Dr. Ben Carson throws his hat in the ring.

Maybe Dr. Carson can do away with comma's when he is elected President and brings both parties together

. Originally Posted by WTF
Socialists/Communists and Free Thinkers will always be at each others throats. Commas be damned...
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  • 11-12-2014, 09:30 PM
Socialists/Communists and Free Thinkers will always be at each others throats. Commas be damned... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I wasn't the one saying the Free Thinking Uncle Tom was going to bring us together!
flghtr65's Avatar
LOL, first off, what other Republican candidate? Secondly, yes, I certainly have a very high esteem for this gent, and the love of his/our country, and the vision he has, to bring us back to the Unity, we once had. Need we all agree on every issue, but, of course not, that would be silly and it wouldn't be The United States of America, but to be able to agree to disagree, and still hold that "Focus" aka focal point of that Unity of The United States of America. There is an old axiom used that "we the people" have forgotten, due to all the bickering in this nation, that needs to be brought to the forefront once again, and that is, "United we stand, divided we fall". For, unless we "the people " are united, we will most surely defeated. Has anyone not noticed lately, the hatred of world toward us?? It is certainly, no secret, in fact it is quite overt.
If you have the opportunity to read his newest book "One Nation" do it, but most importantly, do it without any politico bigotry. Originally Posted by Cherie
The people who run the republican party want one of four people to be on the top of the ticket in 2016. Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, Mitt Romney or Rand Paul. (Rand is shaky because he is perceived to be an isolationist, but can attract younger voters). Dr. Carson was a great doctor, he will never win the republican primary. He will not do any better than Herm Cain. He could be a good Surgeon General.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF/RDF I'm not supporting Carson, I'm outing you for the ignorant idiot that you are. You read things you don't understand, and then pretend to be an expert. You're like the kid who gets his lunch stolen by big kids on the way to school, and yells at them, "You lose! I don't even like peanut butter!" You're too stupid to know you're stupid. You even post from Wikipedia and pretend they're your words. If you're looking for some respect and admiration on here, because your pathetic life has no meaning, you won't find it. No one respects you. You're an idiot.

My candidate is Gary Johnson, until further notice. But Carson seems like a good guy. He doesn't need an ignorant asshole like you calling him an "Uncle Tom".
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  • 11-13-2014, 09:40 AM
No one respects you.

My candidate is Gary Johnson, until further notice. But Carson seems like a good guy. He doesn't need an ignorant asshole like you calling him an "Uncle Tom". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you come on a Hooker board looking for respect, you're the idiot.

Gary Johnson is for open borders, glad to know he has your support.

Dr Carson better not care what someone calls him on a hooker board or he better go get his hat out of the ring!

Now quit trolling for discounted/free pussy. I doubt she is stupid enough to give you some...though she was silly enough to proclaim Dr Ben a uniter!

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  • WTF
  • 11-13-2014, 09:50 AM
You're like the kid who gets his lunch stolen by big kids on the way to school, and yells at them, "You lose! I don't even like peanut butter!" You're too stupid to know you're stupid.
". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're too stupid to post a decent analog. Bullies that steal other kids lunch are smart? Is that what you did growing up...steal others lunch? Good thing you didn't go to my school old man . We didn't tolerate that bullshit growing up.
Great analogy old broke man looking for discounted pussy!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're simply an asshole, WPF. Own it, accept it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And if anyone "knows" assholes, it's the sultan of Salina!!!

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  • WTF
  • 11-14-2014, 09:19 AM
You're simply an asshole, WPF. Own it, accept it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm an asshole to Cute Old Fuckers who glorify bulling!

You're like the kid who gets his lunch stolen by big kids on the way to school, and yells at them, "You lose! I don't even like peanut butter!" You're too stupid to know you're stupid. ". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm an asshole to people naïve enough to think Ben Carson and Herman Cain will unite this country. Of course, I'm not trying to get discounted pussy from her like you!

Being the person that he is and not driven by ego, (he will listen to people who have the expertise and the knowledge on any given subject, and make an "informed decision") also, being a man who speaks from the heart and not a teleprompter, he can certainly answer "off the cuff" with a great deal of diplomacy, which needs to be brought back by our leaders, if we wish to bring Unity to our people and to our country.

Somewhere in this "pot of gold" I believe that Herman Cain fits, due to the fact that he has numerous degrees in mathematics and, of course very few people are aware that he is a mathematician of ballistics.

With this trifecta, IMHO, The United States of America could very well be on a "healing course" that "we the people" could once again be proud of. Originally Posted by Cherie
rioseco's Avatar
Keep that token black empty suit educated uncle Tom ass kisser lying ass no good skally wag fake pompous dip shit Manchurian man pleasing skeezer far from the white house . ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

So why is it ok to attack a black man now ? This black man, Ben Carlson.
It has been called racism each time Obama the muslim in denial faced any questioning whatsoever !
More hypocrisy from the far leftist commie squad !