69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 01-20-2010, 10:39 PM
Number 2 is my favorite. The sexy look gets me going, but the smile just makes me melt!

Number 9 and 11 are also very good. It is all about the eyes and the expression, sort of a wanton lust.
mmcqtx's Avatar
9, 10, 11 light my fire. I see enough to know I like, the rest I can wait to see live and the "come hither" looks are inspirational.
curiousbill101's Avatar
all nice..but think 1, 3, and 10 are my lest favorite ;-)
firelips's Avatar
Oops double post
firelips's Avatar
This is so easy for me.#1 is a slam dunk . She is someone who is imagined as having a future with and therefore would be automatic for multiple visits. Next is #13 because the rear is just that perfect. Then #11 because she is also sexy , leaves something to the curious eye, and not too graphic. I like the other pics too , but all the mystery has been removed.
Great question
beachcomber's Avatar
I read once long ago that: "more concealing can be more revealing". It speaks to me when a woman respects her body and reserves it for private encounters. Your photos are a good example of that. Your charms are hinted at, not exposed! Good job. Have fun with your photo shoot.

  • Duke
  • 01-28-2010, 10:30 AM
Watch the props. Both Kelly and Dawn are non smokers. So as a non smoker photos 4 and 7 would disqualify the provider for me.

Picture 8, 9 and 13 are the most sensual.

And I have to admit I recently saw Makenzee Ryder because of an explicit shot from the rear like 6 that I just had to see live and in person.
Hardallnight's Avatar
# 11 by far the best. I love the eyes, hair, breasts and body(not necessarily in that order). Anyone in Dallas look like her?
#8 is a close 2nd, very sensual and #13...with an ass like that you just have to see the rest!
bigmarv's Avatar
I like number 6, because of her tight looking ass.
#8 looks like my first wife on our honeymoon. She was 22 and looked like an angel sitting on the window seat in our bedroom. Especially with the soft dawn sunlight back-lighting her. Beautiful.
Damn, I need to call her and see when you hubby is traveling again.
I am so very glad to hear that the majority of you gentlemen enjoy the allure of what could be... I find that to be very sexy myself.. However I just thought that was because I was female not male... It is very refreshing to find that me being a female has nothing to do with it at all.
I try very hard to take what I like to call, the Marilyn Monroe approach, sexy and provocative with just enough to make you wonder..... I agree that a fully clothed hot outfit can do the trick, the idea of what could be underneath is always very appealing......

By the way Ms. Kelly some of these photo's are well, WOW!!!!!! I will give you my thoughts on Tuesday when I see you......
rikz944's Avatar
Maybe I dont get it, but as far as I can see, #2 is the only personal one.
As hiring a provider, #3. I hate the photo, but I'm pretty sure she's going to do the job. And that means doing just about anything I ask.
4 & 5 very sexy and playful
Can't Get Enough's Avatar

I like including the well dressed pic - Carrie Hillcrest little black dress pic is very sexy.