Poll: Free Jon Balls

offshoredrilling's Avatar
a great man once told me this...be true to yourself...and they cant take away your birthday..

certain things some folks say..may make things very very very hard for certain folks to handle their biz though... Originally Posted by anita germane
Or your birthday suit!

MMM I'm a dirty old man. I kinda wanted to strip all the females down to the birthday suit. mmm even the skinny female bartender at the M&G. I wounder how many of the civilian gals there would have joined in.


if nervous speaking to a large group. Try to the see the audience in there birthday suit.

mmmm can we just ban wrappers

Edit: there was one provider at least that wanted to do the same for the guys. I think she wanted a good LOL
Deepthinker's Avatar
I'm not sure why I am wading into this topic except that I have a few minutes today to spare, have had some thoughts and curiosities for awhile about the Board dynamics of a couple of players (separately, not together) here -- Doove and JB (short for his 40 some odd manifestations), and happened to find Doove being discussed and involved in the thread on JB. Sooo... since they are both in the same place , and being discussed, it seemed the right place to think out loud a bit.

What I have been finding interesting lately is how someone like JB who has admitteddly broken the rules numerous times and basically flaunts it, has made more work for the mods, has made many statements that have been offensive to some (although admittedly many entertaining , if barely intelligible , statements as well) has become a beloved character to so many -- while at the same time Doove, a guy who always seems to present an intelligent argument , generally devoid of malice, and more well balanced than most will admit , has found so many detractors. I have been here as long as anyone, and at the risk of becoming the subject of ridicule, I must admit to a couple observations about my readings of Doove' posts in the past. One, the whole WK thing , I don't buy. I am a staunch critic of the ladies who do a crap job ,and I am skeptical of many of the BS stories I have heard from some ladies over the years, but I am generally sympathetic to many of the work conditions that they endure. In that , I think that I share many of the viewpoints expressed by Doove that have been considered WKing. I almost never believe his comments cross into the area that I would consider true WKing that I have seen elsewhere on the Board. Two, unlike the vast majority of people on the Board, I have actually seen Doove backtrack and admit there are alternative viewpoints or extenuating circumstances which are valid besides his. I don't usually get into Board debates because I find that most are futile. The vast majority of people have already made up their minds and no amount of overwhelming evidence to the contrary will convince them to alter their opinion. It is a waste of time and breath arguing. I have to give credit to someone who I have seen actually admit when the other viewpoint has merit. Doove does that. I enjoy reading his posts. I agree with many of them. I enjoy the personae and posts of many folks who are on the other side of the debates as well, and I'm not sure how it is some fueds seem to last so long and others are soon forgotten. With that in mind......

It seems that the "fugitive appeal" is so strong that even someone who has been a rule stickler in the best, GP, has lobbied for Mod status for JB. Of course, GP has nominated me for that job as well , so I'm not sure what that says about me. I wonder if JB would have the same following and appeal if he was not the banned rebel. I don't know the details as to why he was banned in the first place (pre JB era), and don't really know why he was unbanned for awhile and then rebanned, but something seems clear. That is that even if he was reinstated, based on his history, he will likely push the envelope until he is banned again. If that is the case, why bother reinstating him, except to make less work for the Mods continuously hunting him down and banning him? As a rank and file guy , I don't particularly care either way as his posts don't really affect me either way. I usually read them and find some witty, some like the drunken ravings of my brother in law, but at least I don't get spittle in my face reading them like I do when listening to my brother in law. However, as a Mod, I would likely be offended by the extra work he has created and the flaunting of the rules , and would never lift the ban. If the ban was wrong in the first place, it should have been dealt with appropriately and even if that was the case, it does not validate everything that has happened after the fact. Heck, it's wrong that I have to sit next to my beer-spitting brother in law at the dinner table too, but that doesn't make it ok for me to shoot him.

Ok -- shoot me now.....
jokacz's Avatar
MMM I'm a dirty old man. I kinda wanted to strip all the females down to the birthday suit. mmm even the skinny female bartender at the M&G. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You mean the one with the cute boobies? Thanks for reminding me!
I'm not sure why I am wading into this topic except that I have a few minutes today to spare, have had some thoughts and curiosities for awhile about the Board dynamics of a couple of players (separately, not together) here -- Doove and JB (short for his 40 some odd manifestations), and happened to find Doove being discussed and involved in the thread on JB. Sooo... since they are both in the same place , and being discussed, it seemed the right place to think out loud a bit.

