Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"wearing a mask doesn't guarantee 100% protection. wearing a face shield are better as it protects all the entry points"

Probably the dumbest statement on this board from a scientific standpoint...and no, I won't explain why because I've addressed multiple times. Bottom line, only an N95 mask or positive pressure helmet protect your "entry points". Masks and face shields are only intended to minimize transmission to "entry points" of others. Don't know why this so hard to comprehend. Originally Posted by reddog1951

it isn't hard. many posters myself included have said masks are not completely effective, especially low grade cheap ones. i haven't said they aren't useful either. there is a reason Doctors wear them in surgery. but Doctors also don't wear hazmat suits. should they? absent a virus patient that is. and in that case it's the Doctor being protected not the patient. for normal surgeries the masks Doctors wear are intended to protect the patient.

even heavy cloth surgical masks that can be tied tight aren't completely effective in preventing the spread of virus if a Doctor happens to be infected and presumably doesn't know it. so why don't Doctors use N95 masks in surgery? because generally the reusable cloth masks they do wear are overall adequate.

the statement made that masks, most common types anyway, are not 100% effective is true.
bambino's Avatar
it isn't hard. many posters myself included have said masks are not completely effective, especially low grade cheap ones. i haven't said they aren't useful either. there is a reason Doctors wear them in surgery. but Doctors also don't wear hazmat suits. should they? absent a virus patient that is. and in that case it's the Doctor being protected not the patient. for normal surgeries the masks Doctors wear are intended to protect the patient.

even heavy cloth surgical masks that can be tied tight aren't completely effective in preventing the spread of virus if a Doctor happens to be infected and presumably doesn't know it. so why don't Doctors use N95 masks in surgery? because generally the reusable cloth masks they do wear are overall adequate.

the statement made that masks, most common types anyway, are not 100% effective is true. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I’ve been wearing them my whole career. In an OR setting, with open wounds, yes, in normal everyday life, no. Covid is an airborne pathogen. A cheap mask, or alternative is useless. I won’t post studies, because there are many. Social distancing is a joke too.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"wearing a mask doesn't guarantee 100% protection. wearing a face shield are better as it protects all the entry points"

Probably the dumbest statement on this board from a scientific standpoint...and no, I won't explain why because I've addressed multiple times. Bottom line, only an N95 mask or positive pressure helmet protect your "entry points". Masks and face shields are only intended to minimize transmission to "entry points" of others. Don't know why this so hard to comprehend. Originally Posted by reddog1951

not a dumb statement.

wearing a face shield protects your eyes, nose and mouth where as a mask only protects your nose and mouth.

there have been recommendations by some to wear both mask and faceshield. I think that is over kill. pick your poison.

there was a study that said people who wore glasses/mask had less chance of getting sick than those who wore only a mask.

I believe that. i wear glasses and wore a mask with a vent (which is considered a no no, but I fixed that by folding kleenex 4 times and sticking it in the mask pouch. I went the entire year without getting sick. 1st time in 10 years. New Orleans was a hot spot.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Your exhale just comes out of the sides of a regular mask, so it does help prevent the virus from propagating at higher drift speeds out of the front of your face, but that's about it. That could go a long way, though. I'm sure it does prevent transmission when coupled with social distancing.

The CDC likely told the public or withheld information from the public about masks so that people would not buy up all the N95 masks. They have a history of lying.

I think it's somewhat dangerous to suggest that a piece of cloth is more protection against the virus than the vaccine, but that's what the CDC said awhile ago. I wonder if they'd say the same thing today. Probably not.

It's also odd that they suggested crowds wearing bandanas was perfectly safe. I mean, if wearing a t shirt over my face is better than getting the vaccine, than why are we bothering to push the vaccine out?
Since this is a hooker board let me try to explain in terms of sex, pregnancy and barrier contraception (forget other contraception as possible). Two tenets: the hooker doesn't want to get pregnant and you don't want to get the hooker pregnant.

So, you bareback her anyway and CIP. If she is responsible and uses the diaphragm, then that is a physical barrier; your little vermin can't get to the "sensitive parts". That's the function of a fitted N95 mask..high percentage of air inhaled passes through the filter and the vermin don't pass through. Of course there is a relative small failure rate...with both.

