A great deal of you will be very happy

Raphael's Avatar
Great post, Sofia, well argued & reasoned!
auknowho's Avatar

First of all anyone who has visited our establishment will clearly tell you we don't talk on the phone we text only or email. That is just our agreed policy. Please note this.

Let me elaborate on the matter so you all can better understand. Alex was robbed by a P411 client. When she arrived at the location she got comfortable and removed her jacket. When she asked the guy for the phone bill, the guy started to get ugly with her and started to man handle her. He gave half to her and shoved in in her coat pocket and told her "no need to count." She counted anyway! She pointed out he was 100 short and he became very pushy with her. She put her coat back on when he refused to give her phone bill and asked her to stay anyway. She had her bluetooth on or put it back on and dialed me straight away so i heard everything that transpired after she secretly dialed me with her phone in her coat pocket. Alex is a smart girl for doing that. I then called the client directly and ask that he let her go. He refused and started to shake her by her upper arms calling her a no good whore. I heard Alex's fear and called the client and told him 911 was on the way. After bruising and scaring Alex he let her go. NOT BEFORE TAKING EVERYTHING IN HER POCKET. His phone bill plus the cash that she had on her.

I got on P411 straight away and used the live person feature and was told to email Gina. When i did so she emailed she would not post an alert on the guy as what Alex had to say was hearsay. I told her I heard the entire thing on the phone via her bluetooth since she dialed me. Still she would not post an alert or notice on the guy stating she had not heard his version of it. Plus we had no evidence was hurt although Alex arm was bruised. This was all done via email. I then decided to take pics of Alex arm to show her this did happen. Alex had a mock turtleneck on that was sleeveless at the time. I did not see the bruises on her earlier that day but i did see them after this event as well as her clearly crying, scared and shook up after. She sat with me and saw what was going on via emails with Gina. We simply could not believe that Gina would not post any alerts because he had a few Ok's. That does not mean that he can't mentally break or has not done this before. As Gina stated he was a paying member and she wasn't going to post warnings based on what she said. I emailed her the pics and that was still not enough. You see providers don't pay only men do. That 60.00 yearly was worth more to her than Alex being physically hurt, and robbed of the cash Alex had on her. The emails progressed and I was asked to drop it or she would ruin me. Just to let it go that this sort of thing happens everyday! I did not let it go. I kept emailing demanding an alert on him after what happened. Anyone who has seen Alex will tell you she is not one to create problems when there are none. She is very sweet and of good character. Anyone who has reviewed her will attest to her personality. I ask her regulars to attest to her personality.

The emails from Gina kept getting worse, with more threats to out me and to keep my mouth shut as Alex was fine and nothing happened. Gina finally agreed to a call the next day. Prior to this she asked me to stop emailing those pics to her, that she did not have time to be bothered by them. i asked Alex to be here the next day so she could hear what Gina had to say about the matter and we could use speaker phone if she had questions. She stated she could not as she work the next day and could not be here. I then told her I would go to bat for her as hard as I could. I decided to go to Best Buy and buy a cheapie recording device to show Alex I was going to do my best! It is important for the ladies to know that I have their backs when this stuff happens. They HAVE to know i will do my very best to protect them in these matters. Although Alex said she would believe what I stated transpired on the call, I insisted she hear the actual words so nothing could be confused or misconstrued. I must add we do not talk on the phone with our guest only text and email. This would never happen if this had not taken place ( the recording). It is not our practice to record or keep documents. Those of you you who have visited can attest we text only and email only. We do not talk on the phone. This was a one time thing to show Alex everything, the raw truth of what was stated by both parties.

When the call finally came the next day, I did record as Texas is a one party state. On the telephone call Gina clearly enraged by me pushing the issue stated she would not post the issue no matter what proof I gave her as he was a paying member and she would simply not do it. She was yelling on and on about how this happens everyday and if she posted these things her member numbers would drop, bringing her bottom line down and she was all about the money. I asked about the safety of providers and she stated " Look there was a murder with a P411 provider. I would not even cooperate with the police although my attorney advised i only had to give the info of the last man she saw" I asked in shock. Was this in Houston? She stated it was not even in Texas. I then asked what would it hurt if a person died and you are given immunity, as she stated her attorney mentioned this. She then stated. "It's not my fucking business to babysit every provider, their on their own." I'm not posting anything you or Alex ask me to no matter how many pictures you send. I don't even do that with my own agencies". "They will have to subpoena this through the courts and that will take a while" I then said we wanted nothing to do with P411 if they would not protect the provider. Yes this was a heated argument and there was much said.

