For those who need proof of election fraud....

  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2021, 12:41 PM
Because the people conducting this sham of an audit are clueless as to what they are doing. It could be as simple as in the several months that this audit has been ongoing they have found nothing to support the claims of fraud and continue to go up blind alleys. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Blind lemmiongs mindlessly following the fiden piper over the cliff of CCP world domination.

Stalin - it is not who votes - but who counts the Votes.

The DPST fascist party has that lesson down pat.

See - the reason for HR-1. ( to ensure DPST fascist domination under the CCP)
bambino's Avatar
JUST IN - Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Senate considers Arizona-style audit into 2020 election (AP)

  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2021, 02:41 PM
Might be a bit late for Pennsylvania - the rats will have destroyed all evidence.
bambino's Avatar
JULY 2, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Look what’s going on in New York with their Fake Election. The same thing just happened with the 2020 Presidential Election Hoax. America is no longer a Country of Free and Fair Elections!

pfunkdenver's Avatar
Stalin - it is not who votes - but who counts the Votes. Originally Posted by oeb11
Stalin, who died in 1953, ruled the former Soviet Union under a brutal regime for decades. And although there is much on the record of the dictator's opinion on elections, no one has yet verified the statement to be a true quote.

The Facebook image was posted by the page for online conservative radio personalities Walton & Johnson, also known as Steve Johnson and Ken Webster Jr. Walton & Johnson did not reply to an emailed request for comment.

The post has been shared more than 1,400 times, with over 150 comments as of Nov. 10. The page shared it with a link to information on how to listen to the radio show.

Versions of the quote have circulated for at least a year, sometimes attached to different photos or slightly extended.

"All I can say is, I've never seen it," Vanderbilt University history professor Thomas Schwartz said. "This does not sound like a Stalin quote. I took a look at some quotes from him. It doesn't show up."
bambino's Avatar
Stalin, who died in 1953, ruled the former Soviet Union under a brutal regime for decades. And although there is much on the record of the dictator's opinion on elections, no one has yet verified the statement to be a true quote.

The Facebook image was posted by the page for online conservative radio personalities Walton & Johnson, also known as Steve Johnson and Ken Webster Jr. Walton & Johnson did not reply to an emailed request for comment.

The post has been shared more than 1,400 times, with over 150 comments as of Nov. 10. The page shared it with a link to information on how to listen to the radio show.

Versions of the quote have circulated for at least a year, sometimes attached to different photos or slightly extended.

"All I can say is, I've never seen it," Vanderbilt University history professor Thomas Schwartz said. "This does not sound like a Stalin quote. I took a look at some quotes from him. It doesn't show up." Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Who ever said it, it’s true.
bambino's Avatar
Countries worldwide know that the November 2020 election in America was a fraud. That reality is lost on approximately 1/3 of U.S. citizens who remain brainwashed by the Mockingbird propaganda media.

I am also growing increasingly convinced that 75% or more of our elected officials deny the fraud because they were involved in it or personally benefit from it.

The eyes of the world are on America. What will the citizens of the country which is the leader of the free world do?

If America rolls over and accepts the fraud, the world loses hope. And we lose our freedom.

If America fights back to expose and fix the fraud, we win our freedom and the world wins with us.

I have repeatedly said for many months that our freedom is at risk. Our country’s situation deteriorates every day that the fraudulent administration exists.

But maybe we need to learn a lesson and we are not quite there yet. Maybe it has to get worse before it can get better.

When these extraordinary times are over, I believe Americans will cherish their freedom and the fact that we are a nation under God with a passion unmatched since 1776.

And the world is watching.
bambino's Avatar
If I were Katie Hobbs and felt confident about the certified results in Maricopa County, I would sit back and let the audit and, by connection, everyone who supports it, self destruct. There is no better way to solidify an administration with highly questioned legitimacy from coast to coast than to let the audit make your opponents look like idiots as your results are confirmed.

Katie knows what is going on. She’s acting like a fool, now shifting the argument to “even if the audit showed fraud we couldn’t change anything.” They are setting the stage to paint Cyber Ninjas as biased, incompetent, and conspiracy theorists. None of their argument is about the anomalies or about the tons of affidavits and testimonies alleging misconduct in the administration of the election.

It is the left spilling out “status reports” in order to make the audit ship appear leaky. If that audit reveals substantial problems, like missing ballots, or enough illegal ballots to reverse the state, then she and the entire Maricopa Board of Supervisors is utterly toast.

Maricopa hasn’t been blue since 1948

It was even red when Bob Dole lost Arizona in 1996, the first loss since 1948.

Trump won Maricopa in 2016 with fewer votes than Romney

Trump decided to set a GOP record by gaining 248,000 additional votes from his 2016 total just so he could lose the county for the first time in 72 years

Dems have never gained more than 116,000 new votes in Maricopa. So it’s totally natural of course, for Biden to come in 338,000 over Clinton to BARELY win the state. Why? He needed every one of those votes.

They appear to have known the score of where Trump would come in, which is why they awkwardly counted a few batches of votes per day until they ran out of them.

- - -

Katie knows. So do their lawyers, because the thing I do to celebrate a once in a lifetime achievement is send lawyers out to cover it all up.

Hobbs is famous for referring to Trump supporters as “Neo Nazis” in 2017.

Arizona appears on the way to be the first state *confirmed* to be wrongfully awarded in the electoral college. That’s called a national crisis.

Oh, Pima County is also highly fraudulent.

Sow the wind...

(Final addition: I don’t know when results will be released. No news is good news. We don’t want leaks. Don’t believe any news articles alleging anything.)
bambino's Avatar
It never ceases to make me laugh, in a sad way, that I can present data and statistics going back as far as 1896 that have absolutely zero to do with my opinion, and people who disagree and refuse to open eyes say "Well, I know someone who's a lifelong Republican who voted BIDEN!" Yes, and I have 124 years worth of bellwethers, indicators, and trends that were all vaporized in a single week.

The media and government say this election was the most secure ever. The same two entities incapable of basic truth, and utterly exposed and humiliated with the COVID flop and Fauci's exposure as a total fraud. Yet people believe what they say about elections.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-03-2021, 09:54 AM
Who ever said it, it’s true. Originally Posted by bambino
So if Republicans count them... they are fraudulent?

What is your fucking point?
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Although bipartisan consensus previously agreed vote-by-mail leads to fraud, in 2020, casting ballots by mail outpaced all other forms of voting.

In a 2005 report signed by President Jimmy Carter, the Commission on Federal Election Reform concluded, "Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

In 2012, the NYT wrote, "all the evidence of stolen elections involves absentee ballots".

In 2016, Slate wrote, "the only voting fraud schemes with the potential to actually swing elections involved mail-in ballots."

In 2020, the percentage of voters casting ballots by mail more than doubled from 2016, to 46% percent.

In particular, the percentage of Biden voters casting their vote-by-mail more than doubled, with 60% of Democrats casting their ballots by mail in 2020, compared to only 32% of Republicans.

  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2021, 06:55 AM
DPST/fascist voter fraud and Trillions of dollars in slush fund spending are among the greatest threats to freedom on America as the DPST/fascists attempt to gain total control and enslave America!
bambino's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Still waiting on that "proof" of voter fraud.