Hobby Souvenirs

albundy's Avatar
I have a couple of 64gb flash drives full of souvenirs of hookers I have been with.
You would be surprised how many chicks don’t mind filming and/or taking pictures.
albundy's Avatar
Ok. I replied based on the title of this thread without actually reading the first post.
I would never, ever, steal anything from one of these ladies. Even from some of the, uh, less reputable women I have seen. You are a scumbag if you do.
Do you mean their? There is something different.

Now that I corrected his use of words. The real issue with Opossum is mental.

His statements show that he is a sociopath: or is he really a psychopath? Psychopaths are classified as people with little or no conscience, sociopaths do have a limited, and weak, ability to feel empathy and remorse. Psychopaths can and do follow social conventions, but when it suits their needs.

I once knew a guy who was truly a sociopath: we could tell because of all the "chicken shit" stuff he was doing all the time. We do know that the term "chicken shit" is just nasty and dirty little things he did continuously. That is different from "bull shit", where you can not believe what is said: that can just be ignored. A person who talks "bull shit" is just mouthing off. But one who does "chicken shit" stuff, is pulling a got you.

"Chicken Shit" stuff is close to a psychopath because the crossover is the guy that can just harm you for the fun of it.

The recommendation is to just walk away these people. The "chicken shit" guy winds up with no friends because everyone just ignores them and walks away. The opposite of love is not hate, and the opposite of a friend is not an enemy. The opposite of each is nothing because that is when we just have no feelings for that person.

If a person is bad for you; just walk away.

Originally Posted by JRLawrence

Whatever else he may or may not be opossum/treetop is an internet troll. The above “confessions” probably never actually happened. The original post was intended to elicit a response or anger, outrage, accusations, or insults. Because that’s what trolls do. They want you to get upset so that they can laugh at you and feel superior. And sure, in the real world maybe you would call that chicken shit behavior and say the dude is a psychopath. I guess that’s the same thing. Either way, the guy is just fucking with you. And honestly, the best way to handle trolls is to ignore them completely.
winn dixie's Avatar
Whatever else he may or may not be opossum/treetop is an internet troll. The above “confessions” probably never actually happened. The original post was intended to elicit a response or anger, outrage, accusations, or insults. Because that’s what trolls do. They want you to get upset so that they can laugh at you and feel superior. And sure, in the real world maybe you would call that chicken shit behavior and say the dude is a psychopath. I guess that’s the same thing. Either way, the guy is just fucking with you. And honestly, the best way to handle trolls is to ignore them completely. Originally Posted by Gadabout
Hes been doing it for several years now.