I am glad Gina does not let anyone's records go to anyone but had she just given the data she was asked for this one MURDER she mentioned, maybe there would not be a request for all her data.

Gina can not deny this conversation took place and there is a murder investigation going on with P411. We do not use them, we removed ourselves that day. The provider's safety is more important to me than as Gina put it " maybe he was just having a bad day!" Bad day or not Gina hobbyist do not have the right to hurt providers or KILL them. I did ask if this has happened before with this guy or not....She refused all information pertaining to the guy who manhandled Alex and robbed her.

That is why Gina has a problem with me. I spoke up om someones behalf and she did not give a shit. She stated no one cared what happened to Alex. I DO! Anyone who has recently send an application will tell you we do not request for P411 so her attempt to insinuate we do is completely false. Gina if you need the recording for your attorney have him contact me and I will give it to him. You know damn well this conversation took place and what YOU said to me. I did not ask you about any murders. You in your anger went on and on about that.

It is not our practice to ever record anything as we do not talk on the phone and this was a one time thing. I felt Alex deserved to hear every word, I appreciate that Alex said there was no need to do that but I felt I owed her at least that much. I went to bat for her as hard as I could only to deal with Gina worried the guy would cancel his membership. I did in fact tell her I would tell anyone who asked what I thought of P411.

There it is ladies and gentlemen. Whatever you may think of me this is why we left P411. I don't want anything to do with someone who does not give a shit about providers. This is not a "my word against hers" its recoded Gina. As you claimed you would use all your weight to ruin me if I pushed it.....

Despite what you may think of me, providers do deserve to be protected! Those of you who think Gina is great, I'm sure you have never seen her bad side and up until now no one has dared speak ill of her. Their incomes are based on staying in her good graces and she knows it. Gentlemen I know you respect her but if you heard her refusal to post a warning on a guy who robbed and bruised Alex you would think differently, unless you are of the same mind frame. Anyone with any questions on the matter Pm me... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Sofia what happened to Alex was not right! But you could always atleast come up on the boards here and put a alert out for the dooshbag! Alex must have seen the culprit, age, race, height, weight something you could do that on alerts here and other sites for safety of other providers???
Why would you let this incident go away in the first place?
The best way to do deal with this is you let everyone know on the boards to becareful but I did not see any alert from you! you can go ahead and put an alert out there right now! Why did you kept quiet on this for so long?
Mr Clever's Avatar
I personally don't care if you stay or go. Do what you want.

I just wanna bang Violet. I've had a crush on her for a long time. Would never schedule through you.

If you split. I'm gonna be combing all the sites to see if Violet pops up. I'll wait you out.

You can't watch the gates forever......I'm a very very very patient person.


sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Sofia what happened to Alex was not right! But you could always atleast come up on the boards here and put a alert out for the dooshbag! Alex must have seen the culprit, age, race, height, weight something you could do that on alerts here and other sites for safety of other providers???
Why would you let this incident go away in the first place?
The best way to do deal with this is you let everyone know on the boards to becareful but I did not see any alert from you! you can go ahead and put an alert out there right now! Why did you kept quiet on this for so long? Originally Posted by auknowho
I did post it on the sites like HD, with ASPD Gina had already had a conversation and had Hambone remove it. I did not keep quiet. I did. name and all, the email, the address, everything I could without breaking any rules. Hambone removed it from ASPD. Again, money talks. Gina had banners and such up all over ASPD. I wonder how long it will last here.....
auknowho's Avatar
I did post it on the sites like HD, with ASPD Gina had already had a conversation and had Hambone remove it. I did not keep quiet. I did. name and all, the email, the address, everything I could without breaking any rules. Hambone removed it from ASPD. Again, money talks. Gina had banners and such up all over ASPD. I wonder how long it will last here..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Sofia I have told you this like 5 times, don't compare banners and BCD's, what is wrong is wrong, if Alex was harassed we all need to know about it and who is this Fu*ker!!!

