Providers, will you see a client who see's TS's?

u left invisibility cloak on man
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No I just went out
Meoauniaea's Avatar
hi Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
well hi back at ya
Some people are more fucked up than others. Others may think I'm fucked up and that's fine. The non-hobby society may think we're all fucked up for taking part of the hobby world. But that is an opinion. There is no way to know all the providers that has seen or not seen someone that seen a TS. Some of you may not care if a person had seen a TS, but I bet there is something that would turn you away from seeing a provider\hobbyist. But can you or anyone honestly say that you know they have not been involved in such activities? Might as well live in a bubble or just go become a monk\nun because unless you have been with the person all your life 24\7, you do not know what the person have done or who they have been with. There is always some kind of risk involved in this hobby.

Personally, I have no desire and will never have a desire to see a TS. I like the ladies too much to venture the TS scene.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have no desire nor will I ever. Now I wouldn't go as far as to say that I wouldn't see a provider that has seen someone that has. That would be a little ridiculous lol. However I feel that it is unfortunate that we can't know those things therefore sometimes we are subjected to things we have no desire to be a part of unwillingly.....

Bet you there isn't a married guy out there that wants to see a girl that will text or call him all day and would be highly pissed if he didn't know that little fact about her beforehand.
theres a dictionary for deciphering pro9vider adds and logic i guess on another site, am i the only one 5that read this and thought it should come in a pocket dictionary Originally Posted by bestoralntexas
Likewise. I know I am not the only one here that has a hard time reading your shit,too, Professor.
Yeah, Naomi!

Let me walk this dog the next step upstream...IF I know a provider is a fag hag there is no chance I'll have anything to do with her.

Like it or not, I do not care. You see a tranny, you are a homosexual ("not that there's anything wrong with it", of course). Anything homo gives me the creeps.

Isn't there some kind of homo board for this sort of stuff? Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Some of the things you say shock me to no end. Your mentality is a throwback from a bygone era I'd rather leave out of American history. Most people on this board are too stupid and/or occupied with posting pictures of feral cats to get your thinly veiled insults... but I am not. I see it and I usually let it slide. But I can't on this subject. I just can't.

Human sexuality is FLUID. No one is 100% gay or straight...we all lie somewhere in between. If someone were to categorize me based on my sexual behavior...boy I tell you what...I wouldn't have any friends! I'm a freaky bitch, lol. And from what I hear, so are you. So, for you (someone who pays for sex with young ethnic women half his age) to demonize someone else for living out their sexual fantasies...well sir, I find that to be the worst type of hypocrisy. You're a deviant. I'm a deviant. Don't judge another deviant and color him/her with hateful words. Sex and love between consenting adults should never, EVER, be up for debate.

I respect you and your opinions, but I really find your previous post to be out of line. You won't apologize, and I don't need you to. I just wish you'd see your thinking is antiquated. Even though Naomi is young and agrees with you, she is from Nigeria. Nigeria is not modern or progressive...and definitely not known as champion of human rights. IT'S NOT COOL TO HATE PEOPLE BASED ON WHO THEY LOVE.

Have a good night. I'm going to have a few drinks with my gay and tranny friends. I wish you and Naomi could join me. You'd probably have a good time.

Thank god I live in Austin, Texas! Keep Austin weird!
Likewise. I know I am not the only one here that has a hard time reading your shit,too, Professor. Originally Posted by SarahAndFriends

BUT seriously, take me with a dash of salt, i am not on medication i promise. and yes dear Wayward, i am layn off the vodka...
I mean no harm, and thats directly or indirectly. i post my true thoughts, and scattered as they are, they are mine, and if i can't fuckn understand, than i generally won't respond. aND BELIEVE IT OR FUCKN NOT, I DONT KNOW IT ALL, AND I AM NOT professor doll, its Dr.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
KLK on behalf of me and my baby brother I thank you love!!!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar

While I agree with everything you have said and would gladly sit down or hang out with someone who lives a lifestyle different than I do. I can tell you that my sexuality is not fluid and I only lie on one side of the fence not in between. It is highly unlikely that will ever change. I can say that with the confidence that I do because of the choices I've made in my life and have had no problem standing by those choices. IMO sexuality is only fluid if you choose for it to be so....

BTW you are a gorgeous woman KLK
lizardking's Avatar
Some of the things you say shock me to no end. Your mentality is a throwback from a bygone era I'd rather leave out of American history. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
I guess you've read some of his political posts.