What I have been finding interesting lately is how someone like JB who has admitteddly broken the rules numerous times and basically flaunts it, has made more work for the mods, has made many statements that have been offensive to some (although admittedly many entertaining , if barely intelligible , statements as well) has become a beloved character to so many -- while at the same time Doove, a guy who always seems to present an intelligent argument , generally devoid of malice, and more well balanced than most will admit , has found so many detractors. I have been here as long as anyone, and at the risk of becoming the subject of ridicule, I must admit to a couple observations about my readings of Doove' posts in the past. One, the whole WK thing , I don't buy. I am a staunch critic of the ladies who do a crap job ,and I am skeptical of many of the BS stories I have heard from some ladies over the years, but I am generally sympathetic to many of the work conditions that they endure. In that , I think that I share many of the viewpoints expressed by Doove that have been considered WKing. I almost never believe his comments cross into the area that I would consider true WKing that I have seen elsewhere on the Board. Two, unlike the vast majority of people on the Board, I have actually seen Doove backtrack and admit there are alternative viewpoints or extenuating circumstances which are valid besides his. I don't usually get into Board debates because I find that most are futile. The vast majority of people have already made up their minds and no amount of overwhelming evidence to the contrary will convince them to alter their opinion. It is a waste of time and breath arguing. I have to give credit to someone who I have seen actually admit when the other viewpoint has merit. Doove does that. I enjoy reading his posts. I agree with many of them. I enjoy the personae and posts of many folks who are on the other side of the debates as well, and I'm not sure how it is some fueds seem to last so long and others are soon forgotten. With that in mind......

It seems that the "fugitive appeal" is so strong that even someone who has been a rule stickler in the best, GP, has lobbied for Mod status for JB. Of course, GP has nominated me for that job as well , so I'm not sure what that says about me. I wonder if JB would have the same following and appeal if he was not the banned rebel. I don't know the details as to why he was banned in the first place (pre JB era), and don't really know why he was unbanned for awhile and then rebanned, but something seems clear. That is that even if he was reinstated, based on his history, he will likely push the envelope until he is banned again. If that is the case, why bother reinstating him, except to make less work for the Mods continuously hunting him down and banning him? As a rank and file guy , I don't particularly care either way as his posts don't really affect me either way. I usually read them and find some witty, some like the drunken ravings of my brother in law, but at least I don't get spittle in my face reading them like I do when listening to my brother in law. However, as a Mod, I would likely be offended by the extra work he has created and the flaunting of the rules , and would never lift the ban. If the ban was wrong in the first place, it should have been dealt with appropriately and even if that was the case, it does not validate everything that has happened after the fact. Heck, it's wrong that I have to sit next to my beer-spitting brother in law at the dinner table too, but that doesn't make it ok for me to shoot him.

Ok -- shoot me now..... Originally Posted by Deepthinker
you just mind fucked me...god I love when that happens..anyone got a cigar..i have the urge to have a smoke...!!!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dam it deepthinker. but you do make a good point. about both. But I will stick to a I like Doove even if most of the time I disagree with him. and will keep my vote yes. even if it would be more fun seeing JonB banned a few hundred more timesLOL

You mean the one with the cute boobies? Thanks for reminding me! Originally Posted by jokacz
She keep me going back for more coffee. She may not have been the most beautiful. But cute as hell in that outfit she had on. Had a ready for anything but lets just fuck look.

If M&G go back to a private room type thing over a public bar room. I want her to be hired as the bartender.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-22-2011, 03:15 PM
Dang I like doove. but I feel dirty defending him. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

dam this is not good. I kinda agree with you again. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Wait OSD - save one of the bullets for me! I kinda agreed with Doove too Originally Posted by Perryay
Oh you guys! So much love!

Is "not my cup of tea" an option? Originally Posted by Doove
no its not a option
submit review go right into edit. And you can change any of the drop downs. to more fitting. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I was referring to the poll question, OSD.

Doove, a guy who always seems to present an intelligent argument , generally devoid of malice, and more well balanced than most will admit Originally Posted by Deepthinker
Won't get any argument from me!

Except for maybe the devoid of malice part, but that's neither here nor there.
I don't know the exact context of his banning, but this post was his final viewable offense as Jonballs.

yup, and keep whining about "business expenses" to your potential clients that for the most part make a FRACTION of the wage that you do. If you factor in just the rise in Gas prices from $2. to $4., and your typical guy running 1 truck spends an extra $80 per wk or $320. per mo.. do you actually think in this economy that business for men has picked up enough to carry even just this one expense? hardly..I dont give a fuck if any "lady" ever posts once more here.The guys that are honest dont want to hear it , sorry if thats too tough but I really dont give a fuck.This place disgusts me.Ill take a sloppy BP quick stop over any of this bullshit at least those chicks are taking care of "business" and arent spending their time here fucking WHINING that some guy "HURT" their "FEELINGS", what a fucking joke...Real life is real life...DEAL with it, you MORONS!!Sorry, IM NOT YOUR CUCKHOLD!! or whatever the FUCK that is..LOL!!
jokacz's Avatar
I don't know the exact context of his banning, but this post was his final viewable offense as Jonballs.

