Roe to be overturned!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You don't have to tell me. I posted that this bitch is a lying cunt like Kavanaugh. You thought I wouldn't have a come back, right?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

ok. you asked for it

Christine Blasey Ford has a credibility problem

A recently released memo by Rachel Mitchell, the 25-year career prosecutor who cross-examined Ford during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, lays bare Ford’s inconsistencies in her allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The memo notes that a “ ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that.” She went on to write that no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case to court, and it is not even sufficient to satisfy the “preponderance-of-the-evidence standard.”

{mosads}Despite Ford’s story being in the public domain for more than two weeks, it has gone unquestioned by the mainstream media and weaponized by the political left. This is incredibly dangerous. Her allegation should be examined vigorously, considering that Judge Kavanaugh’s life and future also hang in the balance.

The only details Ford seems to remember are ones that are damaging to Kavanaugh. She remembers what he allegedly did and that he was drunk, and says she had the good judgment to only have one drink. But Ford seemingly does not remember how she got to the party in question, how she got home, where it was or when it was.

you believe Beer Bro Brett (my brother's name actually) is a rapist because you believe the far left media hacks who espouse your far left radical socialist agenda which has failed every time it has gained favor.

name me one time pure socialism has ever worked? i'll wait ....

Who gives a fuck... I love whistle blowers! Originally Posted by WTF

you love whistle blowers when they blow the whistle you believe in. what did you think about Snowden? in a Dr. Strangelove like convergence you "probably" believe the same as me .. we will see about that shortly ... all whistle blowers are great .. unless they lie. then they are shitfucks who should be euthanized.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
ok. you asked for it

Christine Blasey Ford has a credibility problem opinion /judiciary/409651-dr-fords-credibility-problem/[/URL] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
you believed the OPINION of the radical left. you still believe the radical far left.

the facts say otherwise.

Christine Blasey Ford’s lies and other commentary

From the right: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lies

The American Civil Liberties Union recently awarded a “courage” award to Justice Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford. But it’s unclear why she continues to win plaudits, write Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino at The Federalist, “given the lack of evidence in support of her accusations.” For starters, “there is no evidence” that Ford and Kavanaugh “ever met.” Other than her allegation, there is zero corroboration for “the party she described” having occurred, “much less” the assault. Plus, her own supposed witness and childhood friend Leland Keyser “came to lack confidence in the tale” Ford told. All other “alleged witnesses strongly dispute the claim.” Worse, even Ford’s own father “went out of his way to offer . . . support” to Kavanaugh’s father, Ed.

Democrats have been publicly “itching to impeach Trump since the day he took office,” sighs The Washington Examiner’s Byron York. But that’s hardly the only reason to doubt Nancy Pelosi’s claim that she is pursuing removal “prayerfully,” “sadly” and “with a heavy heart.” After multiple disappointments culminating in the dud of the Mueller report, “up popped the Ukraine affair. Democrats saw a final opportunity to impeach Trump. They immediately began cutting corners to make it happen as quickly as possible.” Pelosi and Adam Schiff decided to “skip the investigative stage that preceded earlier impeachments” and “handle the investigating themselves” — without seeking “the testimony of some key witnesses” such as John Bolton. Fact is, this is Democrats’ “last, best hope” for impeachment, so they’re “taking shortcuts to ensure their preferred result,” all while professing “great reluctance.” Will the public buy it?

In the September Atlantic, Paul Tough claimed that to “become a welder, you actually have to go to college,” supposed proof that conservatives are wrong to emphasize the vocational training over liberal arts. But that’s simply untrue, Erin Valdez explains at National Review. “Community college is one pathway into welding,” but a “welding certificate program” is available at the very school Tough cites in his article, and apprenticeship is still a “well-trodden pathway” into the field. College may be an option, but training also comes via “trade schools, short-term earn-while-you-learn programs provided by employers and unions.” Fact is, neither college nor the skilled trades is “a guaranteed path to the American dream” — but you certainly don’t need the former to make it in the latter.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to let the state clean up Austin homeless encampments is “a good first step,” Andrew Brown and Michele Steeb note at The Hill — but, as Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson has warned, solving that city’s homelessness crisis requires the efforts of “federal, state and local government.” For starters, Carson should reform his department’s “Housing First” policy, launched under President George W. Bush and expanded in the Obama years, which offers the homeless “subsidized housing with no expectations” and even denies federal funding to housing nonprofits that require beneficiaries to get sober or seek job training. Early data that showed the program keeping people off the streets turn out to have been flawed, and many states and cities that have adopted it haven’t made any progress. Serious programs should expect more of the homeless “than mere survival.”
HedonistForever's Avatar
Joe Biden, protector of Demcracy just said "this is to important to be left up to the "whims" of the people right now".

Whims? You mean opinions that every voter is entitled to?

Right now? Right now is not a good time for Democracy, one person one vote?

What the hell are they afraid of if indeed the "majority", as the left will tell you wants to keep Roe, then if it is put to a vote of the people, they would vote to keep Roe, right? So let's put it to a vote of the people.

I think Joe just caused heads to explode AGAIN, when talking about the topic of abortion, Biden used the word "child", an absolute no-no in the abortion book. I can show you on page one where it says, never, ever refer to the cells, as a child. Nothing will end our cause faster than getting people to say child when they discuss abortion.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
you believed the OPINION of the radical left. you still believe the radical far left.

the facts say otherwise. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
He almost raped and killed her. Until the witness interrupted. I believe her. Period.

Reeks of desperation. With the court's conservative majority, there is no honor or decorum. The pubic hair bandit, the idiot who doesn't know the freezing point temperature, the unholy "holier than thou" skanky Catholic schoolgirl, the chief who doesn't know what side he's on, the one everyone forgets is on the court.

Yes, I said so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He almost raped and killed her. Until the witness interrupted. I believe her. Period.

Reeks of desperation. With the court's conservative majority, there is no honor or decorum. The pubic hair bandit, the idiot who doesn't know the freezing point temperature, the unholy "holier than thou" skanky Catholic schoolgirl, the chief who doesn't know what side he's on, the one everyone forgets is on the court.

Yes, I said so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

"But by that time, Kavanaugh was attending Yale, so Ford’s recasting of the attack to the summer of 1982 is suspect."

so .. Occam's razor .. is Kavanaugh's penis long enough to "long distance" fuck Blasey Ford from Good Old Yale or she's a lying slunt?!3e0

eccieuser9500's Avatar

This Article is the first to document or analyze Thomas’s environmental experience and ideology in any depth. Drawing on never-before-cited archival materials, it argues that Thomas’s environmental work was key to the development of his conservative political and judicial philosophy. As a young man, Thomas was fairly liberal; he grew more conservative precisely because of his experiences at Monsanto—a pioneer in anti-environmental lobbying and litigation—and then as a Senate aide, where he relentlessly lobbied his boss on behalf of corporate interests, including Monsanto’s. Archival materials document a clear through-line, connecting Monsanto’s fierce opposition to government scrutiny to Thomas’s legislative work and subsequent judging. As a Justice, Thomas has displayed a profound faith in the expertise and importance of untrammeled private enterprise and a deep skepticism of the administrative state.

Bayer Faces Roundup Weedkiller Trial Featuring Ex-Monsanto CEO’s Testimony

Grant’s turn on the witness stand comes as Bayer officials await the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on whether to hear its appeal in a Roundup case that could help the company fend off thousands of future suits.

Bayer -- which already set aside more than $11 billion to resolve Roundup suits -- is ready to add another $4.5 billion if the high court refuses to review a $25 million award to a California plaintiff.

It wants the justices to find federal herbicide regulations trump state regulatory requirements. The company’s lawyers believe such a ruling would go a long way to dissuading future Roundup suits.

The case is Shelton v. Monsanto, 1816-CV17026, Missouri District Court for the 16th Judicial District (Kansas City).

No honor.

Fake nerd.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
"But by that time, Kavanaugh was attending Yale, so Ford’s recasting of the attack to the summer of 1982 is suspect."

so .. Occam's razor .. is Kavanaugh's penis long enough to "long distance" fuck Blasey Ford from Good Old Yale or she's a lying slunt?!3e0

BAAHHAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This video is so it's easy for you to remember. I could have cited the study the video does. But Conservatives and Science don't mix - like two dicks and no chicks.

Defending rapists. Both of them. Your mother must be so damn proud.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The only details Ford seems to remember are ones that are damaging to Kavanaugh. She remembers what he allegedly did and that he was drunk, and says she had the good judgment to only have one drink. But Ford seemingly does not remember how she got to the party in question, how she got home, where it was or when it was.... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What was the name of the older college gal pal that testified or wanted to anyway. She said she would come home from college to attend the high schooler parties, which she characterized as known rape parties. Then she admitted she attend ten of them regularly. Frankly, she was the only witness that made Ms Hippocampus, aka Four Door Ford, almost vaguely half-credible.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I was responding to some nitwit who said 70% of Americans would support an abortion ban. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't care much what folk from NYC, NJ or California think or do. They all have an exit tax, I believe. To me that sounds like a prison planet. Just lock the door and toss the key
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What was the name of the older college gal pal that testified or wanted to anyway. She said she would come home from college to attend the high schooler parties, which she characterized as known rape parties. Then she admitted she attend ten of them regularly. Frankly, she was the only witness that made Ms Hippocampus, aka Four Door Ford, almost vaguely half-credible. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I was looking for it. I'm not sure if she actually testified. I kind of remember who you are talking about. There was a letter submitted for the record by that friend. I think. Did not find her name.

But I like to research shit like that for fun. Just don't care too much right now. I watched a lot of the confirmation hearings when I had a second shift gig.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Pucker up buttercup. He'll be kissing some ass, including his own, while working at Starbucks. If they want to find charges, they will. Just as a side thought, he's jacking with our country and we should have a say in his fate.

Third world imports turning the US into the third world.

Originally Posted by texassapper
What lives?

Is an egg a chicken? Originally Posted by WTF
That's a stupid statement. First of all you never have cracked an egg and a chicken fetus was inside. Secondly the eggs you buy at the store aren't even fertilized. Thirdly Aborted human fetuses aren't used as food. Last but certainly not least Aborted fetuses are typically quite developed and quite often even the sex can be determined. This idea that an abortion is just a mass of cells is total bullshit. Just because a fetus isn't independent from his or her mother doesn't mean it isn't alive and destroying it goes against human nature.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I was looking for it. I'm not sure if she actually testified. I kind of remember who you are talking about. There was a letter submitted for the record by that friend. I think. Did not find her name.

But I like to research shit like that for fun. Just don't care too much right now. I watched a lot of the confirmation hearings when I had a second shift gig. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You might be right about her not testifying. There were a couple that didn't. But her story probably made the interviewers roll their eyes and chuckle

Ok, so you say they were known rape parties?
How many did you attend?
About ten or so
How often did you attend?
one or two a month
You were 21 yrs old or older?
And they were all in high school?

Yeah, pretty sure she did not testify at trial
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's a stupid statement. First of all you never have cracked an egg and a chicken fetus was inside. Secondly the eggs you buy at the store aren't even fertilized. Thirdly Aborted human fetuses aren't used as food. Last but certainly not least Aborted fetuses are typically quite developed and quite often even the sex can be determined. This idea that an abortion is just a mass of cells is total bullshit. Just because a fetus isn't independent from his or her mother doesn't mean it isn't alive and destroying it goes against human nature. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Leaving the carrier to die is universally unnatural. She is most important. To reproduce again. If she can.