To connect the dots here, did you know that extreme conservatism and a reactionary view of society can be explained psychologically? They are borne out of a pathological fear - not of simply having something shoved up one's ass - but of the possibility that one might actually LIKE having something shoved up one's ass. It is essentially the same psychological process that leads to homophobia, so there is (not surprisingly) a confluence of the phenomena in many individuals. Also (not surprisingly), this is why so many homophobic reactionary conservatives, when the opportunity presents itself, discover that, yes, they really do like having things shoved up their ass. From that point forward, their lives become a gay whirlwind of male escorts, Congressional pages, and airport men's rooms. (Hey, watch that wide stance, fella!).
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
While I appreciate open debate, I would like to keep the thread on topic. Guys I'm sure I know your stance on the issue but what I'm looking for is a response(and hopefully a vote in the poll) as to whether or not they would see a client who chooses to see Transgendered providers also. Everytime I make a comment about TS providers or post a review I receive PM's from guys you wouldn't think are into that scene. While I'm happy to share this info it concerns me that they can't be open about it. Even anonomously on a SHMB.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I respect you and your opinions, but I really find your previous post to be out of line. You won't apologize, and I don't need you to. I just wish you'd see your thinking is antiquated. Even though Naomi is young and agrees with you, she is from Nigeria. Nigeria is not modern or progressive...and definitely not known as champion of human rights. IT'S NOT COOL TO HATE PEOPLE BASED ON WHO THEY LOVE. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley

Woman I have nothing but respect for you and you know that but you have never been to Nigeria. You only know what you see on TV and we all know how accurate that stuff is. After years of bullshit government, my country has come a long way. The last time I traveled to Nigeria I saw gays and trannies in the club. I was shocked. They were even playing American music there. That too was shocking too me. Nigeria has changed a lot and for the better. I find it amazing that someone can say such about a country they've never been to. Do you believe everything you read and what you see on the discovery channel or those cute little american networks? Do you believe what your friends tell you? Nigeria is no longer crying. Our tears stopped a long time ago.

So ...we have Nigerian gays and trannies. To say they don't exist in Nigeria is total BS. Call me closed minded if you want but my train of thought has nothing to do with me being Nigerian. I have American friends that feel the same way I do about this issue. It also has nothing to do with age. You are not that much older than I am and I have a birthday coming up in June. Just because you see nothing wrong with gays or trannies doesn't mean the next person will agree with you. We can't all think like you. That is what makes this world so beautiful . We are all so unique and different.

You also said "IT IS NOT COOL TO HATE PEOPLE BASED ON WHO THEY LOVE". I hate no one. Hate is a very strong word. I don't even hate my enemies so why "hate" someone with a lifestyle that doesn't mirror my own? I also don't remember using such word in my earlier posts on this thread.

I'm not against gays or trannies. I simply said I would stop seeing a man if he saw a tranny. I have gay friends but I won't share client with them and they know that. Last time I checked this is a business and I have the right to decline those I do not find compatible. I also have the right to decline dates and give no reason just like you decline for references. I do what I want with my body and you do what you want with yours. You also can't force your type on someone else.. you do know that right? One of the reasons why I love my job so much. Have a fantabulous day!


P.S I found your comments very disrespectful.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Very well stated, Naomi. What could be more hilarious than a denizen of such a groupthink hot zone as is Austin denouncing the opinion of a Nigerian because.....well, because...she grew up in did Francis Arinze? I suppose KLK deems herself more enlightened and intellectually developed than Cardinal Arinze...but maybe his move to Rome "cured" him. As if.

You're quite right to point out the eristic motivation underlying the playing of the hate card...nobody on our side of this debate said anything even suggestive of such a thing. I mentioned throw-up because that is my gut speaking on the idea of a male cocksucker, much less the lunacy behind a male claiming to be proud of sucking dick.

Regarding the easy characterization of being stuck in an ancient epoch or pre-civilization, maybe an equally facile characterization would be that you, Naomi, and I, Unkie Donny, haven't quite yet fallen off civilizations' apparently inevitable arc from dawn to decadence. A nation flirts with decadence, then extinction, when some critical mass of its men cease being men, strictly defined.

(Hey, KLK...I darn sure don't hate you, doll. Your being one of my favorite posters is not in peril. Maybe our disagreement is as simple as this: you may perceive me as being too old-timey, and I definitely imagine you to be a quick and smart kiddie, susceptible to and unceasingly bombarded by the absolutism that is political correctness; and of the firm opinion that the rush of history toward human perfection began on the date of your birth.

...and just so you know: I don't see girls who are half my age. They're too old to interest me. )