So, she doesn't use the diaphragm, so dammit, you use a condom. Another physical barrier, but in this case it's your responsibility to use. You CIP, but this time not really, your vermin were caught in the bag. That is the function of the surgical or home made mask or shield. High percentage of the vermin you shed don't pass to her. Of course, there is a relatively small failure rate...with both.

Finally, the hooker is on birth control pills. You can both go at it naturally. You can CIP without a diaphragm or condom without worry of pregnancy. The flaw here is that the "receiver" of the vermin is the only one truly protected,you're not in terms of covid. That is the function of vaccination, she's immune; if you're vaccinated, you're both immune in covid context. Of course there is a relatively small failure rate...with both.

In very high risk areas, health care workers wear positive pressure "helmets" or even bodysuits (mini space suits) that provide very high levels of barrier protection by airflow regulation.

Waco, I don't know what OR you were ever in, but surgical masks are used to protect the patient from the surgeons and staff (not to protect the operators), and primarily to maintain a sterile field in terms of bacterial contamination by nose and mouth secretions.
bambino's Avatar
Since this is a hooker board let me try to explain in terms of sex, pregnancy and barrier contraception (forget other contraception as possible). Two tenets: the hooker doesn't want to get pregnant and you don't want to get the hooker pregnant.

So, you bareback her anyway and CIP. If she is responsible and uses the diaphragm, then that is a physical barrier; your little vermin can't get to the "sensitive parts". That's the function of a fitted N95 mask..high percentage of air inhaled passes through the filter and the vermin don't pass through. Of course there is a relative small failure rate...with both.

So, she doesn't use the diaphragm, so dammit, you use a condom. Another physical barrier, but in this case it's your responsibility to use. You CIP, but this time not really, your vermin were caught in the bag. That is the function of the surgical or home made mask or shield. High percentage of the vermin you shed don't pass to her. Of course, there is a relatively small failure rate...with both.

Finally, the hooker is on birth control pills. You can both go at it naturally. You can CIP without a diaphragm or condom without worry of pregnancy. The flaw here is that the "receiver" of the vermin is the only one truly protected,you're not in terms of covid. That is the function of vaccination, she's immune; if you're vaccinated, you're both immune in covid context. Of course there is a relatively small failure rate...with both.

In very high risk areas, health care workers wear positive pressure "helmets" or even bodysuits (mini space suits) that provide very high levels of barrier protection by airflow regulation.

Waco, I don't know what OR you were ever in, but surgical masks are used to protect the patient from the surgeons and staff (not to protect the operators), and primarily to maintain a sterile field in terms of bacterial contamination by nose and mouth secretions. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Yeah, people wear masks in the OR because there are open wounds. But infections still happen. Despite the precautions like laminar flow in operating rooms. If you think a cheap mask will protect you from a tiny virus as small as a molecule is preposterous. It’s like putting chicken wire up to keep dust from getting into your house.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Since this is a hooker board let me try to explain in terms of sex, pregnancy and barrier contraception (forget other contraception as possible). Two tenets: the hooker doesn't want to get pregnant and you don't want to get the hooker pregnant.

So, you bareback her anyway and CIP. If she is responsible and uses the diaphragm, then that is a physical barrier; your little vermin can't get to the "sensitive parts". That's the function of a fitted N95 mask..high percentage of air inhaled passes through the filter and the vermin don't pass through. Of course there is a relative small failure rate...with both.

So, she doesn't use the diaphragm, so dammit, you use a condom. Another physical barrier, but in this case it's your responsibility to use. You CIP, but this time not really, your vermin were caught in the bag. That is the function of the surgical or home made mask or shield. High percentage of the vermin you shed don't pass to her. Of course, there is a relatively small failure rate...with both.

Finally, the hooker is on birth control pills. You can both go at it naturally. You can CIP without a diaphragm or condom without worry of pregnancy. The flaw here is that the "receiver" of the vermin is the only one truly protected,you're not in terms of covid. That is the function of vaccination, she's immune; if you're vaccinated, you're both immune in covid context. Of course there is a relatively small failure rate...with both.

In very high risk areas, health care workers wear positive pressure "helmets" or even bodysuits (mini space suits) that provide very high levels of barrier protection by airflow regulation.

