Durham Report

berryberry's Avatar
A flag flown upside down means a country in distress. We’re there. Originally Posted by bambino
Indeed we are. This was actually outside Congress the morning after the Durham report was released. Not a coincidence
bambino's Avatar
Indeed we are. This was actually outside Congress the morning after the Durham report was released. Not a coincidence Originally Posted by berryberry
I know. I saw it. There has been thousands of clues the past 3yrs that the sheep don’t see. But it’s right in front of their eyes.
berryberry's Avatar
I know. I saw it. There has been thousands of clues the past 3yrs that the sheep don’t see. But it’s right in front of their eyes. Originally Posted by bambino
They are too busy being brainwashed by the DNC media and pushing crazy plans about men believing they are women to pay attention
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden was in the thick of a political op targeting Trump before the election -- Aug 2016 Situation Room briefing on The Clinton Plan (promoted by Senile Biden's current NSA) --and a political op after the election -- January 2017 plan to frame Trump's NSA under the Logan Act
berryberry's Avatar
The Durham Report revealed that the FBI dropped 4 criminal probes into the Clintons.

But had no problem at all pushing a fake dossier to take down Trump.

What happened to equal justice under the law?
bambino's Avatar
The Durham Report revealed that the FBI dropped 4 criminal probes into the Clintons.

But had no problem at all pushing a fake dossier to take down Trump.

What happened to equal justice under the law? Originally Posted by berryberry
Not only that, they have all the Epstein videos and paperwork along with Hunters debauchery. I suspect what’s on Wieners laptop is far worse the Hunters. Like I said in another thread, truth is coming soon. It started this week.
HDGristle's Avatar
When you lose James Woods, you've lost America. He's a goddamned national treasure

Why don’t you Republicans exercise power when you are in power? Your party holds a majority in the House of Representatives. Why has Adam Schiff not been held accountable for the Russia Hoax? You guys are all talk and no action. Hopeless

Sounds like he's calling all Republicans in power All Talk and No Cock.

Amazing how these trends keep coming up lately.
HDGristle's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
RFK Jr. and Dave Smith, neither of whom support Donald Trump, discuss how the Durham Report confirms that our own intelligence agencies conspired to fix an election and frame a sitting US President for treason. Yes it’s really that simple, and it’s really that bad.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not only that, they have all the Epstein videos and paperwork along with Hunters debauchery. I suspect what’s on Wieners laptop is far worse the Hunters. Like I said in another thread, truth is coming soon. It started this week. Originally Posted by bambino

nah, Carlos Danger is a rank amateur when it comes to debauchery compared to Hunter. maybe Hunter will take him under his wing?


interestingly, it was Carlos himself that brought down Clinton, his wifey's boss. oh the irony! bahhaaa

the only reason Jimmy "long shanks" Comey reopened the investigation of Clinton's emails is because the NYPD found emails on his laptop from/to Clinton and his then wifey so he had to do it or risk the NYPD making that info public. Comey can't control the NYPD at least not directly so from a certain point of view he was right when he claimed later that it was a matter of not tainting Clinton if she won and this came out after the election.

of course he was in fact colluding to rig the election the whole time under orders from Obama.

When you lose James Woods, you've lost America. He's a goddamned national treasure


Sounds like he's calling all Republicans in power All Talk and No Cock.

Amazing how these trends keep coming up lately. Originally Posted by HDGristle

if only it were that easy. i think in part the founding fathers created the bicameral Congress to prevent exactly that, where one party can't do as they please, for better or worse.

RFK Jr. and Dave Smith, neither of whom support Donald Trump, discuss how the Durham Report confirms that our own intelligence agencies conspired to fix an election and frame a sitting US President for treason. Yes it’s really that simple, and it’s really that bad.


https://twitter.com/i/status/1660304267205545984 Originally Posted by berryberry

indeed. our top law enforcement agency, the FBI, knowingly broke the law to spy on a presidential campaign. the Intel community knowingly lied to claim Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation" when they knew that the FBI had already determined it was genuine, nearly a year before the election and kept it secret, on purpose to influence the election.
bambino's Avatar
nah, Carlos Danger is a rank amateur when it comes to debauchery compared to Hunter. maybe Hunter will take him under his wing?


interestingly, it was Carlos himself that brought down Clinton, his wifey's boss. oh the irony! bahhaaa

the only reason Jimmy "long shanks" Comey reopened the investigation of Clinton's emails is because the NYPD found emails on his laptop from/to Clinton and his then wifey so he had to do it or risk the NYPD making that info public. Comey can't control the NYPD at least not directly so from a certain point of view he was right when he claimed later that it was a matter of not tainting Clinton if she won and this came out after the election.

of course he was in fact colluding to rig the election the whole time under orders from Obama.

if only it were that easy. i think in part the founding fathers created the bicameral Congress to prevent exactly that, where one party can't do as they please, for better or worse.

indeed. our top law enforcement agency, the FBI, knowingly broke the law to spy on a presidential campaign. the Intel community knowingly lied to claim Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation" when they knew that the FBI had already determined it was genuine, nearly a year before the election and kept it secret, on purpose to influence the election. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think Hillary is far worse than Hunter. Frazzle Drip TWK? It’s on Wieners laptop. The NYC cops who viewed it puked, and cried. You can find it on the dark webs. The Funny thing is, they’re all dead now.
The cops that viewed it.
Do you think the Clinton Foundation was trying to help the people of Haiti? Or were they into Trafficking? That’s on the laptop too.
bambino's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
indeed. our top law enforcement agency, the FBI, knowingly broke the law to spy on a presidential campaign. the Intel community knowingly lied to claim Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation" when they knew that the FBI had already determined it was genuine, nearly a year before the election and kept it secret, on purpose to influence the election. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes - the FBI and CIA and others tried to throw the election in 2016 to Hillary and when they failed, they put the American public through years of false Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit to hamstring President Trump. In 2020 they learned their lesson and went full in the throw the election to put Senile Biden in office

The agencies need disbanded as soon as a Republican wins the White House