Xmas for the ATF

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its the old adage the more you give them the more they expect or want. I must say my UTR is not like that at all always says thank you so much and you didn't have to do that. maybe that's why shes still my utr LOL i always say i know i did not have to I wanted to
I used to have a favorite of mine (until recently) who is UTR. I decided to give her a carton of smokes for Christmas above and beyond her usual donation. That probably saved her somewhere in the ball park of 75 to 100 bucks depending on where she buys them. I said "Merry Christmas" and I could see the click go off in her head. Her response was "maybe you have a little more for me today?". Uhhhhhh, nope! And now she won't be getting anything else at all from me either. Some of these "ladies" (using the term very loosely) will never learn. Originally Posted by GP
I think that was sweet of you
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  • GP
  • 12-19-2012, 04:04 PM
I think that was sweet of you Originally Posted by Veronicaboyt
maybe yes, maybe no. I was contributing to her ultimate goal of lung cancer.
some girls look amazingly sexy when they smoke

others not so much, not sure why , presentation maybe
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  • GP
  • 12-19-2012, 04:13 PM
Depends on what they are smoking!
stem fast diet,,?

oohh no that not sexy
Lexxxy's Avatar
Gifts and tips are greatly appreciated but NEVER expected. A tip should NEVER be expected unless you stay over more than 15 minutes haha.
I just gave a free HH to the Gent that wrote me guessing the right gun I have in my pic haha. Out of 12 messages 1 got it right Springfield XD
By request I will have new pics with my new beauty once I get it
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  • GP
  • 12-20-2012, 02:02 PM
Damn, I didn't know the was a contest. Where was it? I would have nailed that one easy!
Lexxxy's Avatar
Damn, I didn't know the was a contest. Where was it? I would have nailed that one easy! Originally Posted by GP
Just a game I played with the Gents that wrote and asked. I do fun stuff like that every now and then .
You're still more than welcome to come see how long and thick my hair is
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  • GP
  • 12-20-2012, 02:54 PM
You're still more than welcome to come see how long and thick my hair is Originally Posted by Lexxxy

I'll pass Lexxxy. Maybe JB can take my spot?
Lexxxy's Avatar
I'll pass Lexxxy. Maybe JB can take my spot? Originally Posted by GP
LMFAO I would rather break a bottle and insert it in my...
not anything you would ever have to worry about

theres not to many things I know for certain

THAT is one of them
Lexxxy's Avatar
not anything you would ever have to worry about

theres not to many things I know for certain

THAT is one of them Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Awww, it's okay to be afraid of a real woman, I know your type is easily intimidated and insecure.

Awww, it's okay to be afraid of a real woman, I know your type is easily intimidated and insecure.
Originally Posted by Lexxxy
I dont care what personal attack you give, thats part of the territory

but that other crap about bbw is total horseshit,

if I wanted someone your size I would go find it for free
Ok back to the original post. I was kidding about giving my atfs a sex free date, but anyway I had fun just meeting and greeting them, doing gifts, and talking about how much fun we have had, having a smoke, or sharing wine. One gift simply cash centric, and the other was gifts like favorite wines and a store card.