ok so YMMV

ANONONE's Avatar

Please explain why YMMV is not a valid phrase in the hobby and should be stricken from our lexicon.
dearhunter's Avatar

Please explain why YMMV is not a valid phrase in the hobby and should be stricken from our lexicon. Originally Posted by ANONONE
I have decided to give you the answer you deserve..............

sub cilla, I believe your response is spot-on-target, IMHO.

Let me reply for the record and then inquire regards your response.

1. Had all concerned dealt only with the original question, the chaos and conflict would not have ensued.

2. I am not requesting that the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi play chess.
The 'appeal' to him was tongue in cheek. I need no such relief. I was twisting the thread a bit with reference to YMMV antagonists had posted (it is better than refering to an old thread that became a Yo Momma riot; and WW's family picture of his birth taken just as the doctor was about to slap his bottom.)

3. Let me now inform those concerned that this morning I truely believe that YMMV. Every effort should be made to protect ourselves from these vicious whores who give varied service depending on whether they had cheerios for breakfast or an egg mcmuffin.

I had sought through humor and levity to make my opinion known. you did not respond until this was well into its first life. So I consider it too little too late and have declined to cintunie, because I don't want to offend anyone. This is not a ploy. Having received numerous Pms on this subject, I have asked others to tell me what my positions should be. The definition is illusive. I wish all of you well in your endeavors, and I would ask you to have patience with my verbose nature. All further communications on this matter will be taken in a more seriuos light by me.

I want to grow in the hobby and reach out in other corners of this large playground in which to play.

4. bro who thincks he is fucking Chachi, your assessment and response are right on target, IMHO.
Let me affirm and recapitulate:
4.1. I concur with your judgment.
4.2. I spoke with levity about serious matters pertinent to the hobby community as a whole without forethought.
4.3. The whole YMMV thing came when a certain person posted a position a bit contrary to yours, but then again quite similar. It was similar in its suggestion to always give your best.
4.4. The conflict erupted as I redirected the converstaion to levity, suggesting, 'YMMV is for the lazy hobbyist' is not forthcoming to the complaint?' Then the shit hit the fan so to speak.

May I ask you the same question that you posed to me?

'What do you think I should do to improve my YMMV?'

Before posting this thoughtful question, I have asked some of my PA brethren in private what they thought, and almost to a man they said, 'You should ask the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi to show you the way.' I accepted that recommendation and considered how best to proceed. Blunt? or subtle? Blunt usually makes a person defensive. Subtle usually has a better chance of persuading for change.

I chose a more bluntly subtle, civil course, asking a general question of the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi, seeking general answers or even specific examples from other bros who thinck they are fucking Chachi who wished to chime in to shed light on the topic.

I knew that the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi would see it, and hoped that perhaps he and others so motivated might take the request conveyed as cry for enlightenment, 'a request to the wise' that he should do some educating for the sake of this enterprise.

I know I might become a target for the haters' cheap shots. Nothing new there. They are laughably lame in their predictability.

Not everyone will concur with this summary or approach to the issue. Some will complain that it is too long. I suppose reading is not their strength, nor logic, and would wish me to insert some connect-the-dots-pix for them to draw and color. You cannot please everyone and I do not care to try.

But I wonder what are the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi thoughts regarding YMMV in regards to complaints like mine?
What might be the next step toward an YMMV provider?
And at what point do you as a bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi of some note and reputation think one of your counterparts might merit being schooled in your knowledge of YMMV?

Please, I am sincerely curious regards your constructive perspective.

If you prefer we can continue this dialogue by PM.

ANONONE check your PM...........

Wayward's Avatar
...and TexasGator wants ME to stop fucking with his bitch?
dearhunter's Avatar
I don't know what you mean..................He asked.
ANONONE's Avatar
=dearhunter;118583]I have decided to give you the answer you deserve..............

I already explained that I agree with subcilla and others that it is wrong for a provider to use YMMV as a reason not to provide the best service she is capable of doing or for a WK do use it to not tell the truth about a less than stellar session.

Let's get back on point.

