If she thinks your dick is a clit then you might have size issues. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Yeah, if you have to use tweezers to find it, that's definitely an issue. Or if the Snugfit is ten sizes too big.
Thank you to the Patels for putting a PI on just about every street corner in Houston.
bojulay's Avatar
If she thinks your dick is a clit then you might have size issues. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
My Nina you have the largest clit ever did I saw.
I appreciate everyone all have taught me something Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

Indeed . Everyone here has their own unique personality and like a puzzle, all the different edges come together as one complete picture.
I just wanna say I love all my men on here, you know who you are...Ed, Pipefitter, RJ, D2, DED, IKE.. Originally Posted by Valerie
Wow, thank you so much.........

I think I'm gonna copy and save that one. Put it in my special file along with London Rayne's quote-

As someone who has had the extreme pleasure of seeing Pipefitter, I can assure you he is anything but "the average Joe" lol. Anyone who can get my off TWICE in one date, is pretty damn good because I don't cum easily....if at all. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I just wanna say I love all my men on here, you know who you are...Ed, Pipefitter, RJ, D2, DED, IKE..

What a nice thing to say!! And being mentioned before Pipeman is quite and honor!!

And I know you all hate Wakeup, but he is my best friend and an amazing person, and has always been there for me...

Did you just relegate Mr. Wakeup to the "friend zone"??

Dearhunter- I just want to hatefuck the shit out of you one day

For some reason, I almost think I would rather have been mentioned here....not sure why.

Nina-Is gorgeous and I want to lick your cunt so bad! Originally Posted by Valerie
Yes Val, Nina is spectacular in should see her naked....everybody should!!
As a very, very new member here I just wanted to say that I am not sure there is any other place on earth that has such a collection of beautiful, classy women. Now that's nice !
Sexyhunnypot's Avatar
Thanks to sexyangelbaby for being such a sweetheart!

Thanks to all the nice hobbyists who have made this board change go smoothly.

Thinks to indigo and Eric knight for being there when I needed them

I dont know alot of you but I'm hoping to change that.

As a very, very new member here I just wanted to say that I am not sure there is any other place on earth that has such a collection of beautiful, classy women. Now that's nice ! Originally Posted by tonray

The Eccie chicks rock
Wakeup's Avatar
And I know you all hate Wakeup, but he is my best friend and an amazing person, and has always been there for me... Originally Posted by Valerie
She's required to say that since we're married...I'm really a horrible person...

Psst...hey love, stop ruining my rep.
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, if you have to use tweezers to find it, that's definitely an issue. Or if the Snugfit is ten sizes too big. Originally Posted by alluringava

Is that as nice as you can get? You were not supposed to tell . . .
boardman's Avatar
Thancks to all the fucktards and hooktards that have supported
And to those of you that are about to visit because you can't overcome your curiosity. Go ahead, click the linck, you know you want to!
I almost posted this in another thread, but I think it's more appropriate here...

I would like to thank the entire eccie community for helping my self-esteem. For all of my negative characteristics, I can find someone here who is worse. For example (not making any admissions, just general examples)...

I might be needy, but I'm not as needy as ______.
I might be attention seeking, but not as much as _____.
I might be grumpy, but....
I might be cynical and negative, but....
And so on.

I'm not being negative, and I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm sure others can use my posts in the same way ("my wallet may be light, but..." is an obvious example). Also, even if you are the worst in terms of one characteristic, it is highly unlikely that you are the worst in terms of all characteristics. So, just about anyone can use this public service that eccie provides.

So, again, thanks eccie.
Roothead's Avatar
(saying out loud) ....."something nice for a change".....
Naomi4u's Avatar
t=375796"][/URL].. Originally Posted by boardman
Wow you bought a domain name for that thread. Wow.