He's Gonna Walk...

I B Hankering's Avatar

LMTAO Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah! You're still posting like a "moron on a hooker board". You're last two post have been nothing more than non-subtantive, ad hominem attacks, CBJ7; because, your version of events is founded on lib-retard preconceptions, and it's not founded on substantive fact. If you cannot refute the testimony of Officer Smith, Ms Bensten, etc., with facts, CBJ7, STFU and quit demostrating what a moron you are on a SHMB.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 12:17 PM

Zimmerman was screaming like a little bitch, he should have shot himself.

I still say he will be convicted of manslaughter. Originally Posted by WTF

still a little early to say you're right , but manslaughter is an option the jury can now consider


Obama made it ALL ABOUT RACE ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Racial somewhat but ego played a big part too. What if Martin was still black but 25 yr old instead of 17 and 6'2'' 225lbs and looked like he could hoist up the back of Zimmerman's truck. Zimmerman probably would have stayed in his vehicle. But Martin was a young kid and didn't seem that threatening so Zimmerman felt a bit more bold. I think Zimmerman painted an over zealous picture of Martin as being suspicious and up to no good. Nothing so far in this case leads me to believe that Martin had committed or was about to commit any property crime in that neighborhood. Would be Burglars just simply don't walk around with a drink and candy and stroll casually about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In his closing argument, the prosecutor, De la Rionda, made it a point to describe the cowardly manner in which Zimmerman sat in his truck, on a lighted street, as Martin backtracked towards Zimmerman and circumnavigated his vehicle while Zimmerman sat snuggly and safely inside. De la Rionda made it a point to describe how Zimmerman, shirking within his truck while talking with a police operator/dispatcher on his phone, failed to positively act and passed on an opportunity to personally confront, engage and question Martin about his presence and activities in the neighborhood.

Then De la Rionda asserts that this same man, Zimmerman the coward, fearlessly -- fearless because he knew had a gun: an "equalizer" (the same gun, btw, that Zimmerman had stuck in his belt in the truck) -- got out of his truck and chased young Martin along a dark sidewalk in the rain.

This folks, is not a credible version of events. The prosecutor cannot credibly describe a cowardly, armed Zimmerman sitting sheltered in a truck on a well lit street and then claim this same Zimmerman got out of his truck and became a stalker because he knew he had an "equalizer" -- Zimmerman had that same "equalizer" in both situations. This version of Zimmerman behavior fails the smell test.

Zimmerman the coward never had any intention of confronting Martin alone. If he had had such an intention, he could have, would have, should have done so, as De la Rionda duly noted, sitting safely in his truck, on a well lit street. Not in the rain, alone, and not in the dark.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 12:48 PM
Racial somewhat but ego played a big part too. What if Martin was still black but 25 yr old instead of 17 and 6'2'' 225lbs and looked like he could hoist up the back of Zimmerman's truck. Zimmerman probably would have stayed in his vehicle. But Martin was a young kid and didn't seem that threatening so Zimmerman felt a bit more bold. I think Zimmerman painted an over zealous picture of Martin as being suspicious and up to no good. Nothing so far in this case leads me to believe that Martin had committed or was about to commit any property crime in that neighborhood. Would be Burglars just simply don't walk around with a drink and candy and stroll casually about. Originally Posted by acp5762
I rolled on the floor when the defense painted the Kid as Chuck Norris and Zimmerman as Pee Wee Herman

they were half right anyway
I rolled on the floor when the defense painted the Kid as Chuck Norris and Zimmerman as Pee Wee Herman

they were half right anyway Originally Posted by CJ7
I didn't see that part, but that is funny.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-11-2013, 02:29 PM
still a little early to say you're right , but manslaughter is an option the jury can now consider

soooooooooooooooooooo Originally Posted by CJ7
From my understanding of FL law (actually, listening to a Fl lawyer say this) , if either the Defense or DA wanted to allow manslaughter as an option, the judge had to allow it. There was no doubt in my mind that the DA was going to ask for it.

I haven't watched 10 minutes of this trial but I do know human nature and human nature tells me that when they picked those six white women, Zimmerman was going to get convicted of something. Manslaughter most likely.

LL , won't like it and will bitch about how the jury was scared to follow the law but LL was scared to make a prediction so I won't put much stock in Monday morning QB'ing from him.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 02:31 PM
LL s a ticket fixer, who gives a rats ass what he thinks or says? Not I.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-11-2013, 02:45 PM
In his closing argument, the prosecutor, De la Rionda, made it a point to describe the cowardly manner in which Zimmerman sat in his truck, on a lighted street, as Martin backtracked towards Zimmerman and circumnavigated his vehicle while Zimmerman sat snuggly and safely inside. De la Rionda made it a point to describe how Zimmerman, shirking within his truck while talking with a police operator/dispatcher on his phone, failed to positively act and passed on an opportunity to personally confront, engage and question Martin about his presence and activities in the neighborhood.