yup, and keep whining about "business expenses" to your potential clients that for the most part make a FRACTION of the wage that you do. If you factor in just the rise in Gas prices from $2. to $4., and your typical guy running 1 truck spends an extra $80 per wk or $320. per mo.. do you actually think in this economy that business for men has picked up enough to carry even just this one expense? hardly..I dont give a fuck if any "lady" ever posts once more here.The guys that are honest dont want to hear it , sorry if thats too tough but I really dont give a fuck.This place disgusts me.Ill take a sloppy BP quick stop over any of this bullshit at least those chicks are taking care of "business" and arent spending their time here fucking WHINING that some guy "HURT" their "FEELINGS", what a fucking joke...Real life is real life...DEAL with it, you MORONS!!Sorry, IM NOT YOUR CUCKHOLD!! or whatever the FUCK that is..LOL!! Originally Posted by mwebber
that looks to me to be a "vocal" point of view from someone who observes biz-ness practices..
funny I understood everything he had to say..
offshoredrilling's Avatar

offence - definition of offence by the Free Online Dictionary ...

www.thefreedictionary.com/offenceCached - Similar
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1. a violation or breach of a law, custom, rule, etc. 2. a. any public wrong or crime. b. a nonindictable crime punishable on summary conviction. 3. annoyance ...

but my spell checker wants to change it to offense

Offense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OffenseCached - Similar
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Offense or Offence (see -ce/-se) may refer to: Offence (law), a violation of the penal law; Offense (sports), the action of engaging an opposing team with the ...

so good to go

dam spell checker. Even as I know I need it I hate it

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...17#post1623417 post #40
the mwebber quote of jonballs was to naughtynikke and maybe Jen
that where both at the M&G and seemed ok with talking to him. mmm or taking him home. ahem for what I do not know errrr ok I lie LOL

edit: nita mmmm also a good point. But as deepthinker may think. Not the best way to express his thought.

almost time to watch someone chase a stick with tits. If he lives, I may do a sloppy seconds review. just for the fun of it
I don't know the exact context of his banning, but this post was his final viewable offense as Jonballs.

yup, and keep whining about "business expenses" to your potential clients that for the most part make a FRACTION of the wage that you do. If you factor in just the rise in Gas prices from $2. to $4., and your typical guy running 1 truck spends an extra $80 per wk or $320. per mo.. do you actually think in this economy that business for men has picked up enough to carry even just this one expense? hardly..I dont give a fuck if any "lady" ever posts once more here.The guys that are honest dont want to hear it , sorry if thats too tough but I really dont give a fuck.This place disgusts me.Ill take a sloppy BP quick stop over any of this bullshit at least those chicks are taking care of "business" and arent spending their time here fucking WHINING that some guy "HURT" their "FEELINGS", what a fucking joke...Real life is real life...DEAL with it, you MORONS!!Sorry, IM NOT YOUR CUCKHOLD!! or whatever the FUCK that is..LOL!! Originally Posted by mwebber
I will assume you are right and that is his last unbanned post.

Those are dangerous comments and worthy of a lifetime banning on a board where the hobbyists are viewed as crack addicts ("crack", get it? ).

OSD hit on it when he raised the issue of the limited role the hobbyist has here. It is slightly more complex than what he led on; but, not by a whole lot IMO. This board is intended to make money for the owners and they do that by keeping the providers happy and profitable. The posters are here to chum the water for the lurker feeding frenzy. Period.

One comment by a provider and the hobbyist is fucked with the local administration. No due process. No sense of fairness. As doove said in a moment of lucidity and a lack or over-moralizing, this is a hooker board. Be nice to the women or FUCK YOU.
Well, if it was due to a false rumor, then that would definitely be unfortunate.

I'd be curious, however, as to what sort of rumor "most providers" could know to be untrue. Unless they were a subject of the rumor(s), then they could only offer an opinion. Originally Posted by Doove
1. Yep. False rumors intentionally floated in the Alert room without first checking with her "dear friend" first... happens and banning follows. I know this to be true. The moderators pretend it is about the provider's safety and don't give a shit about truth.

2. A provider over time reveals herself and her character to others. She is a long-term trustworthy person or she is not. No, providers don't "know" that a rumor is untrue but when they compare what they know of the provider and know of the hobbyist, that little voice speaks to them about who they should believe.

3. Other hobbyists who know just a little about the alert and then act like they have some deep insight into the truth are delusional in many cases. This is the sort of thing that keeps this from being the team sport it could be.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-22-2011, 10:11 PM
But it seems only certain women. Others not so much. How they attain "protected status" novels could be written about.
Weird double post...
Doove, a guy who always seems to present an intelligent argument , generally devoid of malice, and more well balanced than most will admit , has found so many detractors. Originally Posted by Deepthinker

No. There is malice and not always intelligent.

My point may best be represented by his judgmental PMs sent me on Christmas attacking my poor performance as a husband and a father for being on ECCIE that day. At least that is easiest to encapsulate.

More broadly though was his consistent passive aggressive efforts to paint me as a "danger" to providers because he had been let in on a snippet of a false alert filed on me. He wasn't interested in the truth, just fascinated by the opportunity to be superior because he thought he had some insider info. From there he stalked me for months with little passive aggressive snark remarks.

Perhaps if he actually told us something about who he is fucking, how the quality rates and what the prices are, I'd overlook that other shit.

DT, I have deep respect for you. We disagree on this fine point my friend.