There is a reason why we are seeing more 1/2 hour session offers

pjpenner's Avatar
As this thread has proven, any discussion regarding rates always ends up bloody. I've tried to keep up and I hope someone else didn't make the following point:

  • There are other types of providers in the hobby (other than escorts) who gladly offer and even specialize in providing their professional services in time increments of 30 minutes or less. (Example: AMP/EMP providers, streetwalkers, bar flies, alley cats etc.)

There is a need and place for each type of provider in the marketplace.

As such, I don't see any valid point or reason to expect (or even demand) escorts to provide services already provided by providers in other aspects of the hobby. A different business model is utilized by each type of provider in the hobby. Each business model has been designed and tweaked over time for the the provider to make money. An AMP/EMP provider can make good money at providing any number of 30-minute sessions in a day if she so desires. An escort cannot. The business model and expenses are entirely different.
Naomi4u's Avatar
As this thread has proven, any discussion regarding rates always ends up bloody. I've tried to keep up and I hope someone else didn't make the following point:

  • There are other types of providers in the hobby (other than escorts) who gladly offer and even specialize in providing their professional services in time increments of 30 minutes or less. (Example: AMP/EMP providers, streetwalkers, bar flies, alley cats etc.)

There is a need and place for each type of provider in the marketplace.

As such, I don't see any valid point or reason to expect (or even demand) escorts to provide services already provided by providers in other aspects of the hobby. A different business model is utilized by each type of provider in the hobby. Each business model has been designed and tweaked over time for the the provider to make money. An AMP/EMP provider can make good money at providing any number of 30-minute sessions in a day if she so desires. An escort cannot. The business model and expenses are entirely different. Originally Posted by pjpenner
Very well said.
London Rayne's Avatar
Darn! It finally JUST hit me what your other post was about in relation to this lol. It was not a comparison, but an explination of how all parts of the hobby work together and serve a specific need or desire with no one being better or worse. Sorry, I am a blonde so it takes me a while sometimes.

Happy Holidays P!
gimme_that's Avatar
Just for fun, I found these rates on a lady's website. Can anyone explain the math to me???? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Those rates you had there look very good. 2 hours for 300 dollars and a 4 hour rate for 700 is very fair. And the rate offers incentive to book more time bcause the rate goes down hourly for more ttime booked.

So yeah man pass the link. No matter her body type she sounds like a lot of fun. Lol
Those rates you had there look very good. 2 hours for 300 dollars and a 4 hour rate for 700 is very fair. And the rate offers incentive to book more time bcause the rate goes down hourly for more ttime booked.

So yeah man pass the link. No matter her body type she sounds like a lot of fun. Lol Originally Posted by gimme_that
Someone else asked also. I went back to get the link, and between the time I posted it, and the time I went back, the rates page was taken down. I'm assuming in response to my post. No telling what her rates are now.

Look at your pms.
ANONONE's Avatar
Huh. . .some gal could have made this her treAD if she hadn't pulled her rate sheet down--those were some awesome rates.

Gents would have been banging down her door. . .ahhh. . .probably one of those chippies that doesn't want business from this site anyway?
She had a two hour rate of 300.00 and four hour date at 700.00. My math is saying her four hour should be 600.00. What am I missing?
Naomi4u's Avatar
It would be wise to PM her for her new site (created just 3 days ago) with her new rates posted. I think she discussed raising her rates to a 3 hour minimum for the new years and she did. I would also ask that those that have a problem with me Please PM me.

Let me explain something to you guys. I live in the carolinas. In Greenville, SC $3OO an hour will not fly. Everyone on backpage was charging $150/180 an hour and instead of me charging that rate .. I decided.. why not $300 for 2 hours... It just made much more sense and guess what? It worked! :-)

If you'd like my new site PM me. Thank you Charles .. for the free promotion.

And for the guy that asked if I knew how to do math, Call me and find out.
ANONONE's Avatar
She had a two hour rate of 300.00 and four hour date at 700.00. My math is saying her four hour should be 600.00. What am I missing? Originally Posted by Ansley
Can you imagine the phone calls?

"Yes. . .this is Peggy Provider, how may I help you? Would you like to book a session?"

"I would like to book you for one two hour session at 7:00 PM and then another two hour session with you at 9:00 PM."

"Uhhhhh. . .uhhhhhmmmm. . .hold on a minute. . ."
Naomi4u's Avatar
Now If I were to respond the way I want to that comment I would get flamed by one of these "kiss ass" providers.

Charles, You are truly an asshole.
Now If I were to respond the way I want to that comment I would get flamed by one of these "kiss ass" providers. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I would have never known who Charles was talking about until you sang like a bird. Damn you are so easy to lead around.
About the "kiss ass" providers, this one is telling you to please fuck off.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I would have never known who Charles was talking about until you sang like a bird. Damn you are so easy to lead around.
About the "kiss ass" providers, this one is telling you to please fuck off. Originally Posted by Ansley
I didn't know he was either until I realize that I never deleted my old site.

When I was talking about "kiss ass" providers I wasn't talking about you..I guess you
are Guilty. Thanks for the kind words. Fuck you Ansley. Fuck you.
It would be wise to PM her for her new site (created just 3 days ago) with her new rates posted. I think she discussed raising her rates to a 3 hour minimum for the new years and she did. I would also ask that those that have a problem with me Please PM me.

Let me explain something to you guys. I live in the carolinas. In Greenville, SC $3OO an hour will not fly. Everyone on backpage was charging $150/180 an hour and instead of me charging that rate .. I decided.. why not $300 for 2 hours... It just made much more sense and guess what? It worked! :-)

. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I guess it just depends, I visit Greenville quite a bit, I charge 300-350 per hour and am always booked solid...

As far as this general thread goes, I do offer 1/2 hr sessions, simply because there are some guys who are on a tight schedule ( not because I'm desperate for some quick cash etc..)...

However,I won't lower my rates, whenever some guy asks me if I will give a discount it irritates me...For every bloke who doesn't want to pay what I charge, there are 10 guys who will pay why would I lower my rates?...

All of us ladies are different, and what works for some may not work for others, there's no right or wrong...I just get tired of men on message boards bitching about rates...if you can't afford it, find someone who charges less...bottom line...

Just my .02
Naomi4u's Avatar
I guess it just depends, I visit Greenville quite a bit, I charge 300-350 per hour and am always booked solid...

As far as this general thread goes, I do offer 1/2 hr sessions, simply because there are some guys who are on a tight schedule ( not because I'm desperate for some quick cash etc..)...

However,I won't lower my rates, whenever some guy asks me if I will give a discount it irritates me...For every bloke who doesn't want to pay what I charge, there are 10 guys who will pay why would I lower my rates?...

All of us ladies are different, and what works for some may not work for others, there's no right or wrong...I just get tired of men on message boards bitching about rates...if you can't afford it, find someone who charges less...bottom line...

Just my .02
*Peace*V Originally Posted by Valerie
Great point Valerie

I was visiting Greenville SC on thanksgiving and didn't do the 2 weeks in advance advertising .. It was more like 2-3 days in advanced. I looked at backpage and and figured.. Oh I should work here! I can charge $400 an hour in Boston and $375 in VA Beach but not in Greenville (Maybe because I didn't warn them I was coming lol). Every city is different for each girl. I also noticed you have a full page of reviews while I have like 7 total. I went through a phase where I opted for a no review policy and it totally backfired because I would get emails asking "If I was working" ..LOL then I wanted reviews now I have asked TER to pull my reviews and they won't do it. Gotta love TER.
London Rayne's Avatar
Whooooa now can't say those words on a hooker board lmao! Remember...impressions.