Then De la Rionda asserts that this same man, Zimmerman the coward, fearlessly -- fearless because he knew had a gun: an "equalizer" (the same gun, btw, that Zimmerman had stuck in his belt in the truck) -- got out of his truck and chased young Martin along a dark sidewalk in the rain.

This folks, is not a credible version of events. The prosecutor cannot credibly describe a cowardly, armed Zimmerman sitting sheltered in a truck on a well lit street and then claim this same Zimmerman got out of his truck and became a stalker because he knew he had an "equalizer" -- Zimmerman had that same "equalizer" in both situations. This version of Zimmerman behavior fails the smell test.

Zimmerman the coward never had any intention of confronting Martin alone. If he had had such an intention, he could have, would have, should have done so, as De la Rionda duly noted, sitting safely in his truck, on a well lit street. Not in the rain, alone, and not in the dark. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Good point IB....IMHO Zimmerman got out of his truck stumbled upon Martin, words were exchanged, Martin pushed him down, slapped him up side the head a bit....Zimmerman was screaming like a little boy, Martin let Zimmerman up because of all the noise Zimmerman was making. Zimmerman then pulled a gun on Martin, Martin said "You got me". Zimmerman then accidently shot him because Zimmerman was as even the defense pointed out not trained in this properly, in fact I do not think Zimmerman is the type that could ever be trained properly. Nobody that screams like that or acted like Zimmerman needs to be doing field work.

Martin is like the black kid in Pulp Fiction that Travolta shot after Jules hit a bump.

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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 03:07 PM
Good point IB....IMHO Zimmerman got out of his truck stumbled upon Martin, words were exchanged, Martin pushed him down, slapped him up side the head a bit....Zimmerman was screaming like a little boy, Martin let Zimmerman up because of all the noise Zimmerman was making. Zimmerman then pulled a gun on Martin, Martin said "You got me". Zimmerman then accidently shot him because Zimmerman was as even the defense pointed out not trained in this properly, in fact I do not think Zimmerman is the type that could ever be trained properly. Nobody that screams like that or acted like Zimmerman needs to be doing field work.

Martin is like the black kid in Pulp Fiction that Travolta shot after Jules hit a bump.

http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=...01&FORM=NVPFVR Originally Posted by WTF
the prosecutor that questioned the fight expert who called Zim "Pee Wee Herman" ask where Zims holster and gun would have been, fight guy then said Zim was right handed and the holster was on his right hip .. so the prosecutor had the fight guy give explicit instructions how Martin would have been mounted on top of Zim ... after several directives from fight guy, the prosecutor was in a position the shielding the gun from Zims reach, blocked by the kids leg and hip .. "Like This" sad the prosecutor ... "Yes Sir" said the fight guy... and then according to Zims story the kid slides up even further and begins to pound his head .. so the prosecutor slides up and completely blocks the gun from Zims reach with his entire lower body .. " Like this" ,, "yes Sir"

the entire jury was standing on their feet looking down at the floor during the entire demonstration.

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I B Hankering's Avatar
Good point IB....IMHO Zimmerman got out of his truck stumbled upon Martin, words were exchanged, Martin pushed him down, slapped him up side the head a bit....Zimmerman was screaming like a little boy, Martin let Zimmerman up because of all the noise Zimmerman was making. Zimmerman then pulled a gun on Martin, Martin said "You got me". Zimmerman then accidently shot him because Zimmerman was as even the defense pointed out not trained in this properly, in fact I do not think Zimmerman is the type that could ever be trained properly. Nobody that screams like that or acted like Zimmerman needs to be doing field work.

Martin is like the black kid in Pulp Fiction that Travolta shot after Jules hit a bump.
Originally Posted by WTF
Rachel Jeantel's testimony confirms Zimmerman's version by having Martin turning and confronting Zimmerman. The only real discrepancy relates to who threw the first punch. Jeantel testified she thought Zimmerman attacked Martin. Zimmerman claims vice versa. Only Zimmerman really knows the truth, but as related above, IMO, Zimmerman never meant to physically confront Martin. He could have done that on a lighted street from the safety of his truck. All Zimmerman wanted to do, IMO, was keep Martin in his LOS until the police arrived; hence, it's illogical to presume Zimmerman called the police and then hunted down, confronted and shot a young man in cold blood. What makes more sense, hypothetically, is that Martin went out for a "smoke" using a trip to the store as an excuse to go outside on a cold, rainy night, and then he became paranoid when a "creepy-@ss cr@cker" began following him. Of course, no h3rb was found on Martin or in the vicinity of the event, but it was in his system. The potency of the h3rb in his system is in question, because the blood sample, per testimony, was contaminated.