Waco, I don't know what OR you were ever in, but surgical masks are used to protect the patient from the surgeons and staff (not to protect the operators), and primarily to maintain a sterile field in terms of bacterial contamination by nose and mouth secretions. Originally Posted by reddog1951

the only OR i've ever been in is as the patient. you need to re-read my post. that's exactly what i said, it's for the patient in absence of things like Ebola etc .

it isn't hard. many posters myself included have said masks are not completely effective, especially low grade cheap ones. i haven't said they aren't useful either. there is a reason Doctors wear them in surgery. but Doctors also don't wear hazmat suits. should they? absent a virus patient that is. and in that case it's the Doctor being protected not the patient. for normal surgeries the masks Doctors wear are intended to protect the patient.

even heavy cloth surgical masks that can be tied tight aren't completely effective in preventing the spread of virus if a Doctor happens to be infected and presumably doesn't know it. so why don't Doctors use N95 masks in surgery? because generally the reusable cloth masks they do wear are overall adequate.

the statement made that masks, most common types anyway, are not 100% effective is true. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

now from someone who does know and not as the patient. ..

I’ve been wearing them my whole career. In an OR setting, with open wounds, yes, in normal everyday life, no. Covid is an airborne pathogen. A cheap mask, or alternative is useless. I won’t post studies, because there are many. Social distancing is a joke too. Originally Posted by bambino
bambino is right. and so am i when we say these so-called masks many people wear aren't very effective. they aren't medical grade cloth masks that can be secured tightly helping reduce but not entirely eliminate exit points. so when people use anything less than a N95 or surgical mask they are fooling themselves about the actual effectiveness.

and despite this being a hooker board why bother even trying to compare bbfs to this covid situation? i find that analogy both frivolous and irrelevant. one is a risk you knowingly take the other isn't. if you don't want to get the clap use a condom or don't go fuck a hooker at all.

for this virus people can't entirely avoid it like they can with a session. you wasted 3 paragraphs on a nonsensical analogy
"don't give a fuck what anyone says"

That's fairly obvious. I suppose you determine flu vaccine effectiveness and the "trashiness" of the covid vaccine through your own independent research. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Not just mine but others that actually study virology and communicable disease transmission. Look up Dr. Suzanne Humphries you may learn something. There's many more out there like her.
Humphries...looks like a duck, walks like a duck...QUACK. I encourage you to consult with her when needed. Please do not go to Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, or MD Anderson for treatment. You won't be happy.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2021, 06:26 PM
Not just mine but others that actually study virology and communicable disease transmission. Look up Dr. Suzanne Humphries you may learn something. There's many more out there like her. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well she may be a good nephrologist but she sounds awfully nutty. If people like her had been calling the shots for the last 100 years we’d be awash in measles, polio and smallpox. There’s a reason the great philanthropist Bill Gates devoted a sizable part of his fortune to vaccines — because he could save a lot of lives by doing so.
bambino's Avatar
Well she may be a good nephrologist but she sounds awfully nutty. If people like her had been calling the shots for the last 100 years we’d be awash in measles, polio and smallpox. There’s a reason the great philanthropist Bill Gates devoted a sizable part of his fortune to vaccines — because he could save a lot of lives by doing so. Originally Posted by Tiny
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well she may be a good nephrologist but she sounds awfully nutty. If people like her had been calling the shots for the last 100 years we’d be awash in measles, polio and smallpox. There’s a reason the great philanthropist Bill Gates devoted a sizable part of his fortune to vaccines — because he could save a lot of lives by doing so. Originally Posted by Tiny

you are kidding right? do some research on Billy the "humanitarian" and see what you find. a track record of excessively bad side effects. far more than average with vaccines
bambino's Avatar
He won’t get the Red Carpet treatment in India or Africa. Gate’s oral polio vaccine was a disaster.

Humphries...looks like a duck, walks like a duck...QUACK. I encourage you to consult with her when needed. Please do not go to Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, or MD Anderson for treatment. You won't be happy. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Fauci looks like a midget he's more of a circus act than a Public Health Official and you believe every word he says because he's on T.V.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He won’t get the Red Carpet treatment in India or Africa. Gate’s oral polio vaccine was a disaster. Originally Posted by bambino

Nope. and i'm giving him a much latitude as possible about the known excessive side effects without outright saying it was intentional. yet.

which still gives more than enough reason to be extremely wary of a vaccine he not only advocates for but was heavily involved in developing. along with Fauci.