Hardly Anyone At The Hospital. Where's this National Emergency?

its been reported that those who got sick say besides having stomach pains, difficulty breathing, could not smell or taste.

its something to keep in mind of the symptoms. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well that's interesting. No telling what mechanism is at play to manifest that symptom.
He said smells, not stink!

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Go do all your Lolling in Canada where you belong you little twink.
They will use this playbook for "climate change" to control the populace

I'm willing to wager by the end of the year that the death toll in Texas does not exceed 20,000 people from coronavirus. The number of cases, infections, are basically immaterial. We'll have tens of thousands of cases of "regular" flu in Texas and hundreds, if not a thousand of deaths. No Texan will bat an eye.

To say that this is a nationwide problem but only state the most populous states as evidence is foolhardy. Nobody gives a shit in Wyoming. Or Utah, or Kansas. Much of the problem is the media wants to treat it as a nationwide problem to invoke panic. The media is using the word Pandemic as a terror word. It just means it's widespread throughout the world. The seasonal cold could be a pandemic.

You're the skeered idiot. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Google, Event 201 and ID-2020. This Virus shit ties into all that. Pretty much what you been posting. You seem suspicious and you have a dam good reason to be. Fear(Not Cowardice) and suspicion can save your life.
Not me - I had lean protein, fruits and vegetables at every meal.

The only snacks I eat are carrots, cashews, and bananas.

Stores are well stocked with healthy food - people eating junk food have weak willpower.[/QUOTE

not me either I'm actually vegan so I don't eat any animal or dairy products and I tell you I've had no problem finding my food but when I walk down the processed isles I can't even tell what the hell was there to begin with because that is ransacked

so much so that they're even writing articles on what food is being sold the most and what's not

majority of people right now are reaching for junk foods that are shelf stable Originally Posted by friendly fred
I've never understood how to get enough nutrition as a vegan - what are you targets for the various nutrients and daily calories??

I can understand why people mindlessly eat junk food in a crises and want shelf stable products and should keep some just in case to survive, but plenty of good products are currently available.
If you look at my pictures I can assure you I'm plenty healthy I have been vegan for years

And my real life career was a dietitian and then a professional chef so I can promise you I'm getting all the nutrients I need

I eat tons of vegetables protein originates from vegetables that's how the animals get it to begin with

this is the healthiest I've been in my entire life I Don't preach to try to make people vegan so I don't want you to think that's what's going on I'm just letting you know that I've never been healthier
Well that's interesting. No telling what mechanism is at play to manifest that symptom. Originally Posted by Levianon17
what I've actually seen reported is after studying cases and cases of coronavirus the majority symptom is gastrointestinal issues / diarrhea

Most people aren't even reporting respiratory issues

What are they hiding from us?

One study said stomach issues one says respiratory

What the hell is going on
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2020, 09:12 AM
Couple points - Wuhan coronavirus -19 is a novel virus - and viruses behave differently with each person infected. Signs and symptoms vary. Mostly the studies are limited - due to limited testing and experience in the US - so no large scale studies available yet.

And - not all cases reported have disagnostic testing - some reported cases may be other viruses.

Loss of smell - anosmia - is also reported with other viruses causing upper respiratory disease. Viruses infect the olfactory epithelium in the nose - which receives scent molecules and changes to neural impulses to the brain - a very short distance above the cribiform plate-base of skull. also reported with Zinc nasal spray used for colds in some patients. Smell is the majority of the real sense of taste for food. Taste is only salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and savory - umamai.

Recovery is likely - but permanent anosmia may occur - every patient is different.
what I've actually seen reported is after studying cases and cases of coronavirus the majority symptom is gastrointestinal issues / diarrhea

Most people aren't even reporting respiratory issues

What are they hiding from us?

