Board Libs: Why Do You Hate President Trump?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Ms. Whispers,

We have yet again played Elmer Fudd in a cruel bugs bunny cartoon. They asked. We answered. A shit show ensued.

Did you really expect any other outcome? Originally Posted by grean
No. But at times, I do like rolling in the mud with the others (insert joke here).

But I am surprised, and have been for years, at the absolute low-brow responses of many (if not most) of the posters here.

Sure would be great to have an actual discussion and keep with the actual topic instead of just slinging insults. Think: George Will dynamics of speak.

Crap. Even when I was suggesting another poster try talking during an appointment, I wasn't suggesting that he was doing anything wrong by not having conversations.

With some of the places these guys frequent, wouldn't be able to communicate with way. Still, I'm standing by what I wrote above. A lot of clients aren't big talkers either way.

They're visiting a sex worker for an experience more physical and aren't interested in the cerebral. That's fine, too.

Shared my opinion because it was asked. And it's fairly rare that I participate in this forum, anyway.

Really isn't in my temperament to argue about politics and go back and forth like this.

Happy Friday.

PS Cinderbella ... your responses were great. Hope all is well with you and ignore the naysayers.
lustylad's Avatar
gnadfly. Did you give yourself that handle because of the famous line by Socrates? Or do you think of yourself as an annoying insect without the literary input? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Or maybe gnad is short for gonad rather than a variant of gnat? Did Socrates really call himself a gadfly or was that Plato's version?

With some of the places these guys frequent, wouldn't be able to communicate with (any)way. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
You're absolutely right, Liz. When I frequent a tasty snatch during DATY, my speech becomes quite muffled and unintelligible!
GingerKatt's Avatar
Question to the board Liberals/Progressives: Why do you hate President Trump? I know, you don't hate him, you just dislike him with the intensity of 10,000 suns. This isn't a trick question.

Try to be specific. If you wanna say because "he's a facist" then give a acts or behaviors of facism to support the claim.

Be honest with yourself. Thanks in advance for your considered responses. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Because I just do. I can be more specific later but my texting fingers are getting tired! Just went off on a long winded tirade in Dallas CoEd.

But to just start; HOW did he get elected when he had an interview during his campaign with Billy Bush. “When you’re rich and famous you can grab pussy all you want”. I thought wow. He just blew the election, thank the good Lord.
But Billy Bush got fired and Donnie is now our embarrassing POTUS.

There are SO many reasons to want to impeach him and have him go away. Melanie needs her freedom to divorce when he’s out of office.

He’s a rapist.

An egomaniac.

He’s orange, over spray tanned with bad hair plugs and bleached blonde hair.

He’s clueless about foreign relations. Really, about anything political.

He’s an asshole who insults women in his tweets.

Because I just do. I can be more specific later but my texting fingers are getting tired! Just went off on a long winded tirade in Dallas CoEd.

But to just start; HOW did he get elected when he had an interview during his campaign with Billy Bush. “When you’re rich and famous you can grab pussy all you want”. I thought wow. He just blew the election, thank the good Lord.
But Billy Bush got fired and Donnie is now our embarrassing POTUS.

There are SO many reasons to want to impeach him and have him go away. Melanie needs her freedom to divorce when he’s out of office.

He’s a rapist.

An egomaniac.

He’s orange, over spray tanned with bad hair plugs and bleached blonde hair.

He’s clueless about foreign relations. Really, about anything political.

He’s an asshole who insults women in his tweets.

And SO MUCH MORE! Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Only Rosie O'Donnell, lol.
Ha! You beat me to it!

Only Rosie O'Donnell, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Ha! You beat me to it! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I'll give ya credit for thinking about it.
I just do. I understand that. Totally. When people ask me why I love Trump - I just do.
I could give reasons why he is the best President the U.S. ever had but some people just hate him and some people just love him - just because they do.

Because I just do. I can be more specific later but my texting fingers are getting tired! Just went off on a long winded tirade in Dallas CoEd.

But to just start; HOW did he get elected when he had an interview during his campaign with Billy Bush. “When you’re rich and famous you can grab pussy all you want”. I thought wow. He just blew the election, thank the good Lord.
But Billy Bush got fired and Donnie is now our embarrassing POTUS.

There are SO many reasons to want to impeach him and have him go away. Melanie needs her freedom to divorce when he’s out of office.

He’s a rapist.

An egomaniac.

He’s orange, over spray tanned with bad hair plugs and bleached blonde hair.

He’s clueless about foreign relations. Really, about anything political.

He’s an asshole who insults women in his tweets.

And SO MUCH MORE! Originally Posted by GingerKatt
lustylad's Avatar
But to just start; HOW did he get elected when he had an interview during his campaign with Billy Bush. “When you’re rich and famous you can grab pussy all you want”. I thought wow. He just blew the election, thank the good Lord. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Hey Ginger, not only did he win (i.e. not blow) the election, but the pussy grabber humiliated hildebeest in her own demographic - winning 53% versus 43% AMONG WHITE WOMEN VOTERS like you.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Or maybe gnad is short for gonad rather than a variant of gnat? Did Socrates really call himself a gadfly or was that Plato's version?

You're absolutely right, Liz. When I frequent a tasty snatch during DATY, my speech becomes quite muffled and unintelligible! Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh gosh. Fuckadoodle do.

You're right. Trying to remember ... yes. Socrates didn't write anything, did he?

Plato's Republic is the book I'm referencing and it's very possible I'm wrong on that. Correct me if that's the case. Somewhere, Plato wrote that Socrates considered himself the "Gnadfly of the Senate" or something like that.

