Happy Birthday Governor Palin!

Actually I regard you as a bunch of ignorant rubes because other than being bellicose, insulting, and obtuse you have no way of expressing yourselves. That is a generality, some of you are okay but normally mistaken which I chalk up to lazy thinking. Others...I wish we could get the air back that you've obviously wasted. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I had just started sipping on a cup of good coffee when I read that post.

Now I need to run back to the kitchen and get a napkin!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tag! You're it!
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  • 02-17-2014, 10:18 AM

I had just started sipping on a cup of good coffee when I read that post.

Now I need to run back to the kitchen and get a napkin! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
JD must teach Junior High girls because he would get his ass beat trying to teach High School or College kids with that faux Mensa attitude of his.
If Barley was as smart as he let's on he would not be farting around on a hooker board, but teaching at MIT.
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  • CJ7
  • 02-17-2014, 11:14 AM
If Barley was as smart as he let's on he would not be farting around on a hooker board, but teaching at MIT. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
he teaches Master class at MIT ..

Morons In Training
Actually I regard you as a bunch of ignorant rubes because other than being bellicose, insulting, and obtuse you have no way of expressing yourselves. That is a generality, some of you are okay but normally mistaken which I chalk up to lazy thinking. Others...I wish we could get the air back that you've obviously wasted. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You still haven't said what you wanted "proof" of.

And you still haven't answered the questions I asked above about Sarah Palin's "walking" interview with Katie Couric.

Unless and until you can answer those questions, you are just spinning to avoid slinking away with your tail between your legs.
JCM800's Avatar
Tag! You're it! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
tag you're it?

..what the hell?

tag you're it?

..what the hell?

? Originally Posted by JCM800
Well, as I mentioned earlier, Barleycorn's hallmark is third grade-style thinking!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since the birthday was a week ago and this thread has degenerated to this...tag, you're it again!
Since you bumped it tag you are it, no tag back.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
MY GAME, MY RULES! Didn't you learn that on the playground Eva? Tag!
The last time I heard someone say, "Tag! You're it!" was probably during the same year the Soviets launched Sputnik 1.

You still haven't said what you wanted "proof" of.

And you still haven't answered the questions I asked above about Sarah Palin's "walking" interview with Katie Couric.

Unless and until you can answer those questions, you are just spinning to avoid slinking away with your tail between your legs. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Professor JD "Third Grade" Barleycorn generally pulls a disappearing act when challenged to come up with a cogent argument. He embarrasses himself in almost every thread he starts, usually by simply calling everyone with whom he disagrees idiots in blanket fashion while demonstrating his own ignorance of the topic under discussion. Maybe such crude tactics worked for him when he was about eight years old.

Third Grade's attempt to create a paean to Sarah Palin's "intellectual prowess" turned south on him in a hurry, didn't it?
This thread has gone to 117 post and I STILL want to fuck Sarah Palin.
MY GAME, MY RULES! Didn't you learn that on the playground Eva? Tag! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you are admitting you are just another bully.
This thread has gone to 117 post and I STILL want to fuck Sarah Palin. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm with you there!

In my book, she's not bad-looking at all, especially for a 50ish MILF-type who's had a bunch of kids. Not sure what her body looks like these days, but it at least appears that she hasn't let herself get porked-up to any significant extent. But, hey, moose meat is good stuff -- and it's a lot healthier than the crap most people eat!

(And for the record, I'd prefer that she talk as little as possible before, during, and after the physical fun. But that's probably like asking Third Grade to express an intelligent, sensible thought.)