Well i did not see any alerts here, HD or ASPD but maybe removed from all over God knows, you think you can put an alert out here on ECCIE for all the people here can be safe?

And check your PM!
simpleton's Avatar
Good luck to you Sofia. I liked your posts and thought you brought entertainment to the board. However, You caused your own problems. You seem to think your so much better than everyone else and most of the time treated people really shitty. I doubt you'll answer pms. Your above that.

What was the purpose of this thread?
  • Booth
  • 02-19-2010, 06:21 PM
It's like that routine when James Brown's handlers keep putting his cape back on and try to walk him off the stage and he keeps breaking away and coming back to the microphone for more.

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnRgrG951Gc"]YouTube- James Brown "Please, Please, Please" on The Ed Sullivan Show[/nomedia]
GinaXXX's Avatar
It's unfortunate, but people who act like lunatics don't have very much credibility with me. So if someone who is as unbalanced as Miss Sofia is comes to me and says "XYZ happened", I definitely don't believe it unless there is other information to back the accusations up.

I can't find any notes on the exact bad client situation she is talking about, but please understand that I have pages and pages of notes to go through because she was submitted alerts at least twice weekly. Submitting alerts on guys who were not P411, alerts on guys she had mixed up with someone else, alerts on guys who had done nothing wrong (except in her own mind), alerts on providers, alerts on other agency owners, alerts on review sites, I could go on and on.

If there was a serious alert in there that I didn't pay attention to that I really should have, I would feel terrible. In fact, I'll probably have trouble sleeping tonight over this and will be combing the notes to see if I really did miss something. I suspect it's just more bs from her, but I assure everyone I will be spending some time making sure of that.

In regards to the conversation we had about the girl who was murdered, there have actually been 3 providers who were listed on P411 murdered over the years. In 1 of the situations (over a year ago now), homicide detectives in California did contact me asking for information on her P411 clients (which she had none anyway). However, I will not give out any information from P411 unless subpeonaed, and told them so. Even though we only have Client Ids and email addresses, that information is private no matter what. If you don't like my position on this, that's fine. Your claims of close connection to "the feds" is exactly why I have removed your organization from P411.

I'm sorry that I feel I have to address your comments, embarrassed actually. This sort of thing (public wars) disgusts me.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Well said Gina, I could'nt agree more. I have always found you to be an honest, grounded professional & I cant even come close to saying the same thing about Sofia.
So when did this incident happen?

ASPD died on January 6, so that y'all know why I am asking. Can't post an alert on the P if it's dead.

Also, if this the incident over which Sofia and p411 parted ways, Gina's notes about it should be at the very end of her Sofia file.

Lastly, I remember Gina from her Denver days. She has always been a class act and well respected in the internet community.
Wayward's Avatar
Couldn't we just take sofia to the vet and have her put down?
OneHotMale's Avatar
Couldn't we just take sofia to the vet and have her put down? Originally Posted by Wayward

Hey WW I am an Equine Vet. Is sofia as big as a horse?
Wayward's Avatar
Just her ass.
Not to WP (white princess) for Sofia, but I do remember her alert of Alex being roughed up and robbed by a gent in Houston Alert on ASPD, right before it went down. At the time Sofia could not post in PIE, so she did so in Houston Alert.

Sofia,, maybe if you were not so shitty to some of us, there would be more compassion for you, but unfortunately you tend to burn bridges and your attitude sucks.. I wish you luck
cabletex7's Avatar
Sofia, this is a hell of a sendoff. Normally, I ignore your posts but got curious with how a farewell post from you turned 8 pages long. And, wow! This had everything - drama, WKs, a few heartfelt good-byes (where the good lord split ya?), he said - she said, damsels in distress, fighting for someone's honor and even murders. Only thing missing so far is a happy ending.

But I do have a soft spot for whack-a-doodles swinging at windmills. So, best of luck, wherever you are heading off to. That is if you are truly leaving. I think among all the postings, there was some nugget of good advice regarding how you may have hurt your girls more than helped them. Hope you take it to heart. Take care.