Toreador_one’s made an excellent post and the responses it generated seem to degenerate into an attack of a very important phrase in our hobby in general, not limited to the abuses, which shows some lack of knowledge on exactly what YMMV is:

“YMMV is just wrong. . .”

“. . .if a lady chooses to Provide, her SKILLS should not vary.”

Brooke Wilde:

“I say we ban this YMMV crap!”


“YMMV is the scapegoat of the uninformed and too lazy to find the truth.”
I am asking you to defend that position. You have yet to do that. You have hurled insults and now you are deflecting and back pedaling.

I am not attacking you, I am attacking your position and rhetoric style.

Do not PM me, just defend the point you made in a public forum.
dearhunter's Avatar
Still waiting for an original thought. . .

I think I am going to venture off to do something more productive like sleeping.

I will check back in the morning and see if you were able delineate an actual position and defend it.

Originally Posted by ANONONE
But, I thought you were looking for "an original thought"?

Did you not read my most excellent post?

ANONONE, check your PM.......

Wayward's Avatar
Oh this is not going to end well....
boardman's Avatar
Oh this is not going to end well.... Originally Posted by Wayward
A sprinkling of blue water may be in order.
dearhunter's Avatar
=dearhunter;118583]I have decided to give you the answer you deserve..............

I already explained that I agree with subcilla and others that it is wrong for a provider to use YMMV as a reason not to provide the best service she is capable of doing or for a WK do use it to not tell the truth about a less than stellar session.

Let's get back on point.

Toreador_one’s made an excellent post and the responses it generated seem to degenerate into an attack of a very important phrase in our hobby in general, not limited to the abuses, which shows some lack of knowledge on exactly what YMMV is:

I am asking you to defend that position. You have yet to do that. You have hurled insults and now you are deflecting and back pedaling.

I am not attacking you, I am attacking your position and rhetoric style.

Do not PM me, just defend the point you made in a public forum. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Silly bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi.........why would you ask me to defend someone elses quote?

Is there not enough fodder in my own posts for you to work with?

I give you permission to use whatever I PM you out here. I just wanted to give you the opportunity to snuggle up to the PM and critique it before we share with everyone else.

So again.................ANONONE, check your PM
ANONONE's Avatar
So again.................ANONONE, check your PM Originally Posted by dearhunter
As of this evening there has not been one PM in my box regarding this thread from anyone. I think folks that know me, know whether we are on ECCIE, back at the old P, on Indys, or any other review boards, I tend to use my PM just for booking sessions and vetting providers. This may sound like a weird approach, but I have found using PM's mostly for business will cut down drama in the long haul. There is much less rumor-mongering and backstabbing if we discuss things civilly and publicly.

May I ask you the same question that you posed to me?

'What do you think I should do to improve my YMMV?' Originally Posted by dearhunter
Well, you may not like what I have to say on this, but I will give it a try. I apologize if it is too wordy--feel free to read it in small pieces.

As everyone knows a white envelope is a white envelope. We are all equal. There are guys out there that use tipping. Most ladies will tell you it is never expected, but always appreciated. While I have tipped providers in the past, I don't do that as a rule and usually save that for very special circumstances. Likewise, I do my best not to pay rent and phone bills. Early in the hobby, I learned the hard way about that before there were boards like this where older wiser gents could save you the headache and heartache of that pitfall.

For those guys that only entered the hobby during the age of the internet, you should kiss your computer. You have no idea how hard this was doing cold calls from shag rags, phone book ads, and the back of magazines. Try figuring out how to approach a gal at a airport hotel bar that you think might be a pro and wondering if a GFE was even possible.

I have always held that there is not much you can do about YMMV beyond what you bring to the session. Since we all bring the same white envelope, what does that leave us?

