SPEED senile Joe gets AL Bore's endorement...WTF does Ol'Joe say to him?? Please decipher for us!!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Even the The Young Turks are disgusted to have Joe "Rapey Fingers" as a candidate. Expect Joe "Place Holder" to be replaced before the DNC convention. #DROPOUTBIDEN

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Even the The Young Turks are disgusted to have Joe "Rapey Fingers" as a candidate. Expect Joe "Place Holder" to be replaced before the DNC convention. #DROPOUTBIDEN
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Latest polls:

Trump approval: Rasmussen -10; Climate Nexus -7.

Overall Trump -9.2% today after being at -3.9% on April 1st.

President General Election: Climate Nexus -- Biden +10 nationally

Ohio -- Biden +1 in a state Trump won by 8% in 2016
bambino's Avatar
Latest polls:

Trump approval: Rasmussen -10; Climate Nexus -7.

Overall Trump -9.2% today after being at -3.9% on April 1st.

President General Election: Climate Nexus -- Biden +10 nationally

Ohio -- Biden +1 in a state Trump won by 8% in 2016 Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Elections not today so those numbers mean nothing.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Latest polls:... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You addressed #DROPOUTBIDEN with polls. Color me shocked.

Speaking of polls:
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If he is as bad as you say, why are you so eager for him to drop out?
I bet it's because you read polls too.

Ignore all the issues and focus on his speaking mistakes. Can't wait to see how that works out for you.
Even the The Young Turks are disgusted to have Joe "Rapey Fingers" as a candidate. Expect Joe "Place Holder" to be replaced before the DNC convention. #DROPOUTBIDEN

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDFR8CLG42w Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
HoeHummer's Avatar
The whole world sees hows it turned out for them in 2016.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If he is as bad as you say... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Why you need polls? What you worried about Willis? Are you worried about:
  • Rapey Fingers having to testify
  • Hairy Legs winning a debate with his teleprompter
  • His record to run on
  • Your ability to decipher anything he says
  • The game of hide the Biden
  • Cuomo replacing him
  • How he will fair in a debate
  • How the cast of DNC rejects are speaking for him
  • His command of facts ad numbers
  • Cringing any time he opens his yapper
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Elections not today so those numbers mean nothing. Originally Posted by bambino
So why does Trump folllow them so closely?

Why do you think the coronoavirus updates have taken such a change in how they are done? Trump has seen how his approval ratings have dropped due mainly to his inept performances at the briefings and did not even hold briefings on Saturday and Sunday and yesterday's briefings had a major change in how they were conducted.

White House puts Trump's canceled coronavirus briefing back on his schedule

Trump's press secretary said the White House is looking at other ways to “showcase” his “great entrepreneurship.”


Why Trump Just Can’t Quit His Daily Press Conferences

The president loves his briefings, even though they appear to be doing his country and his standing more harm than good.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why you need polls? What you worried about Willis? Are you worried about:
  • Rapey Fingers having to testify
  • Hairy Legs winning a debate with his teleprompter
  • His record to run on
  • Your ability to decipher anything he says
  • The game of hide the Biden
  • Cuomo replacing him
  • How he will fair in a debate
  • How the cast of DNC rejects are speaking for him
  • His command of facts ad numbers
  • Cringing any time he opens his yapper
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Almost every point you just made applies equally to Trump. Think about it in all seriousness and get back to me.
HoeHummer's Avatar
That won’t happen. The Trumpholian thinks only of Trump.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Think about it in all seriousness and get back to me. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You don't cause thinking to happen.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You don't cause thinking to happen. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You obviously believe what you want to believe. No thinking as to whether statements are right or wrong. Very open-minded of you.
You obviously believe what you want to believe. No thinking as to whether statements are right or wrong. Very open-minded of you. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If bitten is the nominee when the debates come I will trash your complete nonsense ...you can be assured of that.
bambino's Avatar
Almost every point you just made applies equally to Trump. Think about it in all seriousness and get back to me. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When did Trump imagine a corn pop story or kids rubbing his hairy legs. Or Super Thursday? Just for starters. Seriously, get back to me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When did Trump imagine a corn pop story or kids rubbing his hairy legs. Or Super Thursday? Just for starters. Seriously, get back to me. Originally Posted by bambino
IF you re-read my statement, I said "almost every point".

. Rapey Fingers having to testify
. Hairy Legs winning a debate with his teleprompter
. His record to run on
. Your ability to decipher anything he says
. The game of hide the Biden
. Cuomo replacing him
. How he will fair in a debate
. How the cast of DNC rejects are speaking for him
. His command of facts and numbers
. Cringing any time he opens his yapper

Points highlghted in red apply to both, with "DNC" being replaced by "RNC in point 7. I have no idea to what "Hairy Legs winning a debate with his teleprompter" is referring. But we all know what happens when Trump stops reading off the teleprompter and starts ad libbing. He enters the danger zone.