Dear hunter!!!!!!

London Rayne's Avatar
That was his best yet. Agreed.
Wayward's Avatar

Wayward: Wish you were here. I could use a drink right about now Originally Posted by Naomi4u
No kidding Naomi that would be grand, but and this is not a cute one like yours, who you lash out at and what you say has ripples, read Val's post that should be right above this one. She is proud of what she did. pride goes before the fall. I'll own what I did and the reasons for it, but I take little delight in hurting anyone's feelings. If it has to be done to make a point, then so be it.

Onehitter loves her some folks and if you step off on them you step off on her, love her for that. She has heart, a big ass load of heart, and she isn't shy about sharing. There is so much some of the younger providers could learn from her, it's almost scary and she is always more than willing to help.

Crap I forgot to insult myself in this post, what an idiot I am! Here is another one for good measure, I have had a long sexual relationship with tysteel and we plan to marry in the spring.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
No shit...It was directed at London, who happens to be a good friend of mine, and I can tell you that no, she doesn't give a shit...

Yes..."You People"...meaning the people from a certain state who sit around stalking and harassing various people all day...I don't think I even have to name it's quite clear of who's in that group..... Originally Posted by Valerie

Funny..... that "state" seems to be growing...... and I don't think it is quite as clear to everyone who is in it...... even those who are in it........... simple discussions seem to bring out very harsh emotions.... it is never my intent to offend or anger.... but it is my intent to get people to get a different perspective and introspective on things........ that is all....... please do not take any of this as an attack (which I fear some of you have done just that.) because none of it is...... again if you are able to step away from the situation and see actions on both "sides" leave a lot to be desired..........

I'm done in this thread.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Well said...... Me too my dear!.......SNL.... AGAIN.... I'm so sorry for my part in this thread going a-rye.........

onehitwonder's Avatar
Naomi, what I have a problem with, and you and I have discussed this elsewhere, is the "Holier than Thou" attitude of a few on this board. Women who take advantage of a "special friendship" and say anything they want to to others. Even remind us of said relationship while doing so. Those are the very few I find it extremely hard to have respect for. Does'nt seem to me that they have any respect for the women on this board who have been here before them. Or the fellas for that matter. Me,Me, Me does'nt really work here, here, here.
At the end of the day they all do exactly the same thing for their pay. THAT is my point. Period. If I hurt YOUR feelings then I apoligize......but you my Dear, IMO do not behave that way. So obviously my rather heated outburst was not intended for YOU. Or the women I love. And if by some slim chance I may have offended one of them, please believe I will hear about it. But I'm pretty sure they understand where I was at that moment. I owe everything I own to this profession. Just in a different capacity. I don't deny it here on in my "real" life.......

*edit* to address
London Rayne's Avatar
I hate to break it to you onehitwonder, but you are so clueless it's hilarious. The "people" who really have a problem with your "friends" were the ones who said the least here and on that blog. They are not the holier than thou ones, but rather those who like to play nice. They simply do a better job at LYING to you on this board. If you only knew lol. Carry on. Done here.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm proud to live in "that state"...especially when someone is coming to visit "that state" in March...have a good day everyone...
onehitwonder's Avatar
I hate to break it to you onehitwonder, but you are so clueless it's hilarious. The "people" who really have a problem with your "friends" were the ones who said the least here and on that blog. They are not the holier than thou ones, but rather those who like to play nice. They simply do a better job at LYING to you on this board. If you only knew lol. Carry on. Done here. Originally Posted by London Rayne
You've been sayin' that for a STILL here?
Really?....You really don't give me enough credit ....Jokes on y'all.... Everything you read I intended for you and your "mate" to read...I could've addressed them to you.....playin' nice and not having no fight don't make me dislike her........she has good form on the could learn that was almost too easy..............
Sweet N Little's Avatar
well that wasn't very nice
Onehitwonder, We HAVE to be something special if you choose to hangout with us everyday right? It is SAD that it has to come to this. I expected this from one of the guys but not you especially when you are friends with respected women in the business like Ansley and a few others. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Onehitwonder didn't hurt my feelings at all. In fact I agree with her 100%. No, we don't have to be special for a man to pay us to have sex with them. We are special to them for an hour or a few. Get into a bind and really need help and you will find out just how not special you are to them.

Respected as a hooker? Believe me that doesn't give me any warm and fuzzy feelings. I do the same job as a girl on backpage. The only difference is the packaging.
Naomi4u's Avatar
For the record this is the 4th thread that is going to be closed in two weeks because of the same crap.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Onehitwonder didn't hurt my feelings at all. In fact I agree with her 100%. No, we don't have to be special for a man to pay us to have sex with them. We are special to them for an hour or a few. Get into a bind and really need help and you will find out just how not special you are to them.

Respected as a hooker? Believe me that doesn't give me any warm and fuzzy feelings. I do the same job as a girl on backpage. The only difference is the packaging. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ansley, I thought you did respect your HDH status? Funny for a minute there you just sounded like London lol. I wouldn't expect something like this from you. However, I do understand where you say it the same job, just different packaging.
boardman's Avatar
I don't care to get into anymore DRAMA, when I come here to have fun with my friends. Originally Posted by London Rayne
One cat's DRAMA is another cat's FUN.
I find it more than a little amusing that anyone, other than a mod, can honestly suggest how someone else should behave on an SHMB. Why? Because it's a SHMB!
Does that mean you can't be called out for being stoopid. No, it doesn't. Say something stoopid and you can expect to be called out on it. Trust me, I know.
How one reacts to being called out says a lot about them.
Some of us have figured out that owning the folly, being our own loudest critic and moving on is the quickest way of getting past it.
Others, resort to denying, blaming, and name calling, all of which lead to the eventual train wreck and or meltdown/banning which I happen to find entertaining, fun and just about as funny as someone responding to posts in a thread by people they claim to have on ignore or someone that claims to hate the drama in the first place but then says they'll finish it.
This thread is all kinds of awesome!!!
onehitwonder's Avatar
Onehitwonder didn't hurt my feelings at all. In fact I agree with her 100%. No, we don't have to be special for a man to pay us to have sex with them. We are special to them for an hour or a few. Get into a bind and really need help and you will find out just how not special you are to them.

Respected as a hooker? Believe me that doesn't give me any warm and fuzzy feelings. I do the same job as a girl on backpage. The only difference is the packaging. Originally Posted by Ansley

....and for this...I bow down to you.........
boardman's Avatar
Since y'all(did I spell that right?) have forgotten about dearhunter aka deerhunter in this thread can we make it about me now?
London Rayne's Avatar
One cat's DRAMA is another cat's FUN.
I find it more than a little amusing that anyone, other than a mod, can honestly suggest how someone else should behave on an SHMB. Why? Because it's a SHMB!
Does that mean you can't be called out for being stoopid. No, it doesn't. Say something stoopid and you can expect to be called out on it. Trust me, I know.
How one reacts to being called out says a lot about them.
Some of us have figured out that owning the folly, being our own loudest critic and moving on is the quickest way of getting past it.
Others, resort to denying, blaming, and name calling, all of which lead to the eventual train wreck and or meltdown/banning which I happen to find entertaining, fun and just about as funny as someone responding to posts in a thread by people they claim to have on ignore or someone that claims to hate the drama in the first place but then says they'll finish it.
This thread is all kinds of awesome!!! Originally Posted by boardman
Gee...feels just like Houston Coed doesen't it lol. That won't last long as our MOD tends to not put up with too much bs.

Nice edit.