The other witnesses all substantiate what Zimmerman said regarding the "ground and pound" event. Zimmerman's wounds substantiate his story. One neighbor, Good: a witness before the shooting, testified that Zimmerman was on the bottom, on his back, screaming for help. Zimmerman said he did that. Another neighbor witness, a female: after the shot, testified she saw Zimmerman on top of Martin who was laying face down. Zimmerman said that after shooting Martin, Martin either fell or rolled off Zimmerman who then rolled onto Martin's back and splayed Martin's arms and checked Martin's hands for a weapon (Zimmerman probably saw Martin with a phone in his hand earlier: definitely not a weapon. No other weapon was found.).

Using Good's testimony, there really wasn't enough time for Zimmerman and Martin to stop fighting, stand-up and go through the scenario you describe. Forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's version that he was on his back, on the ground, and Martin was straddling him in a manner that placed their torsos in a parallel position and with Martin's sweatshirts draping downward and away from his body.

the prosecutor that questioned the fight expert who called Zim "Pee Wee Herman" ask where Zims holster and gun would have been, fight guy then said Zim was right handed and the holster was on his right hip .. so the prosecutor had the fight guy give explicit instructions how Martin would have been mounted on top of Zim ... after several directives from fight guy, the prosecutor was in a position the shielding the gun from Zims reach, blocked by the kids leg and hip .. "Like This" sad the prosecutor ... "Yes Sir" said the fight guy... and then according to Zims story the kid slides up even further and begins to pound his head .. so the prosecutor slides up and completely blocks the gun from Zims reach with his entire lower body .. " Like this" ,, "yes Sir"

the entire jury was standing on their feet looking down at the floor during the entire demonstration.

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Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, you conveniently fail to mention how O'Mara descredited the prosecutor's version using the same dummy.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 03:16 PM
poor IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
poor IB Originally Posted by CJ7
Your ignorant retort in no manner lessens your purposeful attempt at deceit, CBJ7. O'Mara totally discredited the prosecution's version of events.
Rachel Jeantel's testimony confirms Zimmerman's version by having Martin turning and confronting Zimmerman. The only real discrepancy relates to who threw the first punch. Jeantel testified she thought Zimmerman attacked Martin. Zimmerman claims vice versa. Only Zimmerman really knows the truth, but as related above, IMO, Zimmerman never meant to physically confront Martin. He could have done that on a lighted street from the safety of his truck. All Zimmerman wanted to do, IMO, was keep Martin in his LOS until the police arrived; hence, it's illogical to presume Zimmerman called the police and then hunted down, confronted and shot a young man in cold blood. What makes more sense is that Martin went out for a "smoke" using a trip to the store as an excuse to go outside on a cold, rainy night, and then he became paranoid when a "creepy-@ss cr@cker" began following him. Of course, no h3rb was found on Martin or in the vicinity of the event, but it was in his system. The potency of the h3rb in his system is in question, because the blood sample, per testimony, was contaminated.

The other witnesses all substantiate what Zimmerman said regarding the "ground and pound" event. Zimmerman's wounds substantiate his story. One neighbor, Good: a witness before the shooting, testified that Zimmerman was on the bottom, on his back, screaming for help. Zimmerman said he did that. Another neighbor witness, a female: after the shot, testified she saw Zimmerman on top of Martin who was laying face down. Zimmerman said that after shooting Martin, Martin either fell or rolled off Zimmerman who then rolled onto Martin's back and splayed Martin's arms and checked Martin's hands for a weapon (Zimmerman probably saw Martin with a phone in his hand earlier: definitely not a weapon. No other weapon was found.).

Using Good's testimony, there really wasn't enough time for Zimmerman and Martin to stop fighting, stand-up and go through the scenario you describe. Forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's version that he was on his back, on the ground, and Martin was straddling him in a manner that placed their torsos in a parallel position and with Martin's sweatshirts draping downward and away from his body.

CBJ7, you conveniently fail to mention how O'Mara descredited the prosecutor's version using the same dummy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

If you can't fight stay in the truck...That's what you would have done? Right IB...
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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 03:39 PM
Your ignorant retort in no manner lessens your purposeful attempt at deceit, CBJ7. O'Mara totally discredited the prosecution's version of events. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

sloppy sweatshirt has spoken