Don't know if that was Plato's observation or it was something that Socrates, supposedly, stated. Thought it was the later.

So Plato was a student of Socrates. And Aristotle was a student of Plato, who didn't agree with him on much.

Trying to remember freshman level stuff like that makes me feel that I've forgotten so much.

I'd much prefer to consider the pleasures of the flesh and doing whatever possible to keep a man's mouth, otherwise and in all manners possible, occupied!!! blush

On an aside, have to wonder if Trump could reference text by Plato like you, in an apparently offhand and easy fashion, were?

So doubtful. An intelligent and well read man is so attractive to me, regardless of political affiliations.

Back to topic:

Actually, if the ladies here were so inclined, we could all have a close guess of EXACTLY how Trump would behave in bed.

Probably a good reason why so many of us don't care for him. And that ain't "mommy talk."

Happy Friday,
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Ha! You beat me to it! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Once again, trashing your fellow female.

Her reputation, career, etc., was ruined from a needless feud that she didn't start. Piling on is so hateful on many levels.

Of course, you make such a habit of viciously cutting down females (for those reading this response, just do a search in this forum to find a ton of examples), especially ones who you might not find classically attractive, which is just bizarre to me all things considered.

That's why I've written in a few other responses that the attitudes of some of my fellow sex workers, women that I SHOULD have such feelings of comradely with, just falls short.
No Elizabeth, Trump can't reference Plato in an offhand manner. That's the whole point. But you know that already.

Oh gosh. Fuckadoodle do.

You're right. Trying to remember ... yes. Socrates didn't write anything, did he?

Plato's Republic is the book I'm referencing and it's very possible I'm wrong on that. Correct me if that's the case. Somewhere, Plato wrote that Socrates considered himself the "Gnadfly of the Senate" or something like that.

Don't know if that was Plato's observation or it was something that Socrates, supposedly, stated. Thought it was the later.

So Plato was a student of Socrates. And Aristotle was a student of Plato, who didn't agree with him on much.

Trying to remember freshman level stuff like that makes me feel that I've forgotten so much.

I'd much prefer to consider the pleasures of the flesh and doing whatever possible to keep a man's mouth, otherwise and in all manners possible, occupied!!! blush

On an aside, have to wonder if Trump could reference text by Plato like you, in an apparently offhand and easy fashion, were?

So doubtful. An intelligent and well read man is so attractive to me, regardless of political affiliations.

Back to topic:

Actually, if the ladies here were so inclined, we could all have a close guess of EXACTLY how Trump would behave in bed.

Probably a good reason why so many of us don't care for him. And that ain't "mommy talk."

Happy Friday,
Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

That was called a "joke" - it referenced Rosie O'donald.
And,once again. I am not a feminist ok. Just because she's a woman doesn't mean I automatically support her. That's the difference between you and me. I support any person based on their merit --- not their sex,religion or anything else.
And for the record - I can't stand Rosie O'Donald. I'm still waiting for her to get her ass to Canada. She said she was moving after the election. She lied.

My hope for the future is that people do not judge other people on the basis of sex. You should try that.

Once again, trashing your fellow female.

Her reputation, career, etc., was ruined from a needless feud that she didn't start. Piling on is so hateful on many levels.

Of course, you make such a habit of viciously cutting down females (for those reading this response, just do a search in this forum to find a ton of examples), especially ones who you might not find classically attractive, which is just bizarre to me all things considered.

That's why I've written in a few other responses that the attitudes of some of my fellow sex workers, women that I SHOULD have such feelings of comradeship with, just falls short. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
GingerKatt's Avatar
Only Rosie O'Donnell, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
He also called his former lover Stormy Daniels a “horse face”. He seemed to like her face and a lot more at that Golf course they met at and took several pictures together.

Anyone care to admit they were wrong? Many of you jumped on the bandwagon with “you beat me to it”. So gleefully. And a few others jumped in with “only Rosie O’Donnell lol!” Like it’s funny. It’s not. It’s being a bully.
Donnie would call most women a fat pig. I read an article years ago that appearance is really the only thing he wants in a woman. Tall, blonde, very very thin. He also once admitted he’d do his daughter, cause she was his type. If they weren’t related of course. I think he’s a fat pig.

Guess it’s very presidential and classy to call a woman a “fat pig” or a “horse face”. He makes me physically sick to my stomach.
Little Monster's Avatar
Because I just do. I can be more specific later but my texting fingers are getting tired! Just went off on a long winded tirade in Dallas CoEd.

But to just start; HOW did he get elected when he had an interview during his campaign with Billy Bush. “When you’re rich and famous you can grab pussy all you want”. I thought wow. He just blew the election, thank the good Lord.
But Billy Bush got fired and Donnie is now our embarrassing POTUS.

There are SO many reasons to want to impeach him and have him go away. Melanie needs her freedom to divorce when he’s out of office.

He’s a rapist.

An egomaniac.

He’s orange, over spray tanned with bad hair plugs and bleached blonde hair.

He’s clueless about foreign relations. Really, about anything political.

He’s an asshole who insults women in his tweets.

And SO MUCH MORE! Originally Posted by GingerKatt
I think I'm in love!!

Every reason you have given is about the same reason I hate that SOB as well. And all so true!
Opps, I forgot to mention - I'm not politically correct.
The good thing is - I'm not the only one!
Oh I can't stand Lady Gaga too. Actually. I think she's the one with the horse face.