Fox News - We knew it all along...

Fox preys on the ignorant the good ole left wing battle cry if you are not inline with their beliefs or views you are ignorant. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Good luck, it is like trying to have an argument with a dirt clod. I'm out
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah you are correct, he didn't but many have in historic recollections. Sorry that it bothers you so much. Guess I shouldn't have changed the spelling from ASPD days.

Say, are you the guy who always recommends the brisket at Rudy's in every BBQ thread? My, what exquisite taste you have. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
Nope i recommend the brisket at Franklins. What is your point again? Do you realize how much like Wyldeman you're beginning to sound?

I do recommend the prime rib at Rudys. Original location. Sausage at Salt Lick. Beef Ribs at County Line. Mutton at Sams. Pork Ribs at Artz. Pork Chop at Coopers. Duck at Goode Co. in Houston. Pulled pork at Sonny Bryan's in Dallas. What's your point?

If you cant stay on topic maybe you ought to go get some BBQ! May i recommend somewhere for you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good luck, it is like trying to have an argument with a dirt clod. I'm out Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
One Tin Soldier rides away....
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Good luck, it is like trying to have an argument with a dirt clod. I'm out Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
Yes Sir, That is why I never put up any supporting evidence. All they do is try and tear it down or say nu uh that is not what my internet says...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
One Tin Soldier rides away.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am made of Metal....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And I am made of rubber. You are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!

(I'm getting flashbacks ... from FOURTH GRADE!)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fox preys on the ignorant the good ole left wing battle cry if you are not inline with their beliefs or views you are ignorant. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Actually that's not what anybody here is saying, bubba. IGNORANT means you DON'T KNOW. And by the conversation, the supporting evidence and poorly constructed syllogisms throughout your foray into this thread, you DON'T KNOW!

Why you don't know isn't my business. Not my problem. But numerous people in this and other threads have proven that you are IGNORANT. That means you haven't studied the issue. You haven't read up on the things you're saying. You haven't found anybody but YOU who can corroborate your claims.


You don't have to agree. This is America. You're entitled to your opinion. But don't think you can get by in a debate by simply shouting louder than the other guy.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Actually that's not what anybody here is saying, bubba. IGNORANT means you DON'T KNOW. And by the conversation, the supporting evidence and poorly constructed syllogisms throughout your foray into this thread, you DON'T KNOW!

Where is the proof of what I do not Know?? I think just maybe you Don't Know. Would that then prove that you are ignorant?

Why you don't know isn't my business. Not my problem. But numerous people in this and other threads have proven that you are IGNORANT. That means you haven't studied the issue. You haven't read up on the things you're saying. You haven't found anybody but YOU who can corroborate your claims.

Nobody has proven in this or other threads that I am ignorant. If I was to believe that I would call myself ignorant. What you have dug up or found could also be considered as hearsay..So corroboration could also be argued as not reliable.


So is ignorance arguing with someone who you think is ignorant or the person arguing with you that you think is ignorant?

You don't have to agree. This is America. You're entitled to your opinion. But don't think you can get by in a debate by simply shouting louder than the other guy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I do not agree with most of what you say and I am sure I can say that goes both ways. That is just fine with me and I have never called you ignorant either. Just because you and others that believe the same as you do does not make me ignorant or others ignorant. Your perception has been the same throughout with anyone that disagrees with you.
WyldemanATX's Avatar

(I'm getting flashbacks ... from FOURTH GRADE!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Me too. Maybe it is to all your references to your glory days...

Oh Ya back on topic Fox News has the highest ratings of all News Stations I wonder why. Maybe that is why the left is so pissed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yow. Buy a dictionary. Learn to read write and rithmatic.
The kid's out of his leaugue and the points being made are clearly going over his head. I would recommend leaving him alone to raise the level of this debate. Child like arguments are uninteresting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed. This is tedious.
The kid's out of his leaugue and the points being made are clearly going over his head. I would recommend leaving him alone to raise the level of this debate. Child like arguments are uninteresting. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
Best part? He's attempting to debate(?) an article that he wont even take the time to read.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Your avatar suggest that you have your head in your own ass.....
I just went back an counted. Wyldeman's made 32 seperate comments in this thread without ever once actually confronting or even addressing the topic posted. How in the hell does that even happen? It's baffling!

I think if you can't be bothered to even read an OP's opener, (mine or anyone elses), maybe you should consider starting your own thread and leave these types of discussions to the grown ups and the folks actually interested in it. I mean seriously...! I think this is a great topic of discussion and the article raises a lot of questions over where and how we get our (mis)information. I would have thought the people who actually watch Fox and rely on them as a source of information might actually be interested in who is pulling the puppet strings over there, and understand how and why they do what they do. The article lays this out in great detail. Would be a shame to have the Mod drop it over an antagonizer who refuses to actually involve himself in the topic at hand.