One study said stomach issues one says respiratory

What the hell is going on Originally Posted by Sienna91
Influenza, Rhinovirus and Caronavirus all produce a wide range of symptoms but primarily upper respiratory. Your health originates in the gut. There is beneficial Bacteria in your gastrointestinal system which helps aid in your digestion and neutralizing acids ect. If something is out of sync such as the presence of a viral infection the beneficial bacterial colonies in the gut may die off and become depleted giving rise to gastrointestinal distress.
Loss of smell - anosmia - is also reported with other viruses causing upper respiratory disease. Viruses infect the olfactory epithelium in the nose - which receives scent molecules and changes to neural impulses to the brain - a very short distance above the cribiform plate-base of skull. also reported with Zinc nasal spray used for colds in some patients. Smell is the majority of the real sense of taste for food. Taste is only salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and savory - umamai.

Recovery is likely - but permanent anosmia may occur - every patient is different. Originally Posted by oeb11
Is anosmia more common in older adults(60+)? My mother said she lost her sense of smell. So did her female friend. I always thought she was hunting for sympathy for a number of reasons. Is there a formal test for anosmia?
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2020, 09:41 AM
Anosmia is a subjective sense - no formal blood test. Most ENY;s are not set up for clinical testing - and sense of smell testing is mostly reesearch study programs.

Spontaneous anosmia does occur - many causes - and does happen in older patients. No specific therapy to recover from anosmia - unless treating an underlying disease process results in recovery.
See Web MD page - https://www.webmd.com/brain/anosmia-loss-of-smell#1
Of course everything is different with each patient not only what coronavirus for any illness that really exist to a certain extent

I'm just feeling that there's information that's just not getting released to the public that's what I'm saying
If you look at my pictures I can assure you I'm plenty healthy I have been vegan for years

And my real life career was a dietitian and then a professional chef so I can promise you I'm getting all the nutrients I need

I eat tons of vegetables protein originates from vegetables that's how the animals get it to begin with

this is the healthiest I've been in my entire life I Don't preach to try to make people vegan so I don't want you to think that's what's going on I'm just letting you know that I've never been healthier Originally Posted by Sienna91
I wouldn't want to argue with a real dietician but seriously, animal meat is practically a superfood and hard to replace - such as fish!

When a heavyweight boxing champion or weightlifting champion comes out as a vegan and still wins, then I might change.

In the interim, I'll eat lean meat three times a day with my fruits and veggies.

You do have nice pictures.

How many carbs do you have each day?

I keep mine below 125g except when I have sweet potatoes. Fruits tend to kick it up but I never have cookies, candy or processed carbs of any kind.

Complex carbs only - whole wheat, fruit, etc.
They will use this playbook for "climate change" to control the populace

I'm willing to wager by the end of the year that the death toll in Texas does not exceed 20,000 people from coronavirus. The number of cases, infections, are basically immaterial. We'll have tens of thousands of cases of "regular" flu in Texas and hundreds, if not a thousand of deaths. No Texan will bat an eye.

To say that this is a nationwide problem but only state the most populous states as evidence is foolhardy. Nobody gives a shit in Wyoming. Or Utah, or Kansas. Much of the problem is the media wants to treat it as a nationwide problem to invoke panic. The media is using the word Pandemic as a terror word. It just means it's widespread throughout the world. The seasonal cold could be a pandemic.

You're the skeered idiot. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The annual death toll from seasonal flu is about 20K to 40K in ALL of the USA. If we have 20K dead just in Texas, then nationwide we will have over 250,000 dead. That’s a disaster.

And you are betting 20K dead in Texas even with the quarantine and isolation measures. If we did nothing as you advocate, we will have about 3 million dead.

You’re delusional.
No, you're delusional. You're finally starting to get it.
So just went by the hospital. More of those testing tents probably 12. There were five men huddled around them. Not in them. 3 wore scrubs, 2 didn't. Nobody wore face masks. Nobody getting tested.
No overflow at the ER. Less cars than last time in the parking lot but I see fewer construction workers.

Went by Kroger since the "stay at home" order is about to go into effect. Parking lot packed. Probably 10-15% of shoppers wearing facemasks, some gloves. Kroger is out of hand sanitizer when you grab a cart. The poor employees who are exposed to everything aren't wearing masks, throwing stuff on shelves as fast as possible.