I am a old, fat, bald, guy, so sex appeal is out. That left me with two things to work on over my time in the hobby:

1) Learn how to be better than expected at sex, especially foreplay that includes a few very special DATY techniques that eventually evolved into the GSO2. It is funny we call this a hobby. If this were bowling or darts, and we took it seriously, we would think of nothing getting some coaching or tutoring. I read books (before the internet) and attended classes and workshops. Everything from tantric arts to sensual massage. I know there are guys shaking their head right now, but just hear me out. What do you have to lose? If nothing else it helps you in the confidence area, and guess what, that can be as powerful as pheromones. While I prefer frequenting providers for a number of reasons, I do still try my hand from time to time with civvies just to hone my skills. When I do get lucky enough to land a girl that should be way out of my league, there is nothing quite like that wide-eyed look they give after the first couple of squirting orgasms that says:

"How in the fuck did this bald, ugly dude with the little dick make me cumm like that?" I was just throwing him a mercy fuck on the road. . .

2) Good old fashioned KINDNESS. I mean the old Dale Carnegie approach. That means you find out where the dog itches and you proceed to scratch. Small touches, nothing grand. Maybe some chocolate. Maybe some flowers. Actually the idea is to do some research while you are vetting a provider anyway and find out what she likes. Especially if she mentions something in a post that you can turn into a nice gesture. Show up and surprise her with it. Be nice to her. Will it improve your session? Maybe, maybe not. I can tell you that it won't hurt it. Let's go back to the young lady that started this thread. It sounds like she was having a really rough couple of weeks. I applaud her for not working if she thought it would make her work suffer. If I were down in Texas, I would wait until she was ready to see a client again and go out of my way to make her job easier and perhaps even reverse the tables and find a way to make her really smile, not her provider smile, the one that come from down deep. I would figure out a way to really blow her doors off and make her laugh (and hopefully have a mind-blowing orgasm or two) and smile and well, whistle while she works. All professionalism aside, if she really is in a good mood it sure won't hurt the session. This is not limited to the hobby. Morale has always influenced productivity in every industry.


I hope this was not a mistake to share my thoughts and answer your question honestly. . .I will check back later. i am headed to the local strip club to work on my current UTR project. It is two-for-Tuesday, so lap dances are cheaper. wish me happy hunting, tonight might be the night that she enters into the hobby.


PS: Help me out with your Chachi reference. Are you talking about the kid on Happy Days or the Italian word that loosely translated means wannabe gigolo?
Wayward's Avatar
I kind of liked it but we still need to bring out the inner chess player, someday you are going to look back at this and really laugh...
dearhunter's Avatar
What the fuck?????

Your heart felt effort actually gives me pause in fucking with you........which is not good. Because, I had great plans for you.

While you clearly demonstrated that you are not playing chess. You have also shown me that you are not an ass.....and I truely do not take great pleasure (well maybe a little) in fucking with people who do not have an agenda.

Why couldn't you be like rr or carkido? I would feel so much better about fucking with you.

I will probably still call you Chachi from time to time. but, that is a promotion..........it mean we have ruled the option that you are Joanie.
But, on the up side. I did consider you worth the effort.......some around here don't even merit being a bro who thincks he"s fucking Chachi.....of course explaining that is like explaining a joke.

By the way, your post was very articulate and persuasive.

I guess I should pay closer attention when Wayward says someone has potential.

But, just to be sure.......check your PM one more time.
Wayward's Avatar
That was dh being nice, for those scoring at home.
ANONONE's Avatar
Very interesting experience at the strip club and the session I did at with the gal (review will come soon) I met at closing time. Had a smile on my face when I got home from the hotel logged on to get some notes down on this new UTR and low and behold it looks like we got as close as we will ever get to a group hug. Gee, it kinda makes me want to peek under Joanie's poodle skirt and maybe feel her up under her sweater.

One last thing. . .I think I need some clarification:
check your PM one more time
Does that mean something different on this regional board (or to you and your "bros") that it traditionally means? I keep checking my PM box and it is empty other than a couple of potential sessions.

Also, previously, you mentioned something about a "Dallas thread?" Which one? I wasn't sure where you were coming from with that are what you were trying to explain. If you get a moment, please give me a point of reference.

One last thing before I go. . .Cilla, I hope you have a much better week from here on out.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
ANONONE, try refreshing your browser.