September 11th is coming

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know that if Hillary had won then we would see the following from Tampon:

That's the spirit, let's look for more ways to blame Hillary for any and everything.

Why not blame Watergate on Hillary?

Next up, the Stock Market Crash on 9/15/2008 was Hillary's fault.

Could The Great Depression be far behind?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, that's exactly what the Idiot Klan, errr, Clan would be doing if Hillary had been elected. And that's the kind of bellyaching we'll hear from you idiots 2016-24... If you don't all get blowed up by "Muzzies!"
boardman's Avatar
I have offered up a is called reality. Listen up, the big boys that run this country want free trade and cheap labor. If you do not believe me look at the actual reality of wtf has happened. They get folks like you to support any and every war they need to accomplish those goals. There is nothing either you or I can do about it but try and make a living in that environment. That is the solution. Educate yourself to the actual reality and quit wasting your time with this fantasy illusion of democracy , nation building and border security. You vision of reality is a Berlin Wall and giving the government the power to watch your every move. Originally Posted by WTF
That's your solution? Wide open borders, stick our heads in the sand and accept what we have and don't question the government? How do we not loose freedoms then? That's how we got where we are now with such things as The Patriot Act.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's your solution? Wide open borders, stick our heads in the sand and accept what we have and don't question the government? How do we not loose freedoms then? That's how we got where we are now with such things as The Patriot Act. Originally Posted by boardman
The only reason he supports open borders is because he gets a steady supply of cheap labor to exploit when his builds his 3 million dollar luxury homes. Otherwise, I'm sure he doesn't care one bit about all the government dependent family members his workforce brings with them.
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  • WTF
  • 09-15-2014, 08:59 AM
That's your solution?...

....That's how we got where we are now with such things as The Patriot Act. Originally Posted by boardman
That is not my is something called reality.

I said this country acts during crisis. 9/11 brought you The Patriot Act.

Politicians use crisis to push their agenda. So it is people like you sticking your heads in the sands after 9/11 and letting the government calm your fears by taking away your freedom is the problem with the stupid fucking Patriot Act . You are your own worst enemy....that is why I have made fun of you Tea types for years.

This is like Groundhog Day...the exact same irrational fear we had after 9/11. Could their be a terrorist attack on our soil....yes. Would it be a military success? No. But folks like you would then turn over your freedoms both in terms of economic and personal to the government. Then bitch about the debt and the personal freedoms you no longer have.

Wide open borders, stick our heads in the sand and accept what we have and don't question the government? How do we not loose freedoms then? . Originally Posted by boardman
You lose freedom by being scared little bitches and not accessing threats properly. When you piss in your pants over ISIS , a threat not as worthy as a snake bite threat , then you concede freedoms to the government. You concede your economic freedom throwing 6 Trillion dollars invading Iraq and now you and others want even more war .... which gives the government even more power.

I want the American public to grow some balls and accept some dangers in life and quit conceding everything to the government.
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  • WTF
  • 09-15-2014, 09:10 AM
The only reason he supports open borders is because he gets a steady supply of cheap labor to exploit when his builds his 3 million dollar luxury homes. Otherwise, I'm sure he doesn't care one bit about all the government dependent family members his workforce brings with them. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I support open borders because I am not a chicken shit, chicken hawk.... scared of competition.

I have never backed away from the fact that I am a Libertarian.

Also, current libertarian political candidates recognize that you can't demolish a government as large as ours overnight, and that great care must be taken in dismantling it carefully. For example, libertarians believe in open borders, but unrestricted immigration now would attract in a huge mass of welfare clients, so most libertarians would start by abolishing welfare programs before opening the borders.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I support open borders because I am not a chicken shit, chicken hawk.... scared of competition.

I have never backed away from the fact that I am a Libertarian.

Also, current libertarian political candidates recognize that you can't demolish a government as large as ours overnight, and that great care must be taken in dismantling it carefully. For example, libertarians believe in open borders, but unrestricted immigration now would attract in a huge mass of welfare clients, so most libertarians would start by abolishing welfare programs before opening the borders. Originally Posted by WTF
OK - I could go along with starting off by abolishing welfare programs. My greatest concern is economic and not racist. Young, wealthy, healthy, and educated good looking young female immigrants would immensely help your country.
boardman's Avatar

Abolish welfare?
Abolish most of the Government?
Eliminate Taxes?
Return to personal liberty and responsibility?
WTF has turned into a Teabilly!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-15-2014, 01:46 PM

Abolish welfare?
Abolish most of the Government?
Eliminate Taxes?
Return to personal liberty and responsibility?
WTF has turned into a Teabilly! Originally Posted by boardman
Refuse to stooge for the military-industrial complex
Reject conservative attempts to "legislate morality" with censorship, drug laws, and obnoxious Bible-thumping
Libertarians believe in open borders

A5. How do libertarians differ from "conservatives"?

For starters, by not being conservative. Most libertarians have no interest in returning to an idealized past. More generally, libertarians hold no belief for the right wing's rather overt militarist, racist, sexist, and authoritarian tendencies and reject conservative attempts to "legislate morality" with censorship, drug laws, and obnoxious Bible-thumping. Though libertarians believe in free-enterprise capitalism, we also refuse to stooge for the military-industrial complex as conservatives are wont to do.

You Teabillies haven't yet figured out that in order to lose weight , you have to stop eating Pixie Sticks and blaming your fat ass weight gain on liberals. They have plenty of problems without having to atone for your sins. Though libertarians and Teabillies have similar views on some things (just as libertarians overlap some views with liberals) it is comparable to a Lightening Bug thinking it is as powerful as Lightening. You are no different than liberals when it comes to spending money.

boardman's Avatar
If I must be a TeaBilly because I want lower taxes, increase the tax base or reduce the size of government then you can't be a libertarian if you have any views that are similar to the Tea Party such as those above. Therefor you are a TeaBilly.

