW if I didn't before, welcome back PM, glad to see your mini vaca did nothing to change you
Plastic Man's Avatar
glad to see your mini vaca did nothing to change you Originally Posted by rodeomann22
nor did ...yers
Chica Chaser's Avatar
thanks ceremony, wonder if that was the case why was he banned, oh well, guess he should have just spoke/wrote English huh? Originally Posted by rodeomann22
Go ahead and reply, I'm sure he has some shoes to sell you
nor did ...yers Originally Posted by Plastic Man
oh trust me, mine has been enlightening

Go ahead and reply, I'm sure he has some shoes to sell you Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
yep, im sure he doesn't, but thanks for looking out for me, I appreciate it
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 05-07-2015, 05:01 PM

Valued Poster

Valued Poster Originally Posted by Tiger
Define "Valued" please.

Valued Poster Originally Posted by Tiger
Define "Valued" please. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
I think value is defined by each individual, and is different for each of us
Plastic Man's Avatar
Define "Valued" please. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
valued = plastic man

Frankly, I'm not sure how many will miss him... but he's gone for a while...


Join Date: May 11, 2014
Location: All over
Posts: 452
Reviews: 12
Frankly, I'm not sure how many will miss him... but he's gone for a while...


Join Date: May 11, 2014
Location: All over
Posts: 452
Reviews: 12 Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

guess he wasn't so adorable now was he?
wantsome's Avatar
Frankly some people think he'll be spending his vacation living on a mountain
Ya knew that was coming with TB....
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 05-11-2015, 03:30 PM
Frankly, I'm not sure how many will miss him... but he's gone for a while...

BANNED Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Are you going to miss your shadow?

If you do, maybe you could hire this guy: