Ladies, what are your two biggest client problems?

Thanks for the answer, Dharma, as far as taking a shower goes, sometimes you have to after a drive and the provider appreciates it, but it should not last more than 4-5 minutes, and the same time as a shower after activities. But, after the greeting, getting undressed, showering, and drying off before and then the showering, drying off and getting dressed after, leaves about 40-45 minutes of BCD time of the hour I paid for if I am lucky, given that the provider only will let me stay for an hour of real time. IMO, a provider should make allowances for the other necessary activities before and after BCD time. If he is late, that is his fault, even it it wasn't directly on him. If it is the provider's fault that the session does not start on time for whatever reason, she still needs to provide the full hour regardless of other appointments after that. If he does not want a shortened session or she cannot dedicate the extra time, reschedule.

I knew that there would not be much if any response from other providers were not going to answer, especially the FS providers because if their answer is the former, clients are going to want them to live up to what they say, if they answer the latter, they might stand to lose business knowing that guys will see her as a clockwatcher. So, the providers avoid the question and let a guy find out on his own that more times than naught, it is the latter answer.
Dave, it goes without saying that if an appointment starts late because of the provider, then the provider needs to fix it and give the client a full session. Of course, starting on time is best. Respect for eachother's time is paramount and I think you'll find that most seasoned providers have few, if any issues. We have the experience to wrangle clients and manage our time effectively. There will occasionally be that one instance that goes beyond our control but those are rare. I apologize for my single paragraph writing. Having issues with my browser but I'll have it sorted soon. Thank you, grammar nazi's, for your forbearance.
That's a good question. It's easy for me because I'm a massage provider and the time starts when your appointment time starts. I generally have my hands on you for 50 minutes or so of your hour. It's your hour to do with as you like but most clients want as much time on the table as possible. If a clients wants to freshen up, let me know ahead of time so that I can make allowances for that. I recently had a client who arrived late, then informed me that he wanted to shower, ok, went over by asking for just a little of this and that and after I told him we'd gone over and I had ladies coming in for henna, he decided to take another shower. A long shower. My next appointment arrived on time and left because I wasn't yet ready to receive them. I lost that money and received damage to my reputation. My time starts when your appointment does. I pad my appointments and leave about a half hour to 45 minutes between appointments. If we go over because of me, it's my gift to you and I'll say so. If a client goes that far over out of inconsideration and then doesn't pay for it, I'm not inclined to book them again. Then there's my personal favourite. I was seeing a client for another provider and he paid me less claiming to pay more, the rest next time. There won't be a next time. I apologize for taking the long way around to answer your question. Originally Posted by Dharma
I had a provider put it to me this way and I've played roughly by this rule-of-thumb ever since.

You got 60 mins: 15 mins for chat and feel each other out, 30 mins of fun activities, then 15 mins of cool down and clean-up and out the door + or - 5 mins of scheduled end time.

You got 30 mins: Down to business within 5 mins, 10 to 15 mins of fun, 5 to 10 mins of clean up and out the door + or - 3 mins from end time. Usually best after at least one or two prior 60 mins sessions.

You got 90 mins +: Allows for tease time, drinks and longer chat 20 to 25 mins, Multiple fun activities (MSOG) including breaks 45 to 60 mins, longer cool down, massage and clean up 15 to 30 mins. Scale it up according to minutes over 90.

Anyway, that sounded pretty reasonable to me. I've never done a 15 min BNG. Not sure how that works. I might have to do a new thread and ask about it. ;-)
LovingKayla's Avatar
What?! You guys do bad things that irritate providers? Say it aint so!! Everything you do is perfect and wonderful.
cinderbella's Avatar

I have learned to only accept clients that I would have personal respect for, outside of the hobby. I am not interested in guys who are not interested in returning, even if that may only be once a year due to where they live. For me, if I sense the guy is a tool then I do not want him to be coming back for more and it's just best not to see them at all. I will take peace of mind over money any day of the week.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
This is all great news. I have been making a running tally here and according to my calculations I am officially the best client in the whole wide world ever since the beginning of time, Amen.

I have never haggled or requested a special, even if I see an advertised special I still hand over normal rate. I won't even ask for a repeat customer rate if it turns into a regularl thing.

I always take a shower and wash my balls and ass before I leave home and just for the ladies sake I do it all over again when I reach incall so she knows I'm fresh. So there is never a chance you will end up with a dookie streak on your comforter

I don't go for SS and I'm not intrested in putting my dick anywhere near a vagina without a condom on it. (Real life or hobby)

I have not even once NCNS, and to be honest I can't even remember having to ever call and cancel an appointment

I don't want anything to do with a lady once our appointment is over. And you won't hear from me again unless I want to see you again. I don't care how many kids you have, if you have a boyfriend or not or where you are from. These are things that are none of my business and I don't want to know.

I am an awesome time keeper. I know exactly how long an hour is and I can guess it within about a 5 or 10 minute window without even looking at a clock. And get this, if I get a nut in 30 or 40 minutes I'm out of there early. I don't want to hang around and cuddle or chat and get to know you better. You just get paid for the unused time.

If I was a provider I would fuck my brains out just for knowing my role and having my shit together and not being an asshat.