If you can pigeon hole someone incorrectly based on assumptions then anyone can.

You assume someone wants war because they want a smaller less obtrusive government. It just isn't necessarily the case. You will continue to make the incorrect connections along the dots by assuming that having one conservative idea makes one a teabilly.

So, as a teabilly, how do you propose we undo the last 100 years of taxation, intervention, legislation of morality, establishment of the military industrial complex, loss of property rights and personal liberty? Anarchy?

We have several lifetimes of our out of control government fucking up everything from gun control to free enterprise by getting their grubby little hands on it. This has created a government run amok with corruption. They have some form of control in everything from the stock markets to education to supporting 1/2 the population. If we deregulate all of that where does it leave us as a country. You teabillies don't give any thought to the future or how we get out of this mess and leave a better country than we found it. You just want to open the doors and let anarchy sort things out. Where is your concern for the future?

What happens when the economy takes a hit because of TARP. The stock market is the next bubble to burst and it's because of government intervention in companies too big to fail. I was against TARP from the beginning exactly because of this. We would have been much better off letting GM go bankrupt and letting the brokerage houses default. Sure the pain would have been substantial but we would be in a real recovery now not one propped up by the government.

Large corporations are taking advantage of the cheap money and buying back their own stock at inflated prices and using that inflated price to overvalue their worth. We are printing money at a record pace and inflation is bound to catch up. Hell, government is counting on inflation catching up to reduce the deficit. Problem is with inflation comes higher interest rates. When the interest rates get too high these large corporations will start borrowing money from their shareholders by selling that stock at over valued prices. At some point, as there always is, there will be a reckoning. Government created that but now we will all have to deal with it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-15-2014, 04:12 PM
All you did in your cute lil Teabilly way was regurgitate what I said. Basically....We will take the easy way out until we can' we have for the last 100 years...i think since the beginning of time but why quibble with you? We only change as a country when we are in crisis mode. Nothing will change until the next crisis comes along.Even then probably not to either of our liking.

For some reason you think there is a solution to Death and Taxes. That is basically your question. What is the solution? There is no solution Grasshopper. Enjoy life or shoot yourself in the nuts is my motto......or you and SOTF can continue with this silly Tea Party , like a couple of junior high sweethearts. All I have tried to do is speed you two's learning curve into reality.

I B Hankering's Avatar
That's your solution? Wide open borders, stick our heads in the sand and accept what we have and don't question the government? How do we not loose freedoms then? That's how we got where we are now with such things as The Patriot Act. Originally Posted by boardman
The only reason he supports open borders is because he gets a steady supply of cheap labor to exploit when his builds his 3 million dollar luxury homes. Otherwise, I'm sure he doesn't care one bit about all the government dependent family members his workforce brings with them. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
... along the same line:

Cost of educating new class of illegal immigrant minors estimated at over $760M
By Dan SpringerPublished September 02, 2014

A new report puts the price of educating the thousands of illegal immigrant children who recently crossed into the U.S. at a whopping $761 million this school year -- as some school systems push for the feds to pick up the tab.

The estimate comes from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which issued a report on the 37,000 “unaccompanied minors” – who mainly are from Central America – after analyzing data from the Department of Health and Human Services and education funding formulas in all 50 states.

boardman's Avatar
All you did in your cute lil Teabilly way was regurgitate what I said. So that makes you a teabilly and a hypocrite. The two things you seem to despise most. No wonder you're all doom and gloom with no answers.
Basically....We will take the easy way out until we can' we have for the last 100 years...i think since the beginning of time but why quibble with you? We only change as a country when we are in crisis mode. Nothing will change until the next crisis comes along.Even then probably not to either of our liking.

For some reason you think there is a solution to Death and Taxes. That is basically your question. What is the solution? There is no solution Grasshopper. Enjoy life or shoot yourself in the nuts is my motto......or you and SOTF can continue with this silly Tea Party , like a couple of junior high sweethearts. All I have tried to do is speed you two's learning curve into reality.

. Originally Posted by WTF
You forgot Hookers...Death, Taxes and Hookers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2014, 09:01 AM

... along the same line:

[/COLOR] Originally Posted by I B Hankering

libertarians would start by abolishing welfare programs before opening the borders. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 09-16-2014, 09:09 AM
So that makes you a teabilly and a hypocrite. The two things you seem to despise most. No wonder you're all doom and gloom with no answers

Originally Posted by boardman

Doom and Gloom? No solutions? Me? I gave you the key to life Live like you were dying! Me, I'm moving at some point, not to Israel like that slave fucking JL but somewhere more lawless.

As far as being a Teabilly, you can call me what you want....wishful thinking on your part but hey I can see why you'd want more brain power on that side of the fence!

You forgot Hookers...Death, Taxes and Hookers. Originally Posted by boardman
Hookers are like air, I may fail to mention them but they are in my every breath!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2014, 12:46 PM

You assume someone wants war because they want a smaller less obtrusive government. It just isn't necessarily the case. You will continue to make the incorrect connections along the dots by assuming that having one conservative idea makes one a teabilly.

. Originally Posted by boardman
Calling for a preemptive war with Muslim countries is wanting war, no matter how you try and spin it.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Also I have provided a link showing you the difference between libertarians and conservatives and liberals. What would you classify yourself as being? Are you not in the Tea Turkey camp? If